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Goku Baby03

Goku, found alone by Grandpa Gohan

Goku was named Kakarot at birth by his father Bardock. In the manga, Kakarot was born on Planet Vegeta three years before its destruction, while in the anime he was born shortly before the destruction of the planet. When Frieza destroyed Planet Vegeta, Kakarot survived as he was being sent to Earth on a routine infiltration mission to destroy all life on the planet in order to sell it. After landing on Earth, the young Saiyan was found in the woods by an old man named Gohan and became his adopted grandson. Grandpa Gohan names him "Son Goku".

Jaco the Galactic Patrolman

Main article: Dragon Ball Minus: The Departure of the Fated Child


Goku in Dragon Ball Minus

Kakarot had been inside his incubation chamber for three years since his birth when his father Bardock and his mother Gine decide to release him. Bardock makes the decision to send Kakarot away to Earth in an Attack Ball since he is worried about Frieza's ambitions. Frieza destroys Planet Vegeta a month after Kakarot has been sent away. Days later after being sent to Earth, Kakarot lands in Mount Paozu.

While there, he is found by an elderly man, Gohan. He takes him in and feeds the newly found alien. Kakarot is eating when he is given the name "Son Goku". While Kakarot seems somewhat placated by the food, Grandpa Gohan notes his lack of manners as he stands upon the table to eat rather than sit in the nearby empty chair. It is also implied by Grandpa Gohan's statements that the two briefly fought when they first met, though Grandpa Gohan was apparently able to prevail, due to him being a more experienced martial artist than the young low class Saiyan.

Between Jaco and Dragon Ball

At first, Goku was extremely violent and ill-tempered, not obeying Gohan at all, but one day he fell down a deep ravine and hit his head, suffering severe head trauma that sent him into a coma and very nearly killed him and caused him to suffer long-term amnesia. After he woke up, he had lost all of his Saiyan aggression due to not remembering his mission, becoming a kind and mild-mannered young boy.[1] His Grandpa Gohan taught him martial arts and told him about such things as the city and people, as they lived in a very remote place in Mount Paozu, with no communication with other people.


Grandpa Gohan helping Goku to recover from his head injury

Gohan one day discovered Goku's full moon transformation, and thus told him to never look at the full moon. However, one-night Goku did, and he transformed into a Great Ape, causing him to unknowingly kill Gohan. After his grandpa's death, Goku stayed at his home, carrying out his daily life of survival. From a young age, Goku developed a prediction that his birth parents abandoned him in the mountains as a baby, leaving him for Grandpa Gohan to discover.[2]

Dragon Ball

Emperor Pilaf Saga

Main article: Emperor Pilaf Saga

"Besides my grandpa, you're the only human being I've ever seen."
— Goku when he first met Bulma in "The Secret of the Dragon Balls"

Goku meeting Bulma

Goku first meeting Bulma

Goku is introduced in the Dragon Ball manga and anime at 12 years of age[3] (initially, he claims to be 14,[2] but it is later clarified during the Tournament Saga that this is because Goku had trouble counting), as a young boy living in obscurity on Mount Paozu. Goku owns the Power Pole and the four-star Dragon Ball, inheritances from his grandfather. One day, after doing his daily chores, Goku is hit by a car when on his way home after catching a Giant Fish. Having never seen a car before, he assumes it is a monster attacking him. When the driver shoots Goku with a gun, she becomes scared after seeing that it hardly does any damage and surrenders, revealing herself to be a Human girl, named Bulma. Goku states that he has never seen a girl before and that the only human he has seen in his life is his deceased grandfather.[2]

Goku takes Bulma to his house, where she ends up discovering his four-star Dragon Ball. However, Goku does not want Bulma touching it since it is precious to him, so Bulma decides to let Goku to join her on a quest to collect all seven Dragon Balls to summon the Dragon, not revealing to him that the Dragon Balls would be scattered across the Earth once they succeeded.[4] Later that night, when camping in Bulma's Capsule House, Goku is introduced to various technology such as Television, lights and even a bath.


Goku first meeting Master Roshi and given the Flying Nimbus

Early the next morning, Goku is surprised when he learns a bit about the anatomy of women after he takes Bulma's underwear off while she is sleeping.[5] Later that morning, Goku meets Turtle, whom he decides to take back to the ocean, forcing Bulma to come along. After defeating a Bear Thief who wants to eat the turtle, they make it to the beach, where he meets his future master, the turtle hermit, Master Roshi.[6] When the turtle hermit meets them, he rewards Goku with a flying cloud called the Flying Nimbus, that only allows people of pure heart to ride it, with which Goku has no difficulty. Bulma also receives the three-star Dragon Ball out of this, in exchange for showing the old horn-dog her underwear (however, she is actually nude, because Goku had pulled them off the night before).[6]


Goku vs. Yamcha

Three days later, Goku and Bulma end up in Aru Village, which is under control by an evil shapeshifter named Oolong, who kidnaps the villagers' daughters.[7] After Goku fails to impersonate Pochawompa in an attempt to find the location of Oolong's hideout, he decides to face Oolong head on. After chasing him outside the village, Goku manages to capture him, forcing Oolong to give the villagers back their daughters. Afterward, they are rewarded the six star Dragon Ball and Oolong is forced to join Goku and Bulma on their quest.[7] While crossing the Diablo Desert on their way to Fire Mountain, Goku fights a bandit named Yamcha, who is friends with a former classmate of Oolong, named Puar.[8] Goku and Yamcha have a duel, and Yamcha is surprised when Goku brings out his Power Pole, learning that he is the grandson of the legendary martial artist, Gohan. After nearly losing to Yamcha's Wolf Fang Fist due to hunger, Bulma awakens, causing Yamcha to flee due to of his fear of women. Later that night, Goku and the others stay the night in Oolong's House-Wagon, where Goku tells Oolong about the Dragon Balls while Yamcha and Puar hide outside and listen, also learning of the mystical spheres.[9] The next morning, Goku fights Yamcha again after he destroys the House-Wagon and attempts to rob them. Goku knocks out his opponent's tooth and Yamcha, in a false display of apology, gives them a car that secretly has a tracking device for him to follow them.[9]

"Amazing... in a day he's learned a move that took me 50 years to master..."
Master Roshi talking about Goku's first usage of the Kamehameha in "The Kamehameha Wave"


Goku's first use of the Kamehameha

Two days later, the gang ends up at Fire Mountain, where Goku ends up fighting the Ox-King after he attempts to kill Bulma and Oolong.[10] After Goku summons the Flying Nimbus, the Ox-King stops fighting and tells Goku that the man who gave Goku that cloud is the same master that taught him. In an effort to douse the fire surrounding the Ox-King's castle at the top of the mountain, Goku is sent to retrieve the Bansho Fan from Master Roshi after picking up the Ox-King's daughter, Chi-Chi. When they arrive at Master Roshi's Island, he tells them that he accidentally threw the fan out and decides to come there himself and put out the flames. When they get back to Fire Mountain, Master Roshi uses a technique called the Kamehameha to put out the flames, unfortunately destroying the mountain as well.[11] Much to Master Roshi's surprise, Goku immediately imitates the wave and makes one big enough to destroy their car. While Bulma and Oolong find the Dragon Ball in the rubble, Master Roshi asks that Goku trains with him after finishing his quest for the Dragon Balls.


Great Ape Goku destroying Pilaf's Castle

On their way to the last Dragon Ball, they take a break at a town which is ruled by a gang known as the Rabbit Mob.[12] While there, Goku and Bulma get into trouble with the Rabbit Mob, but Goku defeats their leader, Monster Carrot with the help of Yamcha. When they get back on the road, they are attacked by a robot piloted by Shu, who steals five of their Dragon Balls. Luckily, though, Goku insists on keeping his four-star ball with him instead of with the rest of the Dragon Balls.[13] Yamcha gives them a lift to Pilaf's Castle to get them back. However, once they arrive, they get locked in a room filled with sleeping gas, where Goku's four-star Dragon Ball is stolen.[14]


Goku leaves to explore the world alone

When they wake up, Emperor Pilaf summons Shenron and tries to use the wish to rule the world, but his plan is foiled when Oolong interferes and wishes for a pair of panties after getting out from a small hole made by Goku's Kamehameha.[15] After trying to escape, the gang is placed into a special cell that will fry them when the sun comes out. Goku ends up looking at the full moon that night, causing him to turn into a Great Ape and destroy the cell along with the rest of Pilaf's castle. Seeing Goku out of control in the ape form, Yamcha grabs Goku's tail and has Puar turn into a pair of scissors to cut Goku's tail off, causing him to revert to his normal form. The next morning, Oolong begins to speculate that Goku is not a human, raising the question of whether he is "some kinda space alien."[16] Declining the offer of his new friends to come with them to West City, Goku bids them goodbye to train with Roshi. While flying off on the Nimbus, Goku cheerfully says the world is an amazing place.

Tournament Saga

Main article: Tournament Saga After finishing his quest for the Dragon Balls, Goku leaves Bulma and the others in order to train with Master Roshi. Roshi agrees to train Goku, but only if he finds him a pretty girl.[17] After failing to bring him a decent girl, another wannabe student named Krillin arrives on the island, also wanting to train under Roshi, and assists Goku. After Goku fights off some Police officers, while Krillin cowers behind him, they finally return with a girl with a split personality named Launch.[18]


Goku and Krillin training with Master Roshi

Satisfied with Launch, Roshi then brings Goku and Krillin to his special Training Island to train them.[19] They are put through very strange training that seems like it has nothing to do with martial arts, such as milk delivering to increase stamina, construction work for strength, swimming away from killer sharks, dodging bee stings, all while wearing very heavy Turtle Shells.[20] After the hard work, the two develop into two of the most powerful fighters on Earth. The huge boulder Roshi showed the boys much earlier they could not push, they can now push, much to Roshi's surprise. After eight months of training, Roshi brings them to Papaya Island to compete in the 21st World Martial Arts Tournament to test their training.[21] Upon their arrival, Goku is reunited with his friends Bulma, Yamcha, Oolong and Puar. Goku gets through the elimination rounds easily without even trying (even he is surprised at his remarkable new power) and makes it to the main tournament.[22]


Goku vs. Jackie Chun in the final round

In the tournament, he is put up against a Gira named Giran in the quarterfinals. Goku struggles with the beast when he is trapped in Giran's Merry-Go-Round Gum, but his tail grows back causing him to break free and win the match, with Giran forfeiting from being scared of the young boy's power.[23] In the semifinals he is put up against a warrior named Nam. Goku and Nam take the battle into the air, and each is almost knocked off the ring. Just before Goku is knocked out by Nam's Cross Arm Dive, Goku dodges and kicks him out of the ring.[24] In the final round Goku battles with defending Champion Jackie Chun (really Master Roshi in disguise).[25] During the battle, Goku turns back into a Great Ape and starts destroying the stadium. Jackie Chun who cannot leave the arena because they are still fighting destroys the Moon to revert Goku to his normal form.[26] The two continue their match, both losing their energy at a rapid rate. Goku ends up losing the match and learns that he should always continue to train because there are always people out there who are more powerful.[27]

Red Ribbon Army Saga

Main articles: Red Ribbon Army Saga, General Blue Saga, and Commander Red Saga


Goku vs. Colonel Silver

After coming runner up in the World Martial Arts Tournament, Goku is told by Master Roshi that he should go out and see the world, and Goku decides that he will use this opportunity to search of his grandfather's Four-Star Dragon Ball.[28] At the beginning of his quest he helps save Nam's Village by accompanying him to Giran's Village in order to get the river flowing again.[28] After completing this task, he decides to go skinny dipping in an oasis where he gets his Dragon Radar stolen by a homeless kid that sells it to an Antique Store in a nearby town. Once Goku gets there and gets his radar back, he confronts Emperor Pilaf, who is holding the four-star Dragon Ball. After chasing Pilaf to his flying fortress, Goku receives the ball finding out that it is fake.[29] While following the radar's signal he ends up meeting back up with Chi-Chi who had a wedding prepared for them.[30] Goku and Chi-Chi quickly go together back to the Ox-King's Village to find that an organization called the Red Ribbon Army has attacked.[31] Goku and Chi-Chi fight off the troops until they fled. Goku leaves Chi-Chi and the Ox-King in a hurry to go and chase them. He ends up in the Desert where he gets into Pilaf's flying fortress while the Red Ribbon Army was attacking it. After Pilaf's fortress is destroyed, Goku is caught in the explosion and wakes up in a forest where he meets a family of monkeys. After Goku finds the Dragon Ball, he battles Colonel Silver, who destroyed his Flying Nimbus. Goku easily defeats Silver and knocks him out with his tail.[32]


Goku attacks the Muscle Tower

After seeing that the Dragon Ball he found was not his grandfather's Four-Star Ball, he has one of the army's auto pilot droids fly him to the next Dragon Ball. The plane crashes when the droid freezes, and Goku freezes, unable to move.[33] He is then taken to Jingle Village by a girl named Suno. When he awakens, he hears that the Red Ribbon Army is there as well. Goku goes to their closest base known as Muscle Tower. Once he gets in he easily takes out three soldiers and then battles an android known as Major Metallitron.[34] Goku wins the battle when Metallitron's batteries die and proceeds to the next floor where he fights the Ninja Murasaki. Goku easily defeats Murasaki and humiliates him, an example when Murasaki lands on Goku's Power Pole. Goku proves to be a difficult match for Murasaki and even his brothers, so he resorts to releasing Android 8.[35] Android 8 ends up befriending Goku instead of fighting him because he dislikes violence, allowing Goku to reach the top of Muscle Tower. General White, the commander of the tower resorts to having his pet monster Buyon eat them, but the creature gets frozen and destroyed. General White is defeated and Goku saves the Jingle Village Chief while obtaining another Dragon Ball that Android 8 was hiding from the army.


Goku stopping Hasky from stealing the Dragon Balls

Goku finds out from one of the village elders that his nimbus still works and decides to go to West City to have Bulma fix his Dragon Radar that broke. Goku arrives at Bulma's house, Capsule Corporation, and has her fix the radar. Bulma then decides to join Goku on his quest for his Dragon Ball using her new invention the Micro Band. While still in the city Goku meets back up with Yamcha, Oolong, and Puar. They decide to spend the day in the new theme park Dream Land, where they were stalked by a thief hired by the Red Ribbon Army, named Hasky. After being tricked by her she tries to get away with Goku's two Dragon Balls, but he captures her and gets them back.[36]

Blue vs Goku

Goku vs. General Blue

Goku and Bulma travel to the site of the next Dragon Ball which was located at the bottom of the sea. Not having a submarine, Goku and Bulma obtain one from Master Roshi who has Krillin join them. Under the ocean, they find a Pirate Cave, where they are chased by the Red Ribbon Army's strongest operative, General Blue.[37] Goku defeated a Pirate Robot and a giant octopus named Octopapa while Krillin and Bulma were being attacked by Blue. Goku arrives to save them, but Goku is stunned by General Blue's telekinesis. Goku was able to break free when a mouse scares Blue. While the cave began to collapse, Goku quickly grabbed the Dragon Ball and saved his mouse friend and barely escaped with Bulma and Krillin in an old submarine they found. When they arrived back at Kame House, General Blue arrives and uses his telekinesis to tie everybody up and steal the Dragon Balls along with putting a bomb on the island to kill them. Luckily, Launch returned and set Goku free to get rid of the bomb and chase Blue.[38]


Goku in Penguin Village

Goku ends up chasing General Blue to Gengoro Island, where he crashes in a strange town named Penguin Village.[39] While there Goku meets Arale Norimaki and the Gatchans who try to help Goku look for General Blue and the Dragon Balls. Arale introduces Goku to Taro and Akane who seemed interested in his flying nimbus. Goku searched through Penguin Village and asked many of the residents if they have seen General Blue. Arale takes Goku to her house to have Senbei fix his radar. While at the Norimaki house, General Blue shows up to steal Senbei's plane and fights Goku again. While using his telekinesis again on Goku, Arale surprises Goku by easily defeating him and headbutts General Blue far away. While Goku got his Dragon Balls back, he got his Dragon Radar stolen by Blue. Senbei's son, Turbo uses his powers to create him a new one with parts from Senbei's plane so he can continue his quest.[40]


Goku vs. Mercenary Tao

Goku's next location was the Sacred Land of Korin where he defeats Captain Yellow and finally retrieves his four-star Dragon Ball.[41] There, he meets two of the lands natives, a powerful warrior named Bora and his son Upa. Seeing that their best soldiers had failed against Goku, the Red Ribbon Army turned to the world's deadliest assassin, Mercenary Tao, to kill him.[42] Tao arrives to Goku's location and murders Bora with ease. Goku then attacks him. Goku loses against Tao in the battle against his Dodon Ray but survived because the four star ball in his shirt blocked the full force of the blast.[43] While Tao decides to stay in a town for a couple of days, Goku decides to climb Korin Tower to get the Sacred Water of Korin.[44] When he gets to the top, it takes Goku three days to snatch it from him. Goku drinks the water, yet does not feel any different, which Korin explained was not that the water made him stronger, but the training to try and get to it made him stronger. When Tao returns, Goku comes back and defeats him in battle by kicking one of Tao's grenades back at him, thrown after he pretended to give up.[45]

"But I did attack the Red Ribbon Army. I beat the whole bunch and I managed to get six of the Dragon Balls."
— Goku telling his friends he defeated the Red Ribbon Army in "The End of Commander Red"


Goku attacks the Red Ribbon Army Headquarters

Feeling sad for Upa who lost his father to Tao, Goku decides that he will defeat the entire Red Ribbon Army and gather the Dragon Balls to bring his father back to life.[46] Goku travels to the main Red Ribbon Army Headquarters to defeat them.[47] While Goku is taking out several of the soldiers, Staff Officer Black kills Commander Red after learning that he just wants to be tall and not achieve world domination. Goku fights Black who uses a battle robot, Goku kills him defeating the entire army and gathering six of the Dragon Balls. When Goku leaves the base, he sees all of his friends just outside of it ready to help him, but Goku tells them he already defeated them, greatly surprising everyone.[48]

Fortuneteller Baba Saga

Main article: Fortuneteller Baba Saga

"I'm so happy to see you grandpa! I've missed you so much!"
— Goku when seeing Grandpa Gohan again in "True Colors of the Masked Man"


Goku vs. Grandpa Gohan

After Goku's victory against the Red Ribbon Army, he is still missing one more Dragon Ball to revive Bora, but for some reason, Bulma's Dragon Radar cannot locate it. Roshi tells Goku about his older sister Baba who can find anything.[49] Goku sets out to Fortuneteller Baba's Palace with Yamcha, Krillin, Upa and Puar. Baba turns out to not be so generous, forcing them to fight her five strongest warriors to get their request.[50] The first two warriors are taken care of by Goku's friends, but Yamcha is defeated by the third warrior, Bandages the Mummy.[51] Goku, the team's last fighter, takes him out along with the fourth fighter, Spike the Devil Man in Devil's Toilet.[52] After that, Goku is put up against the fifth fighter, who seems very familiar to Goku and Roshi (who had joined the group as a spectator). The mysterious fighter ruthlessly whips Goku around by his tail until it simply rips off. Goku then wins the fight, and the fifth fighter is revealed to be his Grandpa Gohan, who was brought back from the Other World for a day.[53] Baba reveals the Dragon Ball to be in a case Emperor Pilaf has. Goku confronts Pilaf in his new robot fused with Shu and Mai's robots and easily defeats them.[54] With all the Dragon Balls in his power, Goku calls Shenron and revives Bora. After the wish is granted, Goku grabs the four-star ball before the others scatter.[55]

Goku prepares for the next World Martial Arts Tournament by going out into the world and training himself by the request of Master Roshi. Goku ends up meeting a girl named Chao and saves her village from two bandits known as Terror and Plague. He later stumbles into a city where he meets Chin Taiken, the master of the Chin-Star School and defeats Sky Dragon, the master of the Panther-Fang School for the title of Master of Martial Arts. Goku goes to Demon Land and saves Princess Misa from Shula with the help of Gola and Melee. Goku later chases after a monster named InoShikaCho that he later finds out is working with two martial artists named Tien Shinhan and Chiaotzu in scamming villages. Goku saves InoShikaCho when Tien and Chiaotzu betray him and with the help of Tanmen, he convinces everyone that he is good. After three years are up, Goku begins his travel to Papaya Island but gets a little delayed when his new friend Konkichi gets into trouble with a gang.

Tien Shinhan Saga

Main article: Tien Shinhan Saga


Goku defeating King Chappa

By the time the 22nd World Martial Arts Tournament starts, Goku is 15 years old (though he still looks younger than 10).[56] Goku's strongest opponent is Tien Shinhan, a warrior trained by Master Roshi's nemesis, Master Shen - the Crane Hermit. Like Yamcha, Puar and Oolong before them, Tien, along with his best friend Chiaotzu, will eventually side with Goku. In the preliminaries, Goku is set up against a champion from a previous World Tournament, King Chappa.[57] Goku easily defeats him, and then goes on to defeat Pamput, a famous movie star, in the quarterfinals.[58] In the semifinals Goku is set up against his best friend Krillin and defeats him after a fierce battle.[59]


Goku vs. Tien in the final round

Goku moves on to fight Tien and his Crane School style in the final round.[60] Midway during the match, Goku is repeatedly paralyzed and pinned down by Chiaotzu and his Telekinesis technique, at the orders of Master Shen. After Goku is freed from Chiaotzu's Telekinesis, the match continues as normal until Tien decides to use the Tri-Beam attack to destroy the stage. In mid-air, Goku knocks out Tien by using a Kamehameha to swiftly propel himself into Tien's stomach. Falling at the same rate, Goku hits the ground first after crashing into a van, leaving Tien as the Tournament winner.[61]

King Piccolo Saga

Main article: King Piccolo Saga

"It's time for your terror to end!!!"
— Goku towards King Piccolo (Funimation dub)


Goku finds Krillin dead

Right after the conclusion of the 22nd World Martial Arts Tournament, King Piccolo appears in the scene. Goku accidentally left his belongings behind and when Krillin went to pick them up at the area, he is killed by Tambourine, one of King Piccolo's mutated sons.[62] Goku becomes angry, and chases after him through the skies, but still being fatigued from the tournament, Goku is defeated by Tambourine and his Flying Nimbus is destroyed.[63] While trying to recover in the wilderness, Goku sees a giant fish and eats it, which belonged to a samurai named Yajirobe, who has a Dragon Ball.[64] Cymbal, another one of Piccolo's sons, is sent to get the Dragon Ball, but is killed by Yajirobe with his sword.[65]


Goku meets Yajirobe

After sensing Cymbal's death, Piccolo orders Tambourine to find his killer. Upon seeing Tambourine again, Goku finally destroys him.[66] King Piccolo feels this and arrives at Goku and Yajirobe's location, Yajirobe's Prairie. Soon after King Piccolo appears, he fights Goku. Goku knocks him down a couple of times. It is then revealed that Piccolo was holding back on his power, and then he swiftly defeats Goku with his Masenko attack, causing Goku's heart to stop for a short time. Piccolo then takes the Dragon Ball Yajirobe gave to Goku. Yajirobe takes Goku to Korin Tower to help him recover.[67]

Meanwhile, Tien, Master Roshi, and Chiaotzu try to stop King Piccolo from gathering the Dragon Balls but fail and the latter two die in the attempt.[68] King Piccolo calls Shenron and wishes for his youth to be restored, giving him the power, he once had. King Piccolo then destroys Shenron, and goes on to King Furry's palace, in an attempt to rule the world.[69]


Goku drinking the Ultra Divine Water

Once Goku is healed, he heads out on a quest to find the Ultra Divine Water, a sacred liquid that unleashes the drinker's hidden powers if they have any, or kills them.[70] Goku drinks the water and survives, then heads off to King Furry's castle where he finds King Piccolo's newest son, Drum assaulting Tien Shinhan.[71] Goku steps in and defeats Drum, knocking his eyeballs out with one kick, and challenges King Piccolo to a battle.[72] Goku overpowers King Piccolo, even throwing him into the castle. King Piccolo eventually goes to full power, despite it shortening his lifespan, but still cannot defeat Goku. King Piccolo fires his signature attack, the Explosive Demon Wave, at Goku, but Tien saves him by flying into the sky, but Goku's leg is broken. Towards the end of the fight, King Piccolo uses Tien as a hostage, attempting to force Goku to surrender. Goku nearly resumes the fight despite the fact that Tien will die, thinking he could revive Tien with the Dragon Balls, until King Piccolo tells him he had destroyed Shenron. This leaves Goku at King Piccolo's mercy.[73]


Goku kills King Piccolo

Goku ends up with a broken arm and two broken legs as a result of Piccolo's onslaught. As King Piccolo takes to the skies for his final attack, Goku, full of rage over the fact that Krillin and Master Roshi are gone forever, launches himself at King Piccolo with the one arm he had left, punching a hole through his chest and killing him. Moments before King Piccolo's death, however, he manages to spit out an egg far off in the distance that contains his final son and reincarnation, Piccolo Jr. to avenge his death and spread evil across the planet.

Piccolo Jr. Saga

Main article: Piccolo Jr. Saga


Goku challenging Mr. Popo at Kami's Lookout

After Goku defeats King Piccolo, he goes to Korin Tower, where Korin tells him about the Lookout, and that Kami, being the one that created the Dragon Balls, may be able to revive Shenron.[74] At Kami's Lookout Goku overcomes Mr. Popo's challenge of speed, and Kami, the Guardian of Earth, brings the Dragon Balls back by giving new life to Shenron.[75] Using the Dragon Balls, Krillin, Chiaotzu and Master Roshi are resurrected.[76] In return, Kami asks Goku to train with him and Mr. Popo for the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament to defeat Piccolo Jr., who wants revenge on Goku for killing his father. Goku's training consists of defeating Mr. Popo, who proves to be stronger than King Piccolo and for Goku to face a doll version of himself as a way of conquering his own self. With deep meditation, being still like a rock, but faster than lightning, Goku endures the toughest training of his life. During or after the training, Goku's tail is permanently taken off for the third and final time by Kami, who then makes a wish to the Eternal Dragon for the return of the moon. At some point during this training, Goku trained in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber but was unable to last more than a month in it due to the intensity.

Goku vs Piccolo

Goku vs. Piccolo Jr. in the final round

Goku returns three years later at the age of 18 (possibly 19 due to spending a month in the Time Chamber), to meet up with his friends and join the tournament and grown into a young man that no one recognizes.[77] In the preliminaries, Goku is put up against King Chappa, who wants to avenge his loss from three years prior, but fails again.[78] In the quarterfinals Goku is matched up against an unknown female fighter who seems to know who Goku is, and knows the fighting style that Master Roshi teaches. After Goku defeats her, she reveals herself to be Chi-Chi, whom Goku had unknowingly promised to marry years before thinking marriage was a type of food. Before leaving the ring, Goku asks for her hand in marriage.[79]


Goku's final attack against Piccolo

In the semi-finals, Goku is put up against Tien Shinhan to settle the score from the last tournament. Goku and Tien seem to be even, until Goku removes his weighted clothing and becomes much faster, winning the match and leaving him against Piccolo Jr. in the final round.[80] Before the fight started, Piccolo had trapped Kami inside a bottle with the Evil Containment Wave technique and ate the bottle, putting Goku at a stalemate; if he kills Piccolo, Kami will die too. The fight goes on for a while, but when the word spreads that Piccolo Jr. is the son of King Piccolo, the crowd flees. Goku encourages Piccolo Jr. to transform into his Giant form, tricking him to fly into his mouth to retrieve the bottle Kami was in. Afterward, the stage is destroyed as they go into full battle. Goku seems to be doing quite well against Piccolo, using the Meteor Combination rush, seemingly knocking him out, but Piccolo blasts a hole in Goku's shoulder, seriously handicapping him. Piccolo then makes sure Goku has no arms or legs to use, saying he will not make the same mistake his father did, letting Goku have one free arm to kill him with in the end. As Goku is about to die, he discovers how to fly and uses that energy to avoid one of Piccolo's attacks. He then finishes Piccolo off with the last amount of energy he has left with a full force headbutt to the chest giving Piccolo a ring out, thus giving Goku his first and only Tournament win. After Goku is declared victor, he gives Piccolo Jr. a Senzu Bean to keep Kami alive and give himself a good rival.[81]

Chichi 20goku 20married

Goku and Chi-Chi get married

After Goku defeats Piccolo Jr., he travels with Chi-Chi to the Ox-King's Village to prepare for their wedding.[82] But fire erupts at the castle, trapping the Ox-King inside the flames. Goku and Chi-Chi travel to find the Bansho Fan that Master Roshi once threw away in order to put out the fire.[83] When they find it, they are forced to fight Annin, a guardian of the border between the living world and the Other World. Goku defeats Annin and returns with the fan, which successfully extinguishes the fire. Goku and Chi-Chi get married, concluding the original Dragon Ball series.[84]


When Gohan was born, Goku, Chi-Chi, and Ox-King were trying think of a name for him. When they couldn't come up with a good name, Goku decided to go fishing but was yelled at by Chi-Chi and asks if Grandpa Gohan taught him any manners. All of a sudden, the baby starts to laugh, and they decided to name him in honor of Goku's adoptive grandfather.

Dragon Ball Z

Saiyan Saga

Main articles: Raditz Saga and Vegeta Saga

"That's enough! Even if it is true and I'm some kind of alien from another planet, or even if you really are my older brother, it doesn't matter, anyone who'd do the horrible things you say is no brother of mine! My name is Goku, and this is my home... and you're not welcome here!"
— Goku towards Raditz in "The Enemy is Goku's Brother?! The Secret of the Mighty Saiyan Warriors!"

Goku attackated be raditz

Goku defeated by Raditz

In the beginning of Dragon Ball Z, Goku is 24 years old and is still living at Mount Paozu in a newly-built house near his old house, with his wife Chi-Chi and their four-year-old son, Gohan.[85] After saving Gohan from falling down a waterfall, Goku drops by the Kame House with his son, to introduce him to Bulma, Master Roshi, and Krillin. All seems to be well, but suddenly, Goku senses a huge power nearby. The new threat arrives from space; Raditz, Goku's older brother. Raditz reveals to Goku his Saiyan heritage, and informs him that he was originally sent to Earth to destroy the planet's inhabitants and prepare it to be sold. Roshi even told Goku of how Gohan found his pod and Goku was a wild child but had forgotten about it due to his head injury as a baby.[1] When Goku refuses to carry out his forgotten mission, Raditz delivers a single kick to Goku's ribs, knocking him down, and kidnaps Gohan, giving Goku an ultimatum: Raditz will kill Gohan unless Goku kills one hundred humans within the next twenty-four hours, and leaves them on the beach.

To defeat Raditz and save the Earth, Krillin and Master Roshi offer to help, but Goku does not accept their request, due to the fact that if they die again, they cannot be brought back, since they have already been killed. Piccolo, who had been listening to Raditz's speech while hiding behind the Kame House, asks Goku to help him fight this new being, so they join forces.[86] When Piccolo and Goku find Raditz with Gohan locked up in his spacepod, Goku gives Raditz one last chance to free his son, but Raditz refuses. Goku and Piccolo both take off their weighted clothing to begin their fight. Even with their combined strength, Raditz still holds the upper hand. With the help of Gohan unleashing his inner powers to attack Raditz and weaken him, Goku and Piccolo come up with a plan to win.


Goku and Raditz killed by Piccolo's Special Beam Cannon

Goku makes the ultimate sacrifice by holding Raditz in place so Piccolo can kill him with the powerful Special Beam Cannon, which manages to kill both Raditz and Goku.[87] Just before he dies, however, Raditz informs Piccolo and Goku that two even more powerful Saiyans, Vegeta and Nappa are on their way to Earth and will arrive in one year. With Krillin by his side, Goku dies, and Kami takes him to Other World where King Yemma tells Goku to take Snake Way to the planet of King Kai for additional training to defeat the Saiyans.[88] During his journey, in filler, he encounters and escapes Princess Snake and even manages to escape Hell after accidentally falling off Snake Way.[89]


Goku running along Snake Way

When Goku finally makes it to King Kai's Planet, he mistakes King Kai's monkey, Bubbles, for the King himself, and he follows the monkey's actions until he meets the real King Kai. He is given ridiculous challenges before he starts his training, including having to tell King Kai a joke,[90] catching Bubbles,[91] and smashing his pet cricket, Gregory, on the head with a heavy hammer.[92] Due to the planet's higher gravity, which is 10x that of Earth's, Goku struggles with the challenges, but eventually completes them. After that, Goku masters several new techniques and increases his strength considerably.[93] His friends on Earth manage to wish him back to life using the seven Dragon Balls, but, due to a miscalculation on King Kai's part (he forgot to take into account the time it would take to get back) he still must travel back down Snake Way, which King Kai estimates will take about two days at Goku's current power level in order to reach Earth and join the battle against the Saiyans, which was already underway and going badly for the Z Fighters.[94]

"You're going down! I doubt I'll even have to use the Kaio-ken against you."
— Goku towards Nappa in "Farewell, Piccolo! Goku's Furious Counterattack!"


Goku defeats Nappa

By the time Goku arrives, Yamcha had been killed by a Saibaman, Chiaotzu had self-destructed in a failed attempt to kill Nappa, Tien Shinhan had killed himself by putting all his strength into a final but futile Spirit Tri-Beam, and Piccolo had sacrificed himself to save Gohan from a powerful attack launched by Nappa, which inadvertently killed Kami as well. Goku arrives on the scene, saving Gohan with the Nimbus Cloud from Nappa's power, and when he is informed by Krillin that everybody else has died in the battle, Goku goes in a rage, powering up, surprising Vegeta with his new power. Much to everyone's surprise, Goku had become powerful enough to defeat Nappa without much difficulty, avoiding Nappa's attacks, and taking Nappa's ultimate, the Break Cannon, head on without a problem. Vegeta Tells Nappa to stand down and tells Nappa to back down but before he does, he goes after Gohan and Krillin. When Nappa is about to kill Krillin and Gohan, Goku defeats him by using Kaio-ken Finish but Vegeta is the one who kills him at the end.[95]

"Maybe even a lower-class outcast can surpass an elite if he puts his mind to it!"
— Goku towards Vegeta in "The Power of Kaio-Ken! Goku vs. Vegeta!"


Goku vs. Vegeta

Knowing he will have to battle the more powerful Vegeta, Goku requests the move to an isolated location and Vegeta agrees. Before battling, Vegeta tries convincing Goku to join him, but Goku refuses because he is content on Earth. As the battle unfolds, they seem even. Vegeta gains the upper hand with even the Kaio-ken not working. Goku, in a desperate attempt, powers up to Kaio-ken times three, and overpowers Vegeta, causing Vegeta to go in a rage and attempt to destroy the planet with a Galick Gun. Goku's Kaio-ken Kamehameha and Vegeta's Galick Gun blasts collide, and Goku beats Vegeta in the Beam Struggle by going Kaio-ken times four, however, causing his body great pain. When Vegeta returns, he transforms into a Great Ape after using a Power Ball, as Goku realizes he transformed before and he is the one who killed his grandfather, and apologizes for it, hoping for forgiveness.


Goku uses Kaio-ken x3 against Vegeta

After a long battle, Vegeta is eventually defeated by Goku's Kaio-ken and Spirit Bomb techniques, and the timely intervention of his remaining companions Krillin, Gohan and Yajirobe.[96] However Goku had been brutally beaten to near death, with his legs getting crushed and broken by Vegeta in his Great Ape form. After the fight, Krillin attempts to take Vegeta's life using Yajirobe's Katana, but is stopped by Goku, who convinces him to spare his life to give him a second chance at changing his evil ways and hopes to have a rematch one day.[97] After the battle with Vegeta, Goku is severely injured (to the extent that even the act of orderlies changing bandages was more than enough for him to undergo severe screaming fits out of agony that were loud enough for people immediately outside the ER to hear him), and Korin is out of Senzu Beans, so Goku has to stay behind in Wukong Hospital with Chi-Chi while Gohan, Krillin, and Bulma go to planet Namek to find the Namekian Dragon Balls in order to revive their fallen friends.[98]

Frieza Saga

Main articles: Namek Saga, Captain Ginyu Saga, and Frieza Saga

"I am a Saiyan who was raised on Planet Earth... and in the name of every single Saiyan that you've made suffer... for them and all the people of Planet Namek too, I will defeat you!"
— Goku towards Frieza in "Defeat Frieza, Goku! The Tears of the Proud Saiyan Prince!"

After a few weeks in the hospital, Goku learns from Master Roshi that Gohan, Krillin and Bulma have run into trouble on Planet Namek: a fully healed Vegeta and the Frieza Force, whose leader is more powerful than Vegeta. Thankfully, Yajirobe delivers Korin's new batch of Senzu beans and gives one to Goku, which heals him completely. Goku then uses Dr. Brief's new spaceship, which he constructed from Goku's original Attack Ball, to travel to Namek as well.[99] During his six-day trip to Namek, Goku uses the ship's artificial gravity machine to train himself for his upcoming battles. He starts off at 20x Earth's gravity and eventually works his way up to 100x. However, King Kai advises him to steer clear of Frieza, claiming that he is the strongest being in the universe and that Goku would stand no chance against his evil might.[100]


Goku defeats Recoome


Goku struggling in Ginyu's injured body

Arriving on Namek, he senses Frieza and Captain Ginyu, noting on their power. Once again Goku enters a battle already in progress, this time saving Gohan, Krillin and Vegeta (who teamed up with the others) from the assault of Recoome, a member of Frieza's elite fighting squad, the Ginyu Force, who were called to dispose of the three.[101] Goku heals the three of them with Senzu Beans, and shows his new powers by defeating Recoome with one elbow to the stomach, and then takes on Burter and Jeice together. Goku fools them into thinking his power level is only 5,000, because Goku rose his power in only the instant he attacked or defended. After dodging Jeice and Burter's attacks, Goku then takes out Burter, but is taken by surprise by the leader of the Force, Captain Ginyu, who has the ability to switch bodies with anyone he sees fit.[102] After a little sparring, Goku powers up in front of Ginyu, with his power level scaring Ginyu and Jeice, as it was much higher than theirs. Critically injuring himself, Captain Ginyu then swaps bodies with the more powerful Goku but cannot fully control his new body and power.[103] Vegeta takes this chance to battle him, seriously injuring Goku's body. Goku manages to get his body back after intercepting a beam sent by Captain Ginyu to swap bodies with Vegeta.[104]


Goku vs. Frieza

Goku's body, worn out and beaten, uses a Medical Machine inside Frieza's Spaceship taking several hours to heal.[105] When he emerges, once again it is to join a battle in progress, where Vegeta meets his doom against Frieza. Goku hears Vegeta's tearful departing speech about the torture Frieza inflicted on Vegeta and the Saiyans, and buries Vegeta and gives his respects. In anger, he declares that he will defeat Frieza in the name of the Saiyans and Namekians he killed.[106] Goku and Frieza's battle begins, with Goku still having a decent amount of confidence in his abilities. Goku and Frieza start off evenly matched, but Frieza gains the upper hand after powering up to 50% of his full power. Goku's confidence transforms into frustration and fright at Frieza's power. Even with Frieza giving himself handicaps (such as not using his hands), Goku still cannot outmatch the tyrant.


Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan for the first time

After Goku combines Kaio-ken x20 and his Kamehameha to no effect, Frieza starts pummeling Goku, but Goku remembers his Spirit Bomb ability and decides to gather energy, leaving himself open. Piccolo (who had been resurrected and was transported to Namek to help), Gohan and Krillin attempt to distract Frieza from Goku so he can gather the energy. Finally, with all his might, Goku launches the attack, which hits a struggling Frieza, and seemingly destroys him, along with a good portion of Namek in a devastating explosion. Worn out, Goku begins to laugh, along with his friends, who believe Frieza has been defeated. But even the Large Spirit Bomb fails to kill Frieza.[107] However, when Frieza kills Krillin and critically injures Piccolo, Goku, in anger, taps into his inner power reserves and transforms into a Super Saiyan.[107]

"You haven't figured it out yet? I'm the Saiyan who came all the way from Earth for the sole purpose of beating you. I am the warrior you've heard of in legends, pure of heart and awakened by fury. That's what I am. I AM THE SUPER SAIYAN, SON GOKU!"
— Goku towards Frieza in "The Angry Super Saiyan! Goku Throws Down the Gauntlet!"


Super Saiyan Goku vs. 100% Full-Power Frieza

After ordering Gohan to escape Namek with Piccolo and Bulma, Goku battles Frieza again and, at first, easily outmatches him with his newfound power. Goku then taunts Frieza into going to 100%, saying how due to the damage sustained in his 70% form, he won't be able to hold onto his full power for long. After Frieza attempts to destroy Namek, Frieza finally goes to 100% power. At first, it seems that Frieza has outmatched Goku, but then Frieza is shocked to hear that Goku was holding back and was relieved that that wasn't his full power. As time goes on, Frieza begins to lose his stamina and his power level drops like a stone. Goku then states he no longer wishes to fight Frieza because he says it is pointless. Goku then flies off and lets the space tyrant go. In desperation and frustration, Frieza uses his Death Saucer attack, creating two pink Destructo Discs and throwing them at Goku. Goku moves too quickly for the attack and maneuvers himself so that Frieza is in between him and the disks. Goku yells a warning to Frieza, but Frieza is too slow and is cut in half, losing an arm in addition to his legs. The weak tyrant begs Goku to help him. Goku, believing that Frieza does not deserve to be forgiven or spared, gives him some of his energy as a show of mercy. Bitter at his defeat, Frieza uses it to launch a powerful energy wave at Goku. Goku notices the blast and fires an Angry Kamehameha at Frieza, defeating him.

Goku then flies to Frieza's spaceship and presses buttons to try to cause the ship to fly, however, it does not work and Frieza's spaceship falls into the lava.[108]

Frieza-Androids Interlude

Main articles: Garlic Jr. Saga and Trunks Saga Goku began to panic but caught a glimpse of one of the Ginyu Force space pods and quickly escapes Namek, before it explodes. The pod takes Goku to Planet Yardrat, which was going to be the Ginyu Force's next target.[109] His friends, who were teleported to Earth by a wish made with the Namekian Dragon Balls, believe him to be dead.[110] However, months later, when they attempt to revive Goku and Krillin by warping them to the check-in station, they learn that Goku is alive. When they decide to transport him back to Earth, he declines, stating that he'll return later.[111] While on Yardrat, Goku learns a new technique called the Instant Transmission.[109]


Future Trunks tests Goku's might

Two years later, Goku returns to Earth where he is confronted by Trunks, the half-Saiyan son of Vegeta and Bulma from the future. The teenage Super Saiyan had just killed both Mecha-Frieza and his father King Cold a few moments before Goku's arrival. Trunks then tests Goku's Super Saiyan strength in battle by assaulting him furiously with his sword, which Goku knocks away multiple times with one finger (albeit charged with energy), claiming that he knew Trunks would not use his full power.[109]


Goku pleading with Chi-Chi

Satisfied, Trunks gives Goku medicine for a heart virus that he will contract in one or two years, telling him to use it when he starts feeling the virus' effects. Future Trunks also warns him about two androids that will threaten the Earth in three years.[109] Goku, Gohan and Piccolo then spend the next three years training for this new threat.[112] However, Future Trunks' visit somehow alters the onset of the virus, so it does not manifest during those three years (six months prior to the Androids arrival). Seeing no point in using the medicine when nothing appears to be wrong with him, Goku stopped taking it.[113]

Androids Saga

Main article: Androids Saga

"You might think you know everything there is to know about me... but really, you're not even close."
— Goku towards Dr. Gero and Android 19 in "A Handy Trick"


Goku vs. Android 19

Three years later, two androids, Dr. Gero (as Android 20) and Android 19, appear and attack a city.[114] The Z Fighters confront them, and Yamcha is first to be attacked, having been impaled by Dr. Gero's hand and having his energy stolen. However, he is saved by the use of a Senzu Bean, and the Z Fighters lead the two killing machines out of the city to fight. Despite being a Super Saiyan, Goku is bested by Android 19 when he begins to drastically weaken from the heart disease he was warned of, which starts manifesting itself during the fight.[115]. However, Vegeta, who now is a Super Saiyan as well, manages to save Goku before he can be defeated by the androids, and, after toying with it for a bit, destroys Android 19 with ease, enjoying the battle greatly.[116] Yamcha takes Goku to Chi-Chi to get the medicine that will save his life from the killer virus. Meanwhile, the rest of the Z Fighters learn from Trunks, who has returned to help them fight the androids, that history had somehow been altered, and that the androids of his time, Future Android 17 and Future Android 18, had not been the ones they were fighting.[113] Soon after, Dr. Gero states he will unleash No.17 and No.18, and he flees from the battlefield. They try to stop Dr. Gero from activating them but fail. However, once Dr. Gero activates 17 and 18, they are revealed to be unruly and kill him, and activate another android, Android 16, as well, who was solely created to be Goku's assassin.[117]

Cell Saga

Main articles: Imperfect Cell Saga, Perfect Cell Saga, and Cell Games Saga


Goku and Gohan emerge from the Hyperbolic Time Chamber

While the Z-Fighters try and fail to stop the androids, Piccolo (who had recently fused with Kami) discovers a new threat named Cell, a large biological life form created by Dr. Gero, made with DNA taken from Goku, his allies, and foes they fought in the past. Cell was designed to absorb Androids 17 and 18 in order to achieve a perfect state, kill Goku, and conquer the cosmos.[118] Cell hunts down the androids and absorbs Android 17, transforming into his second stage.[119] Meanwhile, Goku heals from his sickness and takes Gohan, Vegeta, and Future Trunks to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber at Kami's Lookout to obtain a year of training in one day under heavy gravity and incredibly volatile temperatures.[120] Vegeta and Future Trunks go in first and while Goku and Gohan enter the Time Chamber next.

When Cell was preparing to finish Tien after he helped Android 18 escape, Goku intervenes by teleporting to their location using Instant Transmission, meeting Cell for the first time. Goku orders Cell to stay away from his friend while Cell casually greets him as the Saiyan informs Cell that while he is not strong enough yet, he will fight him in one day and win. Cell laughs at this supposed cowardice, before Goku senses Piccolo survived Cell's attack and teleports him and Tien near the sea. Goku grabs the unconscious Piccolo and makes plans to leave, before Cell who eagerly wants to fight Goku, states that they will not fight another day, but now, and flies towards him. Cell prepares to attack, though Goku uses Instant Transmission again, whisking the unconscious Tien and a barely alive Piccolo back to safety at The Lookout before Cell's punch lands. Once at the Lookout, Goku gives his friends senzu beans for them to heal. Soon Vegeta and Trunks emerge, going off to find and fight Cell.

Goku and Gohan enter the chamber, where Goku helps his son obtain Super Saiyan, having realized half-Saiyan hybrids like Trunks can transform. Much later, Goku gets to Super Saiyan Third Grade and Gohan believes that Goku can beat Cell with this power, however Goku explains that his speed has decreased in that form and the power to keep the form is too much. Goku realizes that it would be easier to master Super Saiyan to avoid stress on their body and be use to the power. During this training, Goku notices that the potential Gohan has can easily surpass Goku's own powers, especially after Gohan managed during their training to transform into an unprecedented Super Saiyan level before losing consciousness during a training session, and that, if he cannot kill Cell, Gohan will.[121]


Goku teleports to King Kai's planet

While Goku trains, Cell absorbs Android 18 and reaches his perfect form thanks to Vegeta's interests to fight Cell in his perfect form. Vegeta was easily defeated when he challenged Cell, as did Future Trunks, who failed because his new Super Saiyan Third Grade form had too much muscle mass to hit Cell quick enough, a flaw Goku noticed in the chamber.[122] After Goku and Gohan finish their training, Cell announces that he will be holding the Cell Games in ten more days, in order to give a chance to anyone who wants to challenge him.[123]

For ten days, Goku and Gohan stay on Earth to train and relax while maintaining their Super Saiyan form the entire time. Goku also uses this time to travel to New Namek to ask Dende to be the new guardian of Earth, as Piccolo had fused with Kami in an attempt to stop Cell, and the fusion had made the Dragon Balls useless.[124] After Dende creates new Dragon Balls based on the old ones, Goku searches for those reactivated Dragon Balls in order to use them after they defeat Cell to correct everything Cell had put wrong.[125]


Goku vs. Perfect Cell

After ten days have passed, the Z Fighters head to the Cell Games. After the supposed strongest person on Earth, Mr. Satan, is easily defeated, Goku offers to be the first Z Fighter to fight Cell, believing that he is no match for the villain in order to truly test Cell's abilities.[126] Goku finds himself almost equally matched but still at a disadvantage against a heavily suppressed Perfect Cell in every way, and cannot seem to gain the upper hand after many attempts. Even after trying the Instant Kamehameha (a combination of the Instant Transmission and Kamehameha), which destroys Perfect Cell's upper half, he watches in horror as the android regenerates easily, thanks to Piccolo's cells in his body.[127] After getting tired and worn out, Goku decides to give up and leave the battle to Gohan, whom he is convinced has the hidden power necessary to defeat Cell.[128] Gohan then states that Goku had been holding back, only to learn he had not, leading to the conclusion that Gohan may be stronger than Goku, who was fighting at full power.[129] Gohan then powers up to a point where his energy eclipses even Goku's, and fights with Cell, but halfheartedly. After Gohan tells Cell that when he gets angry, he gets much stronger, Cell starts to get curious and tries to force Gohan's inner powers out of him by making his children, the Cell Juniors, attack Gohan's friends and his father. All the Z fighters cannot beat the Cell Jrs, including Goku, who was worn out from his battle with Cell. After Android 16 attempted self-destruct on Cell, who blasted him, 16 asks Mr. Satan to bring him (his remaining Android head) to Gohan, and he then tries to convince Gohan that fighting is sometimes needed. When Cell destroys Android 16's head, this triggers a change in Gohan, forcing him to ascend to Super Saiyan 2,[130] a form in which he greatly surpasses Perfect Cell, even after the behemoth decides to unleash his earth-shattering Full Power and a further powered up Power Weighted form, which Gohan easily overcomes to the point of forcing him to regurgitate Android 18 because of the damage he has sustained.[131]

"Release it Gohan! Release Everything! Remember all the pain he's caused, the people he's hurt... NOW MAKE THAT YOUR POWER!!!"
— Goku encouraging Gohan to defeat Cell in "Save the World"


Goku choses to stay dead and go to Other World

When a beaten Cell tries to destroy the Earth as a last resort, Goku is forced to step in with his "Instant Transmission" technique when Cell is about to trigger his self-destruction. He teleports them both to King Kai's Planet, where he is killed by the explosion Cell caused, along with King Kai and his pets Bubbles and Gregory.[132] However, Cell reconstructs himself as Super Perfect Cell, a trick even Cell himself did not know he had and uses the recently learned Instant Transmission to go back to Earth.[133] Goku then motivates Gohan from the Other World to help fuel Gohan's Kamehameha wave against the reconstructed Super Perfect Cell, which, after a lengthy beam lock, successfully obliterates him.[134] After Cell's defeat, Goku insists that he should stay dead, even though they could resurrect him, because he has attracted too many problems to Earth, like Frieza and the Red Ribbon Androids. Goku decides it will be safer for Earth if he does not return, and Earth has Gohan to protect it if needed.[135]

Great Saiyaman Saga

Main articles: Other World Saga and Great Saiyaman Saga

"I didn't know it was going to be that kind of fight..."
— Goku to Pikkon after transforming into a Super Saiyan in "Goku vs. Pikkon"


Goku vs. Pikkon

During a filler portion only seen within the anime, Goku is shown on Snake Way with King Kai, Bubbles, and Gregory after the battle with Cell left the great king without his planet. King Kai insists they head to the Grand Kai's Planet to go see the Grand Kai and enter the Other World Tournament. The winner would be trained personally by the mighty Grand Kai himself. When they arrive, they confront King Kai's rival, the West Kai, accompanied by his strongest fighter, Pikkon. Grand Kai instructs Pikkon to travel to Hell and stop Cell, Frieza, King Cold, and the Ginyu Force from causing havoc. Goku accompanies Pikkon to the fight and takes down the Ginyu Force, only to be astonished when Pikkon takes down Cell with ease, and proceeds to fell Frieza and King Cold with one blow.[136] Upon his return to King Kai, Goku is welcomed by many of King Kai's powerful warriors, such as Olibu, who was once the hero of Earth. During the Tournament, Goku easily makes his way through the tournament by defeating Caterpy of the South Kai,[137] Arqua of the East Kai,[138] and Maraikoh of the West Kai.[139] Goku then faces off with Pikkon in the finals. After a long fight, they are both disqualified on a technicality, but the Grand Kai allows them both to train under him.[140] Over the next seven years, while Goku is training in Other World he achieves Super Saiyan 2[141] and Super Saiyan 3,[142] the latter of which boosts his power even beyond his already powerful Super Saiyan 2, but delivers an excruciating strain and immeasurable ki consumption.[142]


Goku returns to Earth with Baba

Seven years later, Goku is given special permission to return to Earth for one day to participate in the 25th World Martial Arts Tournament, which he knows Gohan, Vegeta, Trunks, and his youngest son Goten, will be attending.[143] Upon his return he meets his second child, Goten, who had been born after his death in the Cell Games, and Videl, Gohan's girlfriend from his high school who is the daughter of Mr. Satan, the fraud who received the credit for saving the world from Cell.[144]

World Tournament Saga

Main articles: World Tournament Saga and Babidi Saga Goku was going to be set up against Vegeta in the 6th match, finally able to settle their rivalry,[145] but had to be postponed because Videl was beaten badly by the supposed weakling Spopovich, who, along with Yamu, is controlled by the evil wizard Babidi. While Gohan is matched up against Kibito (the assistant of Shin, who was in the tournament as well), Spopovich and Yamu both steal Gohan's Super Saiyan 2 energy and left the tournament while all the Z Fighters in the tournament ditched the tournament to follow them to Babidi.


Goku using his energy to make Yakon explode from over-consumption

Shin and Kibito introduced themselves and informed the Z Fighters about the plans of Babidi who wishes to bring destruction and terror across the whole universe by bringing back his extremely evil monster puppet by the name of Majin Buu. The Z Warriors follow Spopovich to Babidi's ship where they are ambushed by Dabura, the powerful ruler of the Demon Realm, who kills Kibito and turns Krillin and Piccolo to stone. Goku, Gohan, Vegeta and Shin enter Babidi's ship, and they take turns defeating each of his minions on each room of the ship, their power leaving Shin in awe. Goku fights Yakon who absorbs his energy, but Goku kills him by overpowering and exploding him. While Gohan is against Dabura, Vegeta complains that he can do better. When Babidi hears that, he possesses Vegeta through the evil in his heart and turns him into Majin Vegeta making him evil once again. They are transported back to the tournament, where Vegeta blows up part of the stadium, killing many people, to force Goku into a fight. Albeit reluctantly, Goku agrees. Goku and Vegeta are both transported to a deserted landscape for them to settle their battle, while Gohan and Shin continue on to stop Babidi.


Goku and Majin Vegeta clash

Goku and Majin Vegeta have an earth-shattering battle which gives more than enough energy for Majin Buu's awakening. Although they are evenly matched at Super Saiyan 2, Goku is not surprised Vegeta has pushed his limits in training over the past seven years. However, Goku is horrified when Vegeta admits he allowed Babidi to take control of him so he can reawaken the evil in him and defeat Goku, who condemns Vegeta for using this as an excuse for betraying his family.

Majin Buu Saga

Main articles: Majin Buu Saga, Fusion Saga, and Kid Buu Saga The battle between Goku and Vegeta abruptly ends when Goku senses that Majin Buu has been released and pleads with Vegeta to help him defeat Majin Buu. Vegeta refuses to listen, even when told Majin Buu will kill his family, but Goku punches him down for bluffing. In a false show of agreement, Vegeta knocks Goku out from behind while he is getting a Senzu Bean out of a bag. Vegeta then eats the only Senzu Bean left and flies off to face Majin Buu alone.


Goku and Piccolo demonstrating the Fusion Dance

Upon awakening, Goku could sense neither Vegeta nor Gohan anywhere and comes to the conclusion that they have been killed in the battle (when actually Gohan was narrowly saved by the badly injured Supreme Kai, and only Vegeta died in a vain attempt to try and eradicate Majin Buu). He heads to Kami's Lookout and is healed by Dende, who confirms that Vegeta sacrificed himself in an attempt to destroy Majin Buu. After transporting everyone to the Lookout, he tells the bad news to them. With the little time he has left on Earth, with the help of Piccolo, he decides to teach Trunks and Goten the Fusion Dance, which he learned from Metamorans while in Other World, so they may form one immensely powerful being that might stand a chance against Majin Buu.

"Buu, I'm a man of courtesy, as well as strength, and I have to say, I've battled beings from beyond nameless galaxies and you by far are the best."
— Goku toward Majin Buu in "Buu's Mutiny"


Goku vs. Majin Buu

‎After finding out that the Dragon Radar is still in West City and Majin Buu is about to cause more destruction, Goku decides to distract him while allowing Trunks to head into West City and retrieve the Dragon Radar before it is destroyed along with everything else in West City by Majin Buu, otherwise they will never be able to find the Dragon Balls. Goku teleports to Majin Buu's location and shows him and everyone (via Babidi's telepathy) the incredible power of the new Super Saiyan 3 form, whose energy could be sensed all the way to Supreme Kai's planet. Goku then engages in a fight with Majin Buu, whom he overpowers blow for blow. Amazingly, Majin Buu is still having a good time and enjoying the fight, even forcing Goku to narrowly deflect an imitated version of his own Kamehameha wave, which chips over a tenth of the Earth. He later states, that he probably could have won, but that he wanted to leave it in the hands of Gohan, Trunks, and Goten because he will not be there forever, and that they need to have a shot at saving the universe instead of a dead fighter. Unfortunately, the action of sustaining Super Saiyan 3 to briefly fight with Buu shortens Goku's time on Earth and he is forced to return to the Other World.


Goku says farewell

Once Goku has returned to Other World, he learns that his son, Gohan, is not dead, but in fact training with Shin on the Kai Planet teleporting there only to just miss having his head removed by Gohan practicing with the Z Sword. Gohan has been training with the legendary Z Sword, and to test its strength, Shin summons a block of the densest metal in the universe, Katchin, as testing material. Goku throws the cube at Gohan, expecting the Z Sword to slice the block in half. Instead, the sword snaps in half and from it emerges Old Kai, who tells them that he will fully unlock Gohan's potential with a ritual.


Goku preparing to Fight Super Buu (Gotenks Absorbed)

Through a Crystal Ball, Goku watches the fight between Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks and Super Buu with much anticipation, amazed that the two boys who, alone, could only access the Super Saiyan state achieved Super Saiyan 3 so quickly when fused. As Gotenks is about to finish Super Buu after a lengthy battle, he reverts to his base form and quickly defuses. Gohan (after having his hidden power released) then arrives, effortlessly thrashing Buu with his newfound powers, but Super Buu escapes by self-destructing until Goten and Trunks can fuse again an hour later, and he then absorbs Gotenks and Piccolo, gaining the upper hand. When Gohan fails due to Super Buu's stolen powers, Old Kai gives his life to Goku so that he may return to Earth to help Gohan.


Goku and Vegeta fuse into Vegito

Goku is also given Potara Earrings so that he can fuse with Gohan in order to create an unmatched warrior that would easily destroy Buu without even the need to transform according to Old Kai. When Goku arrives on the battlefield, much to the surprise of Gohan and Super Buu, he cuts Super Buu in half with a Destructo Disc and tosses one of the earrings to Gohan. Gohan misses for the grab, and Goku tells Gohan to hurry and find the earring. He stalls Super Buu, fighting as a Super Saiyan 3. After the fight, Gotenks defuses inside Super Buu, and his power drops to almost 1/3 of his original power. Goku states that he is not much of a threat anymore and realizes that they can beat Super Buu easily. However, Gohan is absorbed when Super Buu catches him off-guard. At this moment of despair, the newly resurrected Vegeta appears and Goku asks him to fuse with him. Vegeta refuses and the two briefly battle Super Buu but fail miserably. Goku then tells Vegeta that their families and friends have been killed and begs for Vegeta to put their differences aside so they can save the Earth.


Vegito vs. Super Buu (Gohan absorbed)

Vegeta finally agrees and the two of the most powerful remaining Saiyans fuse to become Vegito. Vegito then easily thrashes Super Buu, even with Gohan absorbed. Super Buu tries every technique and attack he has got against the fused Saiyans, but Vegito manages to dodge by all of them without much trouble. After a lengthy fight, the mighty Vegito wins easily. However, supposedly due to Vegeta's arrogance in not simply finishing Buu off, Vegito is eventually absorbed by Super Buu, with a Saiyan Shield protecting him. However, it is later revealed that he chose to be absorbed on purpose because he wanted to rescue his friends and family before killing Super Buu.


Goku and Vegeta fight Super Buu inside his body

Inside Buu, Vegito automatically separates into the two Saiyans supposedly due to the properties of Super Buu's digestive system (their time limit ran out, at this point they believed the fusion was permanent). While in the stomach, Goku is attacked by enzymes that quickly cover his body, making him sticky and burning him in pain. While Goku struggle to get enzymes off, a roundworm shows up. Goku is almost eaten by the roundworm until he finally blasts the enzymes off his body. After traveling through Super Buu's body, Goku and Vegeta reach Super Buu's brain where they find Gohan, Trunks, Goten, and Piccolo, unconscious but still alive. After freeing them and having to fight Super Buu inside his own body, Vegeta decides to remove the unconscious fat Majin Buu from Super Buu. Despite pleas from Super Buu, Vegeta pulls the fat Majin Buu free, and Super Buu undergoes another transformation. Goku and Vegeta then escape from Super Buu's body with the newly rescued Z Fighters. Super Buu then transforms back to his original form, Kid Buu.

"Majin Buu is so much stronger than anyone I've ever faced before... but I know there's still a way to win!"
— Goku after saving Vegeta


Goku vs. Kid Buu

Outside, Goku rescues Mr. Satan, his dog Bee, and Dende, but fails in saving Gohan, Goten, Trunks, and Piccolo before the newly transformed Kid Buu destroys the Earth in an extreme show of power (Vegeta previously stopped him from doing this with a much smaller blast that could still take out the planet, but he then charged a huge ball they could not deflect in response). Kibito Kai teleports in and saves Vegeta, Goku, Dende, and Mr. Satan by bringing them to the Sacred World of the Kai. After regenerating, Kid Buu sets out to find Goku and Vegeta by copying Kibito Kai's instantaneous movement technique (in the manga original, he teleports to Goku's location instantly).

When Kid Buu finds them, Vegeta and Goku have a Rock-Paper-Scissors match to see who fights first. Goku wins and fights Buu. In the Anime, he starts the fight as a Super Saiyan 2, but eventually transforms into Super Saiyan 3. When he is a Super Saiyan 3, he fights evenly with Kid Buu for a short time, taking the advantage often. However, Goku had failed to account for the strain that fighting in a living body would have on him, and soon becomes exhausted. He attempts to gather up his strength while Vegeta distracts Buu in his Super Saiyan 2 form (getting mercilessly beaten in the process), but his Super Saiyan 3 transformation drains him of his energy reserves, and he soon loses the ability to maintain the form. At Vegeta's suggestion, Goku begins gathering energy for a Super Spirit Bomb that would employ all the available energies of the Earth and its occupants (he does this to have the Earth "save itself for once").

"Adios. I'll be waiting for you, Majin Buu!"
— Goku's lines before throwing the Super Spirit Bomb


Goku charges the Super Spirit Bomb

Using King Kai's telepathy, Vegeta speaks to the newly revived people of Earth and begs for everyone to donate power to Goku's Spirit Bomb, which they are hesitant to do. Everyone on New Namek and the Other World gives energy for the Super Spirit Bomb and possibly many other planets as well, along with Goku's close friends. Meanwhile, Fat Majin Buu, while trying to hold off Kid Buu, falls in battle leaving a battered Vegeta to protect Goku while he forms the Super Spirit Bomb. Eventually, Mr. Satan finally convinces everyone on the newly regenerated Earth to give Goku all the energy he needs to destroy Kid Buu once and for all. With the contribution of power from Earth, Goku launches the Super Spirit Bomb. But as impossible as it seems, Kid Buu actually stops the Spirit Bomb and slowly begins to push it back at Goku. Vegeta realizes Goku used the rest of his power to gather and form the bomb and has nothing left to defeat Buu.

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Goku gives the final push needed to destroy Buu

Using the last wish from the Namekian Dragon (the first two were spent restoring Earth to its normal condition and then reviving all those who died since Babidi's arrival except the evil ones), Dende wishes for Goku's full power to be restored. With his power restored, Goku powers up the Super Spirit Bomb even more, transforms into a Super Saiyan and stops Kid Buu's forward progress and the Super Spirit Bomb comes back to Kid Buu. After several moments reflecting over the events that led to this moment, Goku makes one last wish to himself, that Kid Buu be reborn as a good being so they can fight again one day. With the blessing of Earth's residents, Goku destroys Kid Buu. After Dende heals Goku and Vegeta, they find Majin Buu still alive. Vegeta attempts to finish him off but Goku convinces Vegeta to spare him. They are then teleported back to Earth and rejoice with their families, with Goku announcing he has come back to life again.

Six months after the defeat of Kid Buu, Goku summons Shenron to erase Majin Buu from the Earthlings' minds. Later, Goku shows up late to Bulma's party due to him watching over dinosaur eggs.

Gods of the Universe Saga

Main article: Gods of the Universe Saga

This section covers the events depicted in the Resurrection 'F' manga. The rest of the "Gods of the Universe Saga" is listed under the character's "Film appearances".
Saiyan Beyond God Goku (Resurrection ‘F’ manga)

Goku shows the power of Super Saiyan God

Goku asks Whis to be allowed to train with him, Whis agreed on the condition that Goku supplied him with tasty food.[146]

Goku and Vegeta spar with Whis who dodges them with ease even causing the two to ram into each other by mistake, Goku watches as Vegeta has a turn attacking Whis on his own and then proceeds to attack once Vegeta has been downed, tapping into the power of Super Saiyan God as he does so though is still unable to hit the angel. Goku and Vegeta then continue their assault, though it soon ends and Whis reveals that he has marked their outfits with his symbol. He then explains the principles of Ultra Instinct to them and points out their flaws. Beerus then interrupts, firing a ki blast in anger, much to the shock of Goku and Vegeta.

Soon after, Goku and Vegeta are informed of Frieza's resurrection and invasion and teleport back to confront him. Frieza immediately takes on his final form and Goku responds by tapping into the power of Super Saiyan God. The two battle with Goku gaining a slight edge and managing to hit Frieza with a massive God Kamehameha, asking him if that's all he's got, to which Frieza responds that he will show him his further evolution.

Dragon Ball Super

In the manga, Goku hears that King Kai is trying to wish back his planet. On Snake Way, Porunga is summoned with the help of Grand Elder Moori. King Kai wants his planet to be bigger with less gravity and a racetrack but before he could speak, Goku interrupts him and tells Porunga to make his planet the same as it was because it is good for training. After the wish is made, Goku says he has to get home to do farm work quickly before Chi-Chi yells at him and bids him farewell.

God of Destruction Beerus Saga

Main article: God of Destruction Beerus Saga

Goku farming

Goku farming the field

Four years after the defeat of Kid Buu, Goku is working as a farmer in order to gain money on Chi-Chi's demand. Sometime later, while plowing the field, Goten appears with lunch for Goku and Goku tells Goten to work the tractor while he eats. After he finishes eating, Goku starts training in Super Saiyan. While training in the manga, he imagines fighting Frieza, Cell, and Kid Buu. However, Goku's training distracts Goten, causing Goten to fall off the mountainside. Goku uses Instant Transmission to save the tractor and Goten and explains that he needs to watch what he's doing so that he can train in case a stronger foe than Kid Buu appears.


Mr. Satan giving Goku a 100 million zeni prize

Later that day, when Mr. Satan arrives to offer Goku 100 million zeni, as a way to say thank you for helping him defeat Buu. Goku initially declines, not understanding how large a sum 100 million zeni actually is and tells him to give it to Vegeta but Mr. Satan says that the Briefs are richer than he is. Goten reminds Goku that if he gave Chi-Chi all of the money, he could go train with King Kai. At Mr. Satan and Goten's recommendation, Goku accepts the offer, and after talking with Chi-Chi, transports to King Kai's Planet to start his training.


Goku ready to train on King Kai's Planet

When Goku arrives at King Kai's planet, he causes King Kai to crash into his house. After the crash, King Kai makes Goku food and starts rebuilding his house. While King Kai wasn't enjoying rebuilding his house, Goku was explaining to King Kai that he is there to train in ten times the gravity of Earth. King Kai says to Goku that he is an important figure and the most important of all Kais, but Goku sees King Kai as a friend. Goku changes clothes to a blue and white tracksuit and starts his training.


Goku remembering Bulma's birthday party

While training, Goku hears his name in a conversation between King Kai, Old Kai, and Kibito Kai to keep Goku away from the God of Destruction Beerus. To distract Goku from the conversation, King Kai brings up how he is responsible for his death. After being successfully distracted, Goku continues his training. Goku remembers that he is missing Bulma's birthday party and gets scared of what she might do. Goku starts to notice that King Kai was acting strange and wonders why but King Kai keeps it to himself.


Goku firing a Kamehameha

King Kai asks Goku to go to Bulma's party or he might lose friends, but Goku refuses. Goku fires a Kamehameha wave on King Kai's planet causing his house to fall apart again. With King Kai frustrated, he slips the name Beerus and sparks Goku's interest. King Kai starts to explain to Goku Beerus' role in the universe and this interests Goku even more. King Kai senses Beerus' ki getting closer and encourages Goku to not do anything reckless and also tells him to hide in his house.


Goku peeking out to see Beerus.

Goku, who having stayed hidden in King Kai's house, is still noticed when Beerus needed to speak with him. Beerus asked Goku if he has heard of Super Saiyan God, but Goku denies. Beerus is disappointed and asks him if he was the one who defeated Frieza and Goku claims that he did so as a Super Saiyan. Goku's power is examined by Beerus and he says that he's couldn't have beaten him unless he transformed. Goku is curious about Beerus's power and asks to have a battle with him which Beerus accepts.


Goku fights Beerus as a Super Saiyan 2

Goku immediately transforms into Super Saiyan and charges Beerus but he shows no effort towards Goku. Goku quickly bores Beerus, making him want to leave. Goku turns Super Saiyan 2 which surprises Beerus that Goku managed to surpass his limits. They both continue to fight but Beerus constantly dodged Goku's punches and kicks. Goku wanted to pause the battle for a moment to ask Beerus if he could fight back instead of dodging. Beerus agrees and says that he will attack back if Goku managed to show more of his power. Even after agreeing, Beerus dodges his attacks. Goku continues to throw punches, putting holes through King Kai's planet.


Goku transforms into Super Saiyan 3

Goku transforms into Super Saiyan 3 and charges with full force, managing to get punches on Beerus. A Kamehameha wave was shot towards Beerus but was blocked by his finger. Goku began to feel intimidated by Beerus and attacks him once again. He notices his hits aren't landing and that Beerus let him get hits on him. A final Kamehameha misses Beerus and goes through King Kai's planet. Beerus has enough and promptly defeats Goku with ease before taking off for Earth. With Goku lying on the ground in agony, he remarks about the comments Beerus made about the Super Saiyan God. He still wants to fight Beerus and suggests fusion with Vegeta but still doesn't think that is enough.


Goku returns before Beerus can destroy Earth

Goku is given a Senzu Bean by King Kai and recovers. Goku wants to go to Bulma's birthday party but King Kai, Gregory, and Bubbles won't let him, so Goku decides to wait it out on King Kai's planet. After the battles of the Z Fighters and Beerus, Beerus decides that he should destroy planet Earth. Goku intervenes Beerus before does so and asks for time to summon the Super Saiyan God. Beerus allows this and Goku summons Shenron asks him if he knows of the Super Saiyan God.


Everyone realizing they need another Saiyan for the ritual

He tells them how to create one, proceeding to speak the procedures required to make one before disappearing. Goku along with Vegeta, Goten, Trunks and Gohan attempt to channel their powers over to Goku, but they only succeed in increasing his power. Whis notes that they need six righteous Saiyan and Videl soon steps up, announcing her pregnancy. They then attempt the ritual once more, this time with Videl. With six righteous Saiyans' powers combined, the ritual was reattempted. After a lengthy procedure, he has finally become, a Super Saiyan God.

In the manga, Super Saiyan God Goku battles Beerus, tearing across the ocean and into the city. The fight is near even, though Beerus has an edge. The two clash fists, causing shockwaves that threaten the stability of the universe. Goku follows Beerus into the stratosphere, with Beerus noting that this is far as Goku goes as his power had started to fade, Beerus fires his Sphere of Destruction at Goku to finish him, however Goku reveals that the Super Saiyan God's power is telling him to go even further and destroys the Sphere of Destruction with a Limitbreaker Kamehameha.


Goku as a Super Saiyan God.

In the anime, Goku and Beerus both ascend into the sky. Goku is yet to get a hold on his great power and attempts a few attacks on Beerus that fail, but he slowly comes to grasp this new power. To measure his power, Goku charges a Kamehameha and launches it at Beerus, who effortlessly evades it as the blast explodes in the sea. Beerus then attacks the Saiyan, showing him the difference between them however, Goku, while slowly getting used to his new power, manages to grab Beerus's fist, demonstrating that he can now see his moves.


Goku mocking Beerus

Beerus compliments his power and proceeds to launch an energy ball at Goku, who despite struggling is able to throw it off. Goku charges up before attacking Beerus, after a successful punch that aggravates the deity, an angered Beerus attempts fires back, but is surprised when Goku evades his fist, locking the god in his arm and then flicks him in the forehead, continuing to chop him in the neck, similar to how Beerus defeated him at King Kai's planet. Beerus comments that he didn't expect him to be the type who'd carry a grudge. Beerus then announced that henceforth, a battle between the gods will continue.


Goku lays on the ground injured

Goku uses the Afterimage Technique to hit Beerus in the abdomen. The two fight on par with both throwing rapid punches. Beerus decides to launch a Sphere of Destruction at Goku in which he compresses the blast. The gods exchange several attacks towards each other and Goku notices that Beerus isn't using his full power against him. Goku is blasted several times by Beerus and is blown onto an island. While on the island, Goku is pounded on by the Destroyer until Goku headbutts and punches him. Goku is launched into the air and is repeatedly hit until he reaches the stratosphere.


Goku getting attacked by Beerus.

Goku is immobile until Beerus tries to motivate Goku to use his full power. Beerus creates an atomic bomb and kicks it towards Earth. Goku decides to blast it with a one-handed Kamehameha leading Beerus to create multiple and fires them, so Goku powers up a Kamehameha to blast them all. Goku is impaled through his abdomen by Beerus which makes him think he's found the wrong warrior to fight. Goku falls down into the ocean and starts to think that he didn't know a person that strong could've existed. In the moment, his body starts to heal with the power of Super Saiyan God and Goku launches from the ocean back to the stratosphere. Goku states that the power of Super Saiyan God is raising his power and wants to continue the battle.


Goku firing a Kamehameha at Beerus

After an attempt to chop Goku's neck fails, they both agree to not use any "cheap tricks". Goku and Beerus charge their ki and rush towards each other to clash their fists. This clash leads to shock waves throughout the universe of which could destroy the planets, the stars, the universe, the gods, and themselves. Goku and Beerus continue to clash even though Goku is contacted by Kibito Kai to stop. Goku and Beerus clash one last time, however it is cancelled out as Goku used the same amount of power and attacked at the same angle as Beerus. The two continue to battle until Beerus throws an Atomic Bomb attack at Goku and he returns a Kamehameha. The collision of the blasts causes more shock waves and Goku continues to surpass his limits using the Super Saiyan God's powers.


Goku turning Super Saiyan after losing his God form

Goku is struggling in the ki clash until Beerus eventually nullifies the energy that was being exerted; Goku is told that he did so using 100% of his power. Goku and Beerus continue exchanging blows and Goku's power has been increasing during his battle as stated by Beerus. Eventually Goku's Super Saiyan God form expires, due to having a time limit, but still possesses the power. Goku reverts into his Super Saiyan form, but still is able to gets hits on Beerus.

In the manga, Goku stays in Super Saiyan God for the entire fight and the idea that Goku absorbs the power of the God form into his lesser forms is discarded. Beerus declares that he will not destroy Earth and informs Goku of the other universes as well as the fact that Whis is stronger than him, before leaving. However immediately after, Beerus suddenly returns to Goku to tell him that he's the second strongest fighter he's ever fought.[147]


Goku in the position of getting flicked.

In the anime, Goku and Beerus continue fighting as they go toward Earth. Goku is struggling to keep up with Beerus even though he has the god power. As Beerus is holding his hand out, Goku charges him and punches his hand, leading them to the stratosphere again. Goku starts to fade out of his Super Saiyan form and Beerus flicks Goku, as an end to their battle. Goku, however, as he is falling towards Earth, doesn't take this as a loss and thinks of his family and friends, fuelling him to continuing showing off his power.

Goku holding back the Beerus Ball

Goku holding back a Sphere of Destruction.

Goku creates a fully powered Kamehameha and Beerus throws an atom-like blast. The collision of these two creates a Sphere of Destruction. Goku is struggling to counter Beerus, leading him to punch the energy sphere and destroy the blast. As a result, Goku falls toward Earth and Vegeta catches him. Goku tries to convince Beerus not to destroy the Earth. As Beerus is ready to destroy the Earth, he fires a ki blast at Bulma's ship but misses because he falls asleep. Whis takes off with Beerus but before he does, he thanks Goku for entertaining Beerus.


Goku smiling

Goku has a big meal and hears the news of Gohan becoming a father. Goten asks him how it felt becoming a god, Goku responds that he didn't actually become a god and that he doesn't like it. Goku tells Vegeta that he'll become the next Super Saiyan God, but Vegeta tells him that he'll surpass him, Beerus, and Super Saiyan God. Goku mocks Vegeta for the "My Bulmaaa" situation and Piccolo points out that Goku had been watching the fights because he teleported to Earth. Goku says that he couldn't think of anything.

Golden Frieza Saga

Main article: Golden Frieza Saga


Goku prepared to fight Galbee

Goku wants to train on King Kai's planet but has to continue farming because Chi-Chi has used the 100 million zeni up already. Goku tries to get his tractor fixed by Bulma but no one is at home. He passes by Satan City where he sees a match between Mr. Satan and Galbee. Mr. Satan volunteers Goku to take his place because he is scared to fight. However, Goku has to go because he sees Chi-Chi and Piccolo. At night, Goku returns home where he sees Goten and Chi-Chi. Goku is hungry but doesn't want to go in because he doesn't want to be in trouble.

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Krillin wants Goku to hit him

While Goku is farming Krillin arrives to see him and wondering how strong Goku has gotten he asks to be punched by him. Goku does so and it sends Krillin flying through buildings and across land into a boulder after Goku fails to catch him. Goku takes him back to his place to rest and get treatment by Android 18. Goku wants to become stronger, so he doesn't fall behind. When nobody was around, he has his training session.

Six months later, Pan is born, and Chi-Chi doesn't want her to be a fighter like the rest of the family. Goku is brought by Goten to persuade Chi-Chi to come out so Gohan and Mr. Satan could speak with her. After Bulma arrives, she mentions that Vegeta has been training on Beerus' planet with Whis, Goku smashes through Gohan's library and asks Bulma for Whis' next return and she says that he'll return in a month or two.


Goku pesters Whis

Goku waits impatiently, interrupting Bulma while she's doing activities. She eventually gives him a phone to get in contact with him when Whis shows up. Eventually, Bulma calls and tells him that Whis has arrived on Earth. Goku goes to Capsule Corporation and Whis agrees to take Goku to train with him after he had finished eating. Goku starts annoying Whis to hurry up. As Whis finishes, he is ready to leave but Chi-Chi approaches to scold him. Goku rushes to leave with Whis so he wouldn't get in trouble.


Goku arrives on Beerus' Planet

When Goku and Whis reach Beerus' Planet he is happy to see Vegeta and notices that he's gotten stronger since being trained by Whis for six months. Goku has to do chores with Vegeta and helps him change Beerus' sheets. When they get into Beerus' room, Goku is amazed and demanded to remain quiet, so Beerus won't wake up. While changing Beerus'd bed sheets Goku gets attacked by Beerus several times and at one point, Beerus had Goku in a leg lock. Goku lifts Beerus so Vegeta could change his sheets.


Goku and Vegeta training with Whis

Goku and Vegeta continue doing housework all over Beerus' planet. Once finished, they begin training with Whis. Whis gives Goku a new gi and the two are given weights to train with. Later that day before going to sleep, Goku tells Vegeta that he doesn't want to do the housework, but he still wants to keep training. The next day, Goku and Vegeta are sparring against Whis. Their match is stopped because they lack the speed to keep up. Whis starts to tell Goku and Vegeta their weaknesses and says that Goku is too calm in his fights and could lead him to fail in the end.

When Frieza is revived, Goku senses a huge power from Earth and doesn't know what it is but Vegeta tells him to ignore it. Later, Goku and Vegeta spar with each other under the supervision of Whis and they accidentally tap into a new power-up briefly. They eventually see Beerus who has awoken and tell him that they came to train with Whis and only want to get stronger.


Goku and Vegeta sparring

While training, Goku and Vegeta are ceased by Whis because they were just throwing blows at each other. Beerus points out that Goku and Vegeta have gotten stronger and wants to fight them. Goku says that he and Vegeta are still below Beerus in power and are no match for him. Beerus suggests sending Goku and Vegeta to "that place" so they can train to get stronger quicker. While in there, Goku and Vegeta cannot move until Vegeta figures out that they shouldn't have their ki leaking out. They also recognize that the place they're in is similar to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber but filled with godly ki and has no signs of an exit.

Goku & Vegeta enter Portal

Goku and Vegeta being sent to "that place"

While sparring, Whis brings them back out because Beerus wants more pizza but finds that Goku and Vegeta ate it all instead. Beerus is furious with them, so he chases them into the woods. Whis finally see's Bulma's message about Frieza coming back but the time it'll take for Whis to get Vegeta and Goku to Earth will be 35 minutes so Goku uses Instant Transmission to get to Earth but he can't sense anybody's ki. When Gohan fully powers up into a Super Saiyan, Goku teleports himself and Vegeta to Earth where Goku flicks away a beam that was shot at Gohan from Frieza.

Goku congratulates Gohan for summoning them and also tells him that he'll wish Piccolo back with the Namekian Dragon Balls before teleporting his body to The Lookout. Frieza begins to explain his torturous times in Hell, then leaves his hover pod to further power up to combat Goku. Goku wishes that he goes first against Frieza because Vegeta has taken out Ginyu. Frieza is waiting for Goku to transform into a Super Saiyan, but Goku says that that power is not needed yet.

Goku Reconfronts Frieza

Goku confronts Frieza.

Goku and Frieza simultaneously walk towards each other and begin a power struggle. The power struggle eventually explodes, and they continue fighting. Then, Frieza commences to pull dirty tricks on Krillin and Bulma. Goku saves Krillin the first time but when trying to save Bulma, Frieza lands a blow that sends Goku falling toward the ground. After colliding again, Goku warns Frieza about attacking the others and he's only fighting him. While Goku is fighting Frieza he gets kicked in the back by Vegeta.

Goku and Vegeta begin fighting each other. Frieza breaks up their fight to ask Vegeta to question his loyalty. Frieza wants to get his revenge on Goku, so he wants Vegeta to wait a little longer. Goku and Frieza decide to reveal their true power to each other. Goku unleashes his new power, Super Saiyan Blue and Frieza questions if he just went Super Saiyan, but Goku says that he's a Super Saiyan with the power of Super Saiyan God.

Goku urges Frieza to show him his new power and after one more trick, Frieza transforms into Golden Frieza. They restart the fight, firing ki blasts at each other until it leads to an energy clash between the two's energy beams that results in an explosion. After a seemingly even conflict, Frieza gains the upper hand and knocks Goku to the ground, leaving the Saiyan surprised with how Frieza caught up to his power like it was nothing. After Beerus' arrival, the two resume their duel once more with Frieza gaining the upper hand, leaving Goku exhausted and critically injured.

Goku takes Frieza's Punch

Goku takes Frieza's punch

Goku refuses to give up which leads to Frieza hurting him more until Goku bites his tail but once again the fight leads to him being knocked to the ground. Vegeta suggests switching places, but Goku insists that he's "almost got him". Goku warns Frieza to leave before the tables turn due to his weakness before resuming the fight. It would seem that Frieza has finally won until Goku resists Frieza's finishing punch saying that he finally reached his limit and punches Frieza back hard. Goku explains Frieza's weakness: he came to Earth as soon as he unlocked his Golden form, therefore he is burning more stamina and power than his body can regulate and should have got used to it first before exacting his revenge.

Sorbet hurts Goku

Sorbet shoots Goku

Frieza tries to punch Goku again, but the Saiyan catches it once more and explosion shows up behind him. When Goku reverts into his base form, however, Sorbet shoots him in the chest with his Bad Ring Laser when he kindly asks Frieza to leave so he can have a rematch with him. Frieza then repeating kicks him and tells him his weakness: his excessive strength makes him careless, and Frieza prepares to kill Goku once and for all until Vegeta blocks the attack away after teleporting to their location.

AnimeDashKamehameha Fired

Goku finishes off Frieza with the Dash Kamehameha

After Vegeta steps in, Goku thanks Vegeta for saving him and allows him to finish the fight with Frieza. Goku explains to his friends that Vegeta too has achieved Super Saiyan Blue but thanks to his own power. When Frieza destroys Earth, Goku and his friends (except Vegeta) are shielded by Whis. Goku regrets not killing Frieza right away until Whis offers to use his Temporal Do-Over to turn back time to before the incident happened. After the do-over, Goku turns into a Super Saiyan Blue and charges up a Dash Kamehameha that kills Frieza. Vegeta scolds him but Goku explained he had no choice, so Bulma and the others explained everything for him.

Goku and Vegeta Celebrate Victory

Goku and Vegeta finding common grounds

Goku then heads back to the Lookout to pick up Goten and Trunks and gather the Namekian Dragon Balls to revive Piccolo. He then explains to Piccolo what happened after he died and laughed after hearing Trunks saying he'll cut Frieza in half (a reference to what Future Trunks did to Frieza before the present Trunks was born). Goku then enjoys the feast Bulma threw and the food served in it. He later talks to Vegeta about planning to work together next time but Vegeta disagrees to that, and surprisingly, Goku agrees.

Universe 6 Saga

Main article: Universe 6 Saga

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Goku and Vegeta doing push ups in a heavy suit

Sometime later, Goku is sparring (doing finger ups in the anime) with Vegeta on Beerus' planet which is being supervised by Whis. Goku and Vegeta fight on even terms until Vegeta gets angry and goes Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan and hits Goku with a ki blast. Goku reminds Vegeta that the form was supposed to be off-limits and proceeds to use the form himself. While they bicker, Goku bites his tongue saying Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan repeatedly. Goku asks for a new name and Whis suggests "Super Saiyan Blue". Whis then punishes Goku and Vegeta for transforming by making them put on heavy spacesuits.

Champa and Vados suddenly arrive on Beerus' planet. Goku notices that they both look like Beerus and Whis and is told by Vados that she is Whis' sister and Beerus and Champa are twins. When Beerus arrives, Goku is told that Universe 6 has their own Earth and the Earthlings were wiped out by war. Champa challenges Beerus to a five on five Tournament of Destroyers for the Universe 7's Earth, which makes Goku excited.

After Whis explains why Beerus and Champa don't fight each other, they discuss the details for the tournament. The rules will be the same as the Tenkaichi Budokai and will be in five Earth days on the Nameless Planet at 10 a.m. Goku and Vegeta join Beerus' team off the bat. They also select Piccolo, Buu, and Beerus wants the strongest fighter he's ever faced, who's not Whis. Vegeta suggests Gohan to fight because he has the highest potential, but Goku says he's focused on studying. Goku and Vegeta go back to Earth to get Bulma to invent a new Dragon Radar to locate the last Super Dragon Ball.


Goku and Vegeta shock Piccolo

Goku tests out Bulma's new Super Dragon Radar but it doesn't work as they are on the edge of the universe. Bulma contacts her sister, Tights, to get Jaco to go to Earth. Goku asks Vegeta if he wants to train in the Time Chamber, but Vegeta says that they're close to their limits. Goku says he will train alone and become stronger quicker, which leads to Vegeta wanting to train with him also and they could go all-out because they're two of them. Goku asks Piccolo to train with him, but he declines.

While training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, Goku wonders if the warriors from Universe 6 will be strong to which Vegeta tells him that they will be. Goku is excited to see them and even the fighter Beerus has been speaking of. Vegeta wants Goku to act his age but not knowing what he meant, Goku responds saying that Saiyans stay young until they reach the age of 80. Vegeta was, however, taking about his mentality. Goku and Vegeta turn into Super Saiyan Blue so they both could go all.

Saiyan Facial Hair

Goku and Vegeta with beards

They train for three years in the room (three days in the outside world). On the day of the tournament, Goku and Vegeta finish their training and emerge with beards. As Whis picks everyone up in his cube, Goku asks Videl where Gohan is, she says that he's in an important conference. Goku greets Monaka and questions his name, which means nipples. Later, everyone is playing Shiritori. When Whis says the phrase, "Juri-Juri", Goku questions a "Juri-Juri" so Whis responds saying that it's a bird from his planet.

On the Nameless Planet, Goku is amazed after seeing the size of the Super Dragon Balls. Upon landing, he notices Shin and Kibito and wonders why they're separate. While Shin is explaining the situation, Goku greets the Universe 6 Supreme Kai and his attendant before heading off to start an exam. When walking towards the stage, Goku recognizes a familiar face to which Vegeta exclaims is "Frieza" though it is not and also notices Magetta, wondering if he's a "Human". As Goku is about to take his seat to take the exam, he sees Cabba. Goku and Vegeta are recognized by Cabba to be a Saiyan and he also reveals that he's a Saiyan, which surprises them. Goku asks Cabba where his tail is, to which Cabba explains their race had tails long ago but lost them due to evolving.


Goku headbutts Botamo

Goku takes the exam and barely passes with a fifty percent however, their team is short a member because Buu failed his. Goku blames Vegeta for requesting such a thing. Goku takes the first match against Botamo. When the match begins Goku is immediately rushed by Botamo. Goku is struggling to dodge his attacks and eventually gets hit. Beerus is wondering what Goku is doing but Goku says he's just trying to exercise his meal off. Goku begins running in the ring while Botamo is trying to attack him but fails to connect.

Botamo eventually is worn out, so Goku takes advantage of this as he is done exercising his meal. Goku attacks Botamo but no one can see him move because he's moving at an immense speed. Goku begins to take control by attacking Botamo but he isn't taking any damage even after firing a Kamehameha at him. Goku thinks of an idea to beat Botamo and pushes him down and drags him to the edge of the ring. As Botamo tries to punch Goku, he grabs his arm and throws him out of the ring, resulting in a ring out.


Goku battles Frost in his Assault Form

Goku looks over at Hit, who is not paying attention to the fight. Goku's next challenger is Frost, and they shake hands before the match. As the Referee commences the match, Frost charges Goku and they both attack and block each other in rapid succession. Goku uppercuts Frost in the gut and kicks him to the floor. Goku assumes that Frost is trying to test his power though Frost denies it. Goku is eager to see Frost transform into his final form but Frost wonders how he knew he could transform. Goku tells Frost that he fought someone similar before and that he should transform so he wont't be defeated without using his true power. Frosts then transforms into his "final form".


Super Saiyan Goku faces Frost

Goku is surprised at Frost's transformation and says he hasn't seen that form previously. Frost asks if his counterpart defeated Goku though he chooses not to say so Frost assumes that he didn't. Goku and Frost battle it out again until Frost fires a finger blast at Goku which sends him crashing to the ground. Goku immediately hops up, not taking serious damage. Goku still thinks Frost is hiding another transformation, so he transforms into Super Saiyan. As Goku charges towards Frost, Frost transforms into his true final form. As a Super Saiyan, Goku completely outclassed Frost, with him unable to land a major blow. However, Frost catches him with a glancing blow which instantly renders Goku dizzy and unable to fight, leading Frost to kick Goku out of the ring and win the match.


Goku after falling out of the ring

Chi-Chi hurries to check on him. Goku admits his loss who suddenly congratulates Goku and raises his hand. He explains to Beerus that he thought Super Saiyan was enough for Frost and didn't think he needed to push him any further. Before Piccolo starts his match with Frost, Goku bluntly tells Piccolo that he's no match for Frost, but he can damage him a little for Vegeta. After Frost is revealed to have cheated, Beerus locates a wound on Goku's hand from Frost's poison needle and is allowed to compete again. However, Beerus insists that Monaka will go last and Goku will go after Vegeta.


Goku punches Hit

After Vegeta loses to Hit, Goku, after figuring out Hit's abilities, enters the ring to fight Hit himself. After throwing himself at Hit a few times Goku manages to block one of Hit's moves, to which Hit thought was a fluke and attacked again with his Time Skip and this time Goku draws blood from Hit and begins to go on the attack, countering Hit's time skipping ability by predicting where he is going to be, much to the annoyance of Vegeta. Hit, realizing his Time-Skip is useless is forced to fight seriously and Goku goes Super Saiyan Blue, and attacks Hit, forcing him to power up.


Goku attacks Hit with Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-ken

Goku, seeing that Hit is more powerful than he thought, unveils his new technique, the Kaio-Ken form while in Super Saiyan Blue. Goku notes the chances of him doing it is roughly 10% and failure will likely kill him. Goku explains that combining the Kaio-ken technique with his Super Saiyan Blue form is possible due to the form's required calm mind and perfect innate ki control, and he did not attempt to combine it with the previous Super Saiyan forms because they were too rough on his body, and he would have died. Goku then powers it up ten times and goes on the assault, totally outclassing Hit but notes his body is starting to give out so Goku fires a Kamehameha at Hit. Hit however survives and the fight continues.


Goku ready to keep fighting

Determined to prove to Champa that he and Hit are more than just "pawns", Goku prepares to attack Hit again, but Hit once again increased his Time-Skip and lands a strong barrage of punches on Goku. Goku retaliates with a strong blow, knocking Hit into part of the arena. Goku asks Beerus to remove the tournament rules, realizing that Hit is holding back because of the non-killing rule. Champa agrees, while Beerus disagrees, and they begin to argue. Wanting to fight Hit another time, Goku deliberately falls out of the ring and Hit is declared the winner. When Goku disperses the Kaio-ken technique, he receives an immense amount of pain and collapses.

SSG Goku u6 arc

Super Saiyan God Goku

In the manga, Goku is able to counter some of Hit's attacks while in his base form. Hit repeatedly scolds Goku for revealing his strategy. Goku is able to fight evenly with Hit in Super Saiyan, but it becomes clear that he is expending stamina while Hit is not. When Goku enters Super Saiyan God, Hit's Time Skip becomes ineffective as the gap in their power becomes greater. Hit responds by going to full power, claiming he'll only need one minute and one Time Skip usage to win. Goku uses Super Saiyan Blue, and its full power allows him to break through Hit's Time Skip and lands a kick followed by a massive Kamehameha that Hit dodges. He then surrenders as he does in the anime.

In the anime, Beerus angrily confronts Goku, and admits that he would have lost anyway due to the Kaio-ken's time limit and reminds him that Monaka has not fought yet. Goku, not knowing that Monaka is an amateur, cheers him on, and when Monaka wins the match due to Hit deliberately being knocked out of the ring, Universe 7 is announced as the winner of the tournament.


Goku and Zeno shake hands

When Zeno appears and mentions that he would be interested in organizing another tournament, Goku casually tells him it would be fun, as Champa and Beerus are flustered. Goku and Zeno talk and Zeno praises Goku for his match with Hit. Goku extends his hand out to Zeno, causing both Gods of Destruction to worry. Zeno shakes his hand and calls Goku funny. Zeno then leaves, with Beerus and Champa sighing in relief, telling Goku that he could destroy all of the universes if he wished. Goku approaches Hit, wanting to have a rematch against him at a later time. After Beerus uses the Super Dragon Balls to make his wish, the group arrive on Beerus' planet, Goku asks Beerus for a short sparring match with Monaka, but Beerus refuses, saying that as they are both tired from the tournament, they should go home and rest. Whis then drops off the Z-Fighters back on Earth.

Copy-Vegeta Saga

Main article: Copy-Vegeta Saga Bulma hosts a party following Universe 7's victory, with Beerus, Whis and Monaka also invited. Goku meanwhile is seen taking a nap on a farm. After Beerus and Whis arrive, Beerus instructs everyone to keep Monaka being weak a secret from Goku, stating that if Goku finds out, he will lose any motivation to grow stronger. Goku teleports to the party and upon seeing Monaka tries to get him to fight him but Chi-Chi forces Goku to fly home to change into cleaner clothes. He does so, and teleports right back, wearing his regular Gi, still eager for a sparring match. In order to buy more time, Beerus forces Goku to do three hundred trillion sit-ups, which he does quickly, not knowing how to count that high.

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Goku vs. "Monaka"

As Goku drags a frightened Monaka to a secure area to fight, Chiaotzu and Krillin attempt to slow Goku down, as Beerus dons a life-sized costume of Monaka made by Mr. Satan. Goku, fooled by the costume, engages in battle with Beerus. As they fight, the costume begins to rip, exposing his body parts. Vegeta and Piccolo intervene, claiming that "Monaka" has the ability to control people, but Beerus throws them away and starts fighting with Goku again, with Whis explaining that Beerus is enjoying the fight. Whis ends the fight when it begins to become too serious, not wanting them to destroy Earth. Goku is impressed by Monaka's power, as Yamcha nonchalantly comments that (the real) Monaka has passed out due to the fight, much to everyone's annoyance. After seeing the real Monaka, Goku praises "Monaka" for having the ability to split himself. Goku and an exhausted Beerus, then says they are ready to eat, and the party starts.

Dragon ball super Arale

Goku encounters Arale

One night, Goku surprises his family when he appears to not have much of an appetite. Goten and Chi-Chi wonder if Goku is sick, or dying, and Goku says he isn't. While Goku is grocery shopping his Ki has a mind of its own, not allowing Goku to turn back or even land properly. Goku visits King Kai on Chi-Chi's suggestion, but his Ki is interfering with his teleporting, and he lands in Bulma's bedroom, Krillin's police station, Penguin Village while seeing Arale, and on the top of Korin Tower. Goku finally teleports to King Kai's planet, as King Kai inspects him.

King Kai then tells Goku that he is suffering from Delayed Onset Ki Disorder, which temporarily disrupts a person's Ki after they use it in a reckless manner. In Goku's case, it was due to using the Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-ken technique a few days prior. King Kai instructs Goku to forget training for a while due to the disorder, tells him to spend time with his granddaughter. As Goku flies home, his Ki forces him to crash into and destroy his house, angering Chi-Chi. The next day, Goku, Chi-Chi and Goten are in Gohan's house as Piccolo is babysitting Pan. Piccolo then leaves as Goku, and Chi-Chi gain the responsibility of babysitting Pan.


Goku babysits Pan with Piccolo

At night, Goku and Piccolo are sitting with Pan on the roof. Goku tells Piccolo that his Ki is so out of shape that he would lose to Piccolo in a fight. Goku has fun with Pan and apologizes for his disorder, wanting to fly Pan around in the starry sky. The next morning, Pan disappears, and ends up in the hands of the Pilaf gang. Goku, along with the others start to look for her. Later that day, Gohan and Videl arrive back home, the others are exhausted, but Pan was sleeping soundly on the couch by the time they arrived. They deduce that overnight Pan must have crawled under the bed or in the closet. As Gohan tells Pan that Goku is not feeling well, Pan starts referring to Goku as "Gramps", and Goku starts to feel proud.

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Goku faces a clone Vegeta

Later, Goku is training on King Kai's planet due to his Ki disorder passing, King Kai suggests that Goku goes to train on Beerus' planet, but Goku says that Whis is away, and he can't teleport there. While eating, Goku and King Kai suddenly sense Gotenks and Vegeta's energy and realizes that the two are fighting. Goku teleports to Potaufeu just before Fake Vegeta finishes off Goten and Trunks. Goku is unaware of the current situation and believes Fake Vegeta to be the real Vegeta until he, transparent and close to disappearing due to Commeson's effects, tells Goku to defeat Fake Vegeta, while wondering if he can. Goku, though confused, agrees and engages in battle with Fake Vegeta, who is as strong as the real thing.

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Goku defeats the Fake Vegeta with the Kamehameha

An impatient Vegeta begins to give them both tips, with them wondering whose side Vegeta is on. Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan Blue and to everyone's surprise so does Fake Vegeta and continue their battle. As they both land a powerful blow, a bright light is created, and the core of Commeson attacks Trunks, as Vegeta steps in-between them. Monaka casually steps on the core, which crushes it, causing Fake Vegeta immense pain. Goku then fires a God Kamehameha, destroying Fake Vegeta and saving Vegeta just in time.

As Potage is re-sealing the core of Commeson, Goku praises Monaka for defeating the core, exclaiming how powerful he is. The group then say goodbye to Potage as they return to Earth. Goku and Vegeta discuss Vegeta sucking on the key to the seal, which resembled a baby pacifier, and Vegeta is embarrassed as he realizes this. Goku and Vegeta then exclaim to each other that they will not lose.

"Future" Trunks Saga

Main article: "Future" Trunks Saga

Goku Black Arrives To The Present Timeline-0

Goku and Goku Black meet

While Goku is eating on Beerus' planet, Whis receives a distress call from Bulma, who shows them an unconscious Future Trunks, having barely escaped his timeline with his life. The four teleport to Earth, and Goku grabs some Senzu Beans from Korin Tower. After Future Trunks eats a Senzu Bean he wakes up. Seeing Goku, Future Trunks angrily and unexpectedly attacks him. Future Trunks regains his senses and is surprised to see Goku alive. In the manga, Goku, Vegeta, and Whis are already on Earth when Future Trunks appears.

Future Trunks explains what happened in the future, and Goku and Vegeta are shocked to hear about Goku Black, a cruel and merciless version of Goku, responsible for the near eradication of humans in Future Trunks' timeline. Goku asks Future Trunks to spar with him to see where he stands against Black. They both start off as Super Saiyan 2. Impressed by Future Trunks' strength, Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan 3. Future Trunks tries to attack with his sword, but Goku catches it with his fingers and knocks Future Trunks down, defeating him. In the manga, Future Trunks is able to keep up with Super Saiyan 3 and Goku has to briefly tap into Super Saiyan God to put him down.

Goku blocks black

Goku vs. Black

A dark rift appears in the sky and Goku Black emerges from it, quickly noticing the actual Goku. Goku greets Black and challenges him to a fight, to which Black responds by attacking him with a Black Power Ball that pushes Goku out into a mountain. Regrouping, Goku goes Super Saiyan 2 and goes on the offensive. Black is able to keep up by channeling a mysterious dark energy. Throughout the fight, Black slowly gets stronger and resists the rift's attempts to pull him back in until the fight leaves him too fatigued to do so. Before being pulled through, he destroys the Time Machine.

Goku wants to train while Bulma and the others fix the Time Machine, but Whis and King Kai don't want to train him on their planets, so Goku decides to eat instead. Goku goes with Beerus and Whis to Universe 10 because they have an idea on Black's true identity. On the way Whis tells Goku about its powerful apprentice Supreme Kai Zamasu, making Goku excited to fight him.

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Goku overpowers Zamasu

Arriving in Universe 10, they meet Zamasu and Gowasu. Goku introduces himself to Zamasu and asks him for a fight but is stopped by Beerus, who tells Zamasu and Gowasu about Black. Goku asks to fight Zamasu again and Gowasu insists the fight happen. Goku goes Super Saiyan 2 and tries to punch Zamasu but he counters into what looks to be a finishing blow before Goku counters with a ki blast. He notices that the ki emanating from Zamasu is similar to that of Black. Goku overpowers Zamasu, defeating him in battle. He leaves with Beerus and Whis, hoping to fight Zamasu again someday.

After a crash landing on Earth, the group have dinner and before leaving, Whis tells Future Trunks that Black and Zamasu have similar ki but differ in many ways. Later, Goku feels Vegeta and Future Trunks' ki while they are sparring. He teleports Bulma to their location where they watch as Vegeta harshly trains Trunks.

In the manga, Black does not visit the past nor does he destroy the Time Machine. Instead, the group wait for it to be refuelled and pass the time by playing a racing video game. Additionally, Goku never visits Universe 10 and never meets Zamasu, who instead learns of him through watching GodTube.


Goku playing with Zeno

Goku is summoned to Zeno's Palace and upon arrival, Goku, Whis and Shin are greeted by the Grand Minister. He escorts them to Zeno's throne room where Zeno is elated to see Goku. Zeno reveals that his reason for summoning Goku is that he's looking for a friend to play with. Goku agrees to be his friend but says he has business to attend to first. He promises to bring Zeno a new friend when he returns. Zeno gives Goku a button that will summon him or teleport Goku to him whenever it is pressed. Goku then returns home.

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Goku, Vegeta and Future Trunks arrive in the future

Using the Time Machine, Goku and company arrive in the future where is attacked by the resistance army, who mistake him for Goku Black. After Trunks explains that Goku is an ally. Goku and Vegeta accompany Future Trunks as he reunites with Future Mai, Future Yajirobe, the rest of the resistance army and surviving civilians. Afterwards the three Saiyans leave to confront Goku Black. Goku watches in disdain as Goku Black reveals his Super Saiyan Rose form and easily defeats Vegeta, impaling him with a ki sword. Goku transforms and engages in combat with Goku Black, but he is knocked to the ground after a brief scuffle. Black prepares to finish him with a Super Black Kamehameha but is interrupted by the arrival of Future Zamasu, who wants the honor of killing Goku.


Goku and Future Trunks side-by-side

Future Zamasu states his plan to exterminate all mortals, and Goku engages him in battle, noting something is different about him compared to the Zamasu he fought. Goku is eventually double-teamed by both Future Zamasu and Goku Black and Future Trunks steps in the fight to even things out. Despite this they are being overwhelmed, with Goku discovering that Black can use Instant Transmission and Future Trunks discovering that Future Zamasu is immortal. The two are defeated by taking a full force hit from a Black Kamehameha while held down by Future Zamasu. They are about to be finished off but are saved by Vegeta, who wakes up momentarily to intercept an attack fired at them. In the confusion, Goku and Future Trunks are dragged away by Future Yajirobe, while Vegeta is saved by Future Mai. Future Mai sends the three Saiyans, back to the past in the Time Machine. After crash landing in front of Capsule Corp., they are quickly given Senzu Beans by Bulma.

In the manga, upon arriving in the future, Future Trunks feeds the injured Future Mai a Senzu Bean by mouth, leading Goku to admit that he's never kissed anybody, to the shock of Vegeta. Goku watches Vegeta gains an advantage over Black in battle. When Future Zamasu appears, Goku overpowers him with Super Saiyan Blue. After impaling his chest with a lamppost, Goku reverts to Super Saiyan but is shocked when Future Zamasu heals. He then reveals that he wished himself to be immortal and gains an advantage over Goku using his telekinetic powers, so Future Trunks creates a diversion with a Solar Flare, and they hide in a sewer, where Goku comes up with the idea to learn and use the Evil Containment Wave on Future Zamasu. Goku and Vegeta then escape in the Time Machine leaving Trunks in a dangerous position.

"Future" Trunks Saga - Ep58 22

Goku tires to think

In the anime, Shin visits Capsule Corp. to relay Zamasu probing Zuno for information on the Super Dragon Balls and Goku. Goku and Whis hypothesise that Zamasu is going to use the Super Dragon Balls to create a servant with Goku's appearance and power and then wish for immortality the following year using the Time Ring. Goku goes with Beerus, Whis, and Shin to Universe 10 and observe from a distance as Zamasu kills Gowasu. After Whis performs a Temporal Do-Over and Zamasu is exposed, he prepares to fight Goku but is intercepted and easily destroyed by Beerus. With Beerus insisting the future is now safe, Future Trunks decides to go and check, with Goku, Vegeta and Bulma going with him.

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Goku gets stabbed before finding out about his family

Upon arriving in the future, they realize that the future remains unchanged. After Goku Black reveals his true identity, the two teams fight head-to-head again, with Black and Zamasu holding the initial advantage. Black pins Goku to a wall with a ki sword and tells him how he killed Chi-Chi and Goten after stealing his body. This enrages Goku, who powers up and overwhelms the two by himself. Goku Black grows even stronger from Goku's assault and defeats Goku. While a powered up Future Trunks battles Goku Black and Zamasu,Goku, Vegeta and Bulma return to the present to figure out a plan.

Goku teleports to Master Roshi to teach him the Evil Containment Wave, which he practices on Turtle. After Goku has learned the technique, Roshi gives him an urn to seal Zamasu in, and he, Vegeta and Bulma (in the anime) return to the future.

Godku beats Zamasu

Goku overwhelms Future Zamasu

In the manga, upon arriving in the future, Goku feels Future Trunks' ki fading. They find Goku Black and Future Zamasu beating up Future Trunks and Shin and Goku teleports them to Future Mai, who is transporting the injured Gowasu away. While Vegeta heads off to battle Goku Black, Future Zamasu confronts Goku and once again reiterates that he's immortal and cannot be defeated, but Goku goes Super Saiyan Blue and uses the Evil Containment Wave to send him into a jar.

However, Goku is not able to keep him in there due to the talisman needed to seal the jar being missing. Zamasu emerges in shock and vows to obliterate everyone. Goku enters into his Super Saiyan God form instead to save on his energy. Outmatched Zamasu uses the Potara to fuse with Goku Black and combine into Fused Zamasu.

"Future" Trunks Saga - EP63 22

Goku and Vegeta side by side

In the anime, Black and Future Zamasu quickly confront Goku and Vegeta, with Black damaging the Time Machine again. Goku realizes the sealing urn is still in the Time Machine and while Future Trunks tries to put the jar back together, Gowasu and Shin arrive. Black and Zamasu try to kill them, but Goku and Vegeta transform into Super Saiyan Blue and stop the blasts. As Vegeta pushes back Goku Black, Goku fights Future Zamasu. When Black creates a rift which spawns a series of clones, they surround Goku and Vegeta. As they destroy them, the rift continues to produce more. Eventually Black senses that Future Zamasu's ki is diminished due to nearly being sealed with the Evil Containment Wave. Black teleports to Future Zamasu and use Potara Fusion to combine into Fused Zamasu.

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Goku using Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-ken against Fused Zamasu

Goku and Vegeta engage Fused Zamasu in battle but are overwhelmed by his divine power. After Future Trunks and Vegeta are taken down, Goku uses his God Kamehameha against Fused Zamasu's Holy Wrath, resulting in a huge explosion as the beam pierces Fused Zamasu's ki sphere, leaving the left side of his face and body disfigured. This leaves Goku strained to the point that he can no longer use his arms. Regardless, Goku attacks with a barrage of kicks and uses the power of Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-ken to land a huge blow, destroying Fused Zamasu's divine halo. Goku falls to the ground exhausted as a furious Fused Zamasu powers up with Light of Divine Justice.

In the manga, Fused Zamasu hits Goku and Vegeta with fast strikes to the gut. They collapse to the ground, reverting to base from their Super Saiyan God forms. Goku goes Super Saiyan Blue, and attacks Fused Zamasu, who deflects all of his strikes. Goku fires a God Kamehameha which pierces Fused Zamasu's chest, but he heals the wound due to his immortality. After continuing to overwhelm Goku and Vegeta, Shin gives Goku his Potara, suggesting they fuse into Vegito. Vegeta refuses and Goku heads back into the fight though continues to be overwhelmed. After hearing that the Potara fusion only lasts an hour, Vegeta asks for the earrings.

In the anime, Goku suggests that he and Vegeta fuse and he reluctantly agrees. Gowasu explains that as Goku and Vegeta are not Supreme Kais, the Potara fusion will last one hour. The Saiyans use fuse into Vegito, who fights a climactic battle with Fused Zamasu in Super Saiyan Blue. Zamasu's body continues to mutate during the fight, becoming larger and more grotesque. Vegito begins to overwhelm Fused Zamasu but his fusion ends prematurely and the Saiyans are dropped to the ground with a tremendous punch.


Goku and Vegeta, witness Trunks slicing Fused Zamasu in half

Fused Zamasu prepares to finish Goku and Vegeta off, but his God Split Cut is blocked by Future Trunks' Light Sword. Super Saiyan Anger Future Trunks takes on Fused Zamasu and his Light Sword becomes a Sword of Hope as it absorbs the energy of Goku, Vegeta, and all of the remaining humans on Earth. Future Trunks uses the Sword of Hope to cut Fused Zamasu in half. Everyone celebrates until a rift appears in the air that forms to become Infinite Zamasu. Goku and Vegeta try to power up but lack the ki to transform. Goku, Vegeta and Future Trunks each fire their own blasts but they are easily nullified. Goku looks in his gi for a Senzu Bean but finds the button Zeno gave him instead and summons Future Zeno to their location. Future Zeno is upset by the state of the world he is brought to and decides to erase it. Goku tells everyone to get in the Time Machine as Shin and Gowasu teleport away and Future Zeno erases the future timeline.

In the manga, Goku and Vegeta fuse into Vegito, but the fight is cut short by Vegito's sudden defusal, leaving Goku and Vegeta on the ground being barraged with blocks of Katchin. Gowasu suggests that as mortals, Goku and Vegeta's fusion was too strong to sustain. Fused Zamasu begins attacking Goku and Vegeta interrupts the assault, throwing Goku towards Future Trunks. Goku is healed by Future Trunks, who just found out he has the healing ability due to having apprenticed under Future Shin. As he could only fully heal one person, Vegeta had him heal Goku as during the fusion he sensed that Goku had mastered Super Saiyan Blue.

Goku vs Fused Zamasu

Goku pressuring Fused Zamasu

Goku teleports to the battlefield and Shin teleports Vegeta away and Round 2 between Goku and Fused Zamasu begins as Goku powers up to Perfected Super Saiyan Blue and faces Fused Zamasu in combat. The two fight on even grounds but eventually realizing he can't hold onto the Perfected form much longer, charges up one final attack and dashes toward to unleash Hakai. Fused Zamasu begins to disintegrate but saves himself by grabbing Future Mai through a portal and holding her in front of him, distracting Goku and allowing Fused Zamasu to land a kick that interrupts the Hakai and knocks Goku out.

After Future Trunks seemingly kills Goku Black and Zamasu, Goku goes to congratulate him when Trunks is hit in the back by a ki blast from Black. Future Zamasu and Black then stand up and to everyone's horror, both transform into a separate Fused Zamasu. The Zamasus begin beating on Goku until Vegeta blasts both them with Gamma Burst Flash. The attack obliterates both Zamasus into pieces however each of the pieces suddenly turn into another Zamasu. Shin teleports Goku and Vegeta to the Time Machine where they attempt to escape but are interrupted by hundreds of Zamasus. Goku and Vegeta prepare to go down fighting before Goku realizes he has the button Zeno gave him, which he uses to summon Future Zeno. Future Zeno is disgusted by the state of the world he is brought into and decides to erase it as everyone barely escapes in the Time Machine and Infinite Zamasu and the future timeline are permanently erased.

Goku returns with Future Trunks to the extinct future and takes Future Zeno to the past where he takes him to his present counterpart's palace, fulfilling his promise to bring Zeno a friend. The day after, Goku and company bid farewell to Future Trunks and Future Mai as they prepare for a new life in a new timeline created by Whis' alterations (in the anime) or Future Trunks' planned alteration (in the manga), with Goku believing Future Trunks is strong enough to defeat any opponent.

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Goku "murdered" by Hit

In the anime, sometime later, Goku begins to act strange and sense everything around him, realizing someone is after his life and that someone is Hit. When he senses Hit arriving on Earth, Goku leaves to confront him. Hit showing great respect to Goku offers to spare his life if Goku were to disappear but Goku declines the offer. Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan Blue and reminds Hit that Time-Skip won't work on him. Goku attacks but his attacks are going through Hit. Hit successfully assassinates Goku with a single ki strike to the heart, with Goku dying before his body hits the ground. Piccolo, Gohan and Goten arrive moments and discover his dead body. Piccolo begins to perform CPR but Gohan sensing something looks up and notices a massive ki blast falling back to Goku. The blast strikes Goku in the heart, reviving him. Goku and Hit continue their fight, with Goku starting to see how Hit's new moves work and figures them out on the third try.

Goku hired Hit

Goku admits he placed the contract on himself

Champa, Vados, Beerus, Whis and Vegeta all arrive. Champa mentions that Hit has to kill Goku as Goku is a major threat in Zeno's upcoming tournament and that it was wise of Vados to hire Hit to assassinate Goku, but Vados says she only hired Hit but there is someone else who wants Goku dead. Goku having figured out Hit's ability, powers up to maximum power and shatters his Tides of Time and defeats him with a Kamehameha. After the fight everyone greets the pair with Vegeta demands Hit to tell him who hired him, but Hit refuses. Suddenly Vegeta realizes who hired Hit and accuses Goku to which Goku confesses to hiring Hit through Vados. Hit admits Goku is far too complex for him to understand and smiles at his target. Hit asks Goku if there is a time limit on his mission and Goku says no. To which Hit replies that he will kill him later then, smiles at Goku and leaves.

Later on, Goku goes to the movies with his family to see the new Great Saiyaman movie but falls asleep through it and gets yelled at by Chi-Chi for it.

Universe Survival Saga

Main article: Universe Survival Saga

Goku getting scratched by bullet

Goku scratched from a bullet

Peace having returned, Goku begins farming again, and takes his latest harvest to a trader. While driving away from the farmer's market in a Capsule Corp. truck, Goku spots a man whose truck is stuck in the road. Goku agrees to help but finds himself held at gunpoint by the man and his two companions who demand the truck. Goku refuses and renders all but one robber unconscious. The last robber fires a bullet at Goku, which scratches him. After knocking out the last robber, Goku looks at his scratch and comes to the conclusion that he is getting rusty. In the manga, Goku brings the criminals to the police station, where the sheriff pays him a large reward.

Goku calls Krillin to ask if he wants to train but he is busy with police work. Instead, Goku calls Whis and agrees to give him bean daifuku in exchange for more training. Heading home to put on his Gi, Goten asks if he can come along but Chi-Chi forbids this, though the two sneak out while she is distracted. After picking up the bean daifuku they head to Capsule Corp. The two notice Bulma's large belly, and Goku comes to the conclusion that she has been eating too much. He is surprised to learn that she is pregnant again and offers her the bean daifuku before being reminded by Goten that it is for Whis. Bulma declines and says he should give it to Whis.

Beerus threatening Goku

Beerus threatens Goku

After finding Vegeta, Goku asks him to come along with him but he rejects since Bulma is going to give birth soon. Once Whis arrives, he takes Goku to Beerus' Planet to train. Looking to fight stronger opponents once more, Goku asks Beerus about the tournament that Zeno was planning but is scolded by Beerus and told not to get involved. Beerus threatens to destroy Goku, viewing his naive nature as a threat to the universe, but Goku tricks him and presses the button, bringing himself to Zeno's Palace. He asks Zeno about the tournament and Future Zeno becomes excited by the idea of it, so the Grand Minister tells Goku that he will inform him of the details when they become available. Goku returns to Beerus' planet and tells Beerus what happened and asks Whis to take him to the Sacred World of the Kai.


Everyone listening to the Grand Minister

The Grand Minister arrives and fills everyone in on the details of the Tournament of Power. Goku and the others are shocked to learn that every losing universe will be erased from existence. The Grand Minister informs Goku that there will be an exhibition match held before the tournament so Future Zeno can spectate a fight for the first time. Goku is instructed to find two other fighters in the next hour to join him in battling alongside three fighters from Universe 9 in the exhibition match.

Returning to Earth, Goku asks Vegeta, but he refuses. Goku decides that Goten and Trunks are too weak to compete, so he goes to Gohan. Gohan is hesitant at first, so Goku tells him about the stakes at play. Goku and Gohan agree to keep the universe erasure clause to themselves to prevent a potential panic.

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Goku, Gohan and Mr. Satan are unimpressed with the Trio of Danger name

When Mr. Satan and Good Buu join Goku and Gohan, Goku asks Buu to fight in the Zeno Expo. Buu agrees, and Goku teleports everyone to the Sacred World of the Kai. Shin takes everyone to Zeno's Palace, where they encounter their Universe 9 opponents for the first time. The Gods and Angels of the other ten universes arrive shortly after. The Grand Minister introduces Goku as the man responsible for the Tournament of Power and explains the rules for the Zeno Expo. Good Buu defeats Basil while Gohan and Lavender's battle ends in a draw. While watching them fight, Goku notes that he can't sense the ki of the Universe 9 fighters, which excites him.

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Goku freed from Top's finishing hold

Goku is paired against Bergamo, who declares Goku as the enemy. Bergamo convinces Zeno to rescind the rule stating all losing universes are destroyed if he defeats Goku, to which Zeno agrees. The Grand Minister warns Goku that every universe will be immediately destroyed if he holds back. Bergamo allows Goku to hit him, which increases his size and strength. He goes Super Saiyan and continues to hit Bergamo and make him stronger. Becoming a Super Saiyan Blue he fires a 10x God Kamehameha which overpowers Bergamo's Wolfgang Penetrator and defeats him. Goku is then challenged by Top of Universe 11. Goku starts the fight off in Super Saiyan and Top is able to gain an advantage over him until Goku turns Super Saiyan Blue. The two fight a destructive battle and Goku does damage with an Instant Kamehameha. They prepare to fight at full power before the Grand Minister ends it. Before they part ways, Top reveals that there is a being in Universe 11 even stronger than him. Shortly afterwards Goku returns to Earth where he begins to put a team together.

In the manga, the Grand Minister announces the Tournament of Power, and Future Zeno is confused as he's never seen a fight before. The Grand Minister then decides to hold a Zeno Expo match featuring all of the Gods of Destruction. Goku watches as Beerus seems to effortlessly evade attacks for a moment, and Whis says his body is capable of doing it on its own. After the Grand Minister ends the match, Goku overhears Future Zeno talking about cancelling the tournament and insists he can put on a more exciting fight for them. The Grand Minister chooses Top as his opponent.

He starts the fight off in Super Saiyan and is unable to land any attacks as Top tells him to take things seriously. Future Zeno wishes to see all of Goku's forms, and he obliges by going Super Saiyan 2 and quickly following up with Super Saiyan 3. Top continues to hold his advantage, so Goku goes up to Super Saiyan God and the two begin to fight more evenly. At Beerus' request, he goes Super Saiyan Blue and looks to end the fight, but Top ducks his punch and lands a massive kick to the gut, knocking Goku out of the ring and winning the match. After Grand Minister announces the rules for the Tournament, he sends everyone back to their respective universe to build their teams.

Back on the Sacred World of the Kai, Beerus berates Goku despite Goku technically giving Universe 7 a chance to survive rather than endangering it as Shin points out. Goku and company then head to Capsule Corp. to begin recruiting their team.

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Goku back at Capsule Corp

In the anime, at Capsule Corp. Shin reveals that there are only twenty-eight planets with mortal life, so they limit their search to Earth, starting off with Goku, Gohan, Buu, Vegeta and Piccolo. Goku wants Monaka but Beerus lies that he is unwell. Goku and Gohan have a mind battle between Krillin and Basil, and despite Krillin losing, Goku decides to still recruit him. Goku refuses to consider Trunks and Goten, citing their inexperience. Gohan then suggests Master Roshi, while Mr. Satan has the idea to recruit Android 18, which gives Goku the idea to recruit Android 17.

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Goku, Android 18 and Marron watch as Gohan and Krillin battle

Goku and Gohan find Vegeta, who still refuses to get involved. Whis solves the problem by using his staff to instantly and painlessly deliver the bay who is soon named Bulla. Goku and Gohan then head to Satan City where they find Krillin doing police work. They go to Krillin and 18's home, where both refuse to compete until Goku lies about a ten million zeni reward. At a remote location, Goku watches as Krillin beats Gohan in a sparring match with the Solar Flare x100. Goku also spars with Krillin on a rooftop in Satan City. Krillin keeps up with Super Saiyan Goku using a clever Destructo Disc strategy. When Goku goes Super Saiyan Blue, he fires a God Kamehameha which collides with Krillin's Kamehameha. Android 18 comes to Krillin's aid, cutting Goku's beam off. They challenge Goku to a two-versus-one fight, but Goku says that's enough, admitting he has a lot to learn from them. Before Goku and Gohan leave, Goku asks 18 if she knows where Android 17 is, but she only knows he's working at a wildlife preserve.

Gohan heads off to train with Piccolo while Goku visits Dende to look for 17 but is distracted by Good Buu's training nearby. Buu now in a slimmer form spars with Goku and manages to knock him out of bounds while he's distracted. Goku is impressed by Buu's new power and looks forward to fighting alongside him. He then heads to the Lookout where Dende has moves it to the island Android 17 is working on. On the way, Dende lets him know that 17 has gotten a lot stronger. He also mentions a boy with unbelievable power living in a small village and recommends training him when he gets older as he is the reincarnation of Kid Buu.

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Goku tries to convince Android 17

Goku arrives at the wildlife sanctuary where he finds Android 17 dealing with poachers. After Goku helps him send the poachers away, Goku and 17 fight with Goku starting off in Super Saiyan. The two fight evenly until Goku powers up to Super Saiyan Blue. His God Kamehameha is blocked by 17's Android Barrier and 17 is able to trade blows with Goku until he calls the match off to protect the island. Even after Goku tells 17 the truth about the tournament, he still turns him down, but after telling him of the Super Dragon Balls being the prize, he begins to reconsider. After Goku helps 17 save the animals from a gang of intergalactic poachers, 17 agrees to fight in the tournament, leaving his island in the care of Trunks and Goten while he's gone.

In the manga, Goku neglects to recruit Gohan, saying he doesn't like to fight. Goku visits Krillin and Android 18 and is able to recruit them after some convincing. Dende gives Goku a ride to Android 17's island, where he realizes he doesn't even know what 17 looks like, but soon finds him regardless. 17 initially mistakes him for a poacher due to Goku wearing a poacher's mask. They fight, with Goku turning Super Saiyan 2 and then Super Saiyan 3 before 17 realizes who he is and stops attacking. At night, Goku convinces him to take part in the tournament by telling him Krillin will be there as 17 feels he owes a debt to Krillin.

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Goku, Tien and Roshi see the mayhem outside the Dojo

In the anime, Goku meets up with Piccolo and recruits him, also asking him to train Gohan in for the tournament. After being told by Oolong that Roshi is at the Tien-Shin Style Dojo, Goku heads there to recruit him and Tien. Tien initially turns him down, but they are interrupted by Yurin, a former student of the Crane School, brainwashing his students and turning them against him. Roshi falls to her witchcraft and Goku fights the brainwashed Roshi, noting how strong he is. Goku hits Roshi with a Kamehameha, breaking the spell. Yurin then agrees to be Tien's student again, and both Tien and Roshi agree to fight in the Tournament of Power.

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Goku vs. Ultimate Gohan

Goku is eating at a restaurant with Tien, Roshi and Chiaotzu when he is interrupted by Piccolo and Gohan, with Gohan asking Goku for a sparring match. Himself and Piccolo vs. Goku and Tien. They move to Gohan's training grounds, where Piccolo and Gohan are able to win the match. Gohan then requests a one-on-one match with Goku, which Goku happily obliges. Gohan is able to fight evenly with Super Saiyan 2 Goku but falls when Goku uses Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-ken. Nonetheless, Goku says he's impressed and names Gohan the leader of Team Universe 7.

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Goku bites Whis

In the anime, a strategy meeting is held at Capsule Corp. Old Kai suggests drawing out Goku's potential, but there is not enough time. Instead, Goku decides to train with Whis in the gravity chamber. When Bulma tells everyone that Good Buu has fallen asleep, Goku rushes over to try to wake him to no avail. When he returns to Capsule Corp., he is confronted for lying about the reward and the truth about the tournament, and Goku apologizes. Short a team member, and Goku heads to Earth's Hell and finds Frieza, Goku explains the situation and Frieza agrees to participate under the condition that Goku uses the Dragon Balls to resurrect him if Universe 7 wins and Goku eventually agrees.

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Goku vs. Golden Frieza ends in a draw

At Fortuneteller Baba's Palace, Goku and Frieza are ambushed by and forced to fight a large group of assassins from Universe 9. The assassin boss throws a ball of Energy of Destruction from Sidra at Frieza, but he overpowers it and traps Goku inside while he murders the assassins. Goku is set free after the arrival of Beerus and Whis and asks for a fight with Frieza saying that if he wins, Frieza will stay obedient to Universe 7 but the fight ends in a draw. Goku helps diffuse a confrontation between Frieza and Vegeta before Shin goes over Universe 7's strategy for the tournament but they struggle with the idea of fighting in numbers. Whis then transports the team to the Null Realm where the Tournament of Power is being held.

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Goku and Frieza arrive at Capsule Corp.

In the manga, Whis contacts Goku, who informs him that Buu is asleep so unable to fight. He visits Piccolo, who says he's going to train Gohan then visits and recruits Tien Shinhan before returning to Capsule Corp, where he decides to recruit Frieza. He attempts to negotiate with Frieza but things get violent, and they arrive at Capsule Corp. looking worse for wear, with Goku admitting Frieza has managed to get stronger while dead. He also admits that he promised to resurrect Frieza should Universe 7 win, much to everyone's horror. Team Universe 7 then departs for the Tournament of Power.

Goku speaks with with Hit, with Hit warning Goku that he's gotten stronger. At the start of the match, Goku goes straight after Jiren but the Pride Troopers gang up on him. Goku fights them off while Jiren leaves the area. After Krillin and Tien Shinhan are eliminated by Frost, he goes after Master Roshi. Goku interferes on Roshi's behalf, but Roshi says he can handle himself and tells Goku to focus on Jiren.

In the anime, arriving in the Null Realm, Goku soon realizes he can't fly. He greets Hit and Cabba, who introduces him to Caulifla and Kale. Goku feels a strong energy with the arrival of Team Universe 11. He greets Top and tries to introduce himself to Jiren, but Jiren moves behind him instantly, shocking Goku with his speed.


Goku tries to break free from Nink

When the tournament begins. Goku goes after Top, but is intercepted by Ganos, who he clashes with momentarily. He briefly confronts Top before the latter is attacked by Murichim. Goku has a stare down with Jiren which is interrupted by Nink, who grabs Goku from behind and locks him in a Bear Hug. In danger of being thrown out of the ring, Goku uses Super Saiyan Blue to knock Nink off, barely managing to grab the edge to save himself. Goku is then surrounded by five warriors from Team Universe 9 including the Trio of Danger, much to his delight.


Goku and Vegeta team up against Universe 9

The Trio of Danger fight Goku three-on-one. Goku paces himself, using his base form to avoid wasting stamina. Lavender uses his Poison Blow, so Goku creates a ki barrier to negate it's effects. When the Trio of Dangers start to overwhelm Goku with the Dangers' Triangle, Vegeta steps in to assist him, and the two find themselves facing eight members of Team Universe 9. Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan and eliminates Chappil and Comfrey while Vegeta, Frieza and Android 18 eliminate other members. Goku and Vegeta clash with the Trio of Danger in Super Saiyan before going Super Saiyan Blue to finish them by combining their attacks to create a Final Kamehameha. Everyone watches with horror as the Zenos erase Universe 9 from existence.

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Goku and Super Saiyan 2 Caulifla clash

When the fighting resumes, Goku briefly battles Jimizu, but is interrupted by Caulifla and Kale. After kicking Jimizu away, Caulifla demands that Goku teach her how to become Super Saiyan Blue. When Goku says he doesn't think she's ready for the form, Caulifla responds by becoming a Super Saiyan Third Grade and attempts to attack Goku, who easily counters her attacks and warns her not to use the form as it is slow. He shows her Super Saiyan 2, impressing her before she responds by pulling off the transformation herself. Goku says she might even learn Super Saiyan 3 in this fight and they begin to fight.

Goku vs Kale

Kale overwhelms Goku

After a short while, Kale tries to interfere and Goku asks her not to interrupt, which sends her into a fit of rage and causes her to transform into a large, muscular, Super Saiyan form. Kale charges Goku and begins thrashing him around. Unable to hurt her in Super Saiyan 2, Goku powers up to Super Saiyan Blue and fires a God Kamehameha at her, but even this is ineffective. Kale continues to rampage, until Jiren appears and defeats her with a Power Impact. Goku then approaches Jiren as Caulifla and Kale retreat.

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Goku faces Jiren

Goku prepares to fight Jiren but is hit from behind by Top before the two retreat. Moments later, Goku teams up with Caulifla and Kale against five of the Pride Troopers. Outnumbered and struggling, Androids 17 and 18 join the fight and help Goku. Caulifla and Kale defeat three of the Pride Troopers and 18 eliminates Cocotte. Goku then turns his attention to the Kamikaze Fireballs of Universe 2 where Goku clashes with Roasie. She surrounds him with ki blasts, but 17 protects him by deploying an Android Barrier. Goku gets the better of Rozie and lands an attack of his own, but Jimeze teleports Rozie and Ribrianne away before they can be eliminated.

Super Saiyan God Goku and Hit

Goku and Hit team up

After watching Gohan defeat Botamo, Goku takes on his Super Saiyan God form and joins Hit against Dyspo and K'nsi. Goku clashes with Dyspo, whose speed nullifies Instant Transmission. He briefly gets the better of Dyspo with a precision strike in a burst of Super Saiyan Blue, but ultimately ends up switching opponents with Hit. Goku powers his way through K'nsi's field of Energy Threads in Super Saiyan Blue while Hit begins to overpower Dyspo. K'nsi saves Dyspo from elimination but gets himself eliminated by Hit. Dyspo retreats and Goku parts ways with Hit, hoping to fight him and Dyspo later in the tournament.

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Goku and Vegeta fire at Prum

Goku's next opponent is Maji-Kayo, who is able to hold the Super Saiyan in place with his Body Manipulation ability. When he notices Master Roshi lying unconscious, he uses Super Saiyan Blue to break free and rushes to his Master's aid. After reviving Roshi, Goku regroups with his allies against Prum and Harmira. Goku and Vegeta try to put pressure on Prum with their ki wave attacks but find that he is able to reflect them effortlessly. Goku and Vegeta pressure Prum by throwing rocks at him and after Vegeta eliminates him, Goku goes to assist Master Roshi against Frost, but is intercepted by Ribrianne.

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Goku attacking Jiren

Goku fights Ribrianne, holding his own in his base form against her love-based arsenal of attacks. Their battle heats up, with Ribrianne transforming into Super Ribrianne. Goku easily overpowers her with Super Saiyan Blue and finally gets his wish as Jiren interrupts the fight and silently challenges him. Goku begins the fight in his base state and slowly powers up to test the Pride Trooper's abilities. Jiren is completely unfazed by Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan 2 but exerts minor effort when confronted by Super Saiyan God. Goku powers up to Super Saiyan Blue and the fight begins in earnest. The battle catches the attention of everyone in the Null Realm as Goku fights to his limit, utilizing X20 Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-ken and being held off with relative ease.

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Goku awakens Ultra Instinct Sign

Seeing no other choice, Goku drops back to his base form and gathers energy to create Universe 7's Spirit Bomb, all of Universe 7 contributing except for Vegeta, who declines out of pride (though he does protect Goku when Ribrianne tries to blindside him). Jiren takes the Spirit Bomb head on and pushes it back. The two struggle to control the massive concentration of ki, with Goku again utilizing X20 Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-ken. Ultimately, Goku's power gives out and he collapses, falling into his imploding Spirit Bomb. Initially believed to be dead, the remaining fighters prepare to collapse on Jiren. However, Goku emerges from the crater, having undergone a new transformation due to the power of the Spirit Bomb combining with his own innate energy to resist it. Unlocking his deepest potential, he has reached a state referred to by the gods as "Ultra Instinct".

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Ultra Instinct Goku faces off against Jiren

Seeing Goku's new power, Top and Dyspo attempt to aid Jiren, but Goku holds them off effortlessly until Jiren dismisses them. Goku and Jiren resume their battle, the pair now appearing to be evenly matched. The battle rages until Goku burns through his new energy and drops back to his base form mid-attack. Jiren prepares to throw Goku from the ring before Hit intervenes, attacking Jiren. Goku retreats to rest, only to be accosted by Frieza who surprisingly heals him with a ki blast, admitting that he wants Goku to defeat Jiren for him. Goku is stunned when Jiren eliminates Hit from the tournament. Jiren tells Top and Dyspo to handle the rest of the tournament, as he has now eliminated all of the worthwhile warriors, giving Goku a pointed look which he takes with offence.

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Goku and Hit fight Jiren together

In the manga, Goku clashes with Top and Dyspo in Super Saiyan. Top warns Dyspo that Goku has more transformations left, shocking his fellow Pride Trooper. As Top pins him to the ground, Goku realizes Hit is in danger of being eliminated by Jiren and powers up to Perfected Super Saiyan Blue, breaking out of Top's hold and rushing to his friend's aid. He charges Jiren, who is able to knock Goku back with a single Kiai. Hit says his Time Skip didn't work against Jiren and they prepare to fight him together. Jiren blocks their attacks while standing in place, even taking no damage from a Kamehameha. Jiren pushes Goku to the edge of the arena and prepares to eliminate him, refusing to acknowledge his name but Hit intercepts, landing a kick on Jiren. Hit considers his debt to Goku from the Tournament of Destroyers repaid, and Goku compliments Hit on improving his strength. As they continue fighting, Jiren proves to be a brick wall, Hit prepares to use a new technique he developed to beat Goku. Hit says that they'll need to work together but Goku reverts to his base form and declines, wanting to beat Jiren alone. He then watches as Hit is overpowered and eliminated by Jiren. Goku prepares to fight Jiren again, as the latter finally acknowledges Goku's name.


Goku uses his superior skills against Caulifla

In the anime, Goku is attacked by Koitsukai, Pancéa, and Borareta of Universe 3. The three, hoping to capitalize on Goku's weakened state. However, Caulifla interrupts and kicks and blasts them away. Caulifla demands to fight Goku and be taught how to use Super Saiyan 3. She powers up to Super Saiyan 2, but Goku cannot as his stamina hasn't yet recovered. The two engage in a fierce battle, though Goku is outclassed in power, his superior amount of experience allows him to hold her off until he's able to match her transformation and fight evenly. Goku then invites Kale to fight alongside her master. Thrilled by the opportunity, she transforms into her Super Saiyan state and the battle resumes.


Goku demonstrates Super Saiyan 3 to Caulifla and Kale

Goku has greater difficulty fighting against the two and when they unleash a combined ki attack, Goku is forced to use Super Saiyan 3 to repel it before reverting to Super Saiyan 2 for stamina reasons. Feeling inspired, Kale returns to her berserk state before putting it under her control, increasing the power of her Super Saiyan state. The two Saiyans launch a devastating assault on Goku. Seeing Caulifla as the more vulnerable of the two, Goku targets her for several distracting attacks, allowing him to focus more directly on Kale.

Super Saiyan God

Goku prepares to fight Kale and Caulifla

Goku's stamina recovers enough to use Super Saiyan God. In this state, he holds an advantage, dodging or deflecting most of their attacks while dealing them some serious punishment. Goku prepares to finish them off by firing a Kamehameha, but a quickly executed Potara fusion saves them as Kefla is formed. Kefla lunges at Goku, shocking both Goku and herself with her speed. Goku transforms into Super Saiyan Blue so Kefla responds by becoming a Super Saiyan. The battle resumes and utilizing Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-ken, Goku is able to do some damage. Goku counters Kefla's Gigantic Blast with a God Kamehameha, but Kefla appears behind Goku and knocks him out. Kefla prepares to finish Goku, but Goku stands up, channelling Ultra Instinct Sign once again and effortlessly deflects her attacks.


Goku clashes with Super Saiyan 2 Kefla

Whis surmises that Goku was able to achieve the form a second time due to Kefla's power rivaling that of the Universe 7 Spirit Bomb. Kefla further powers up to Super Saiyan 2 but Goku dodges all of her attacks and lands the first hit. He begins to overwhelm Kefla, though his attacks are less effective than he expects. He begins to charge a Imperfect Instinct Kamehameha while dodging Kefla's Ray Blast and advances towards Kefla. With Goku suspended in midair, Kefla fires a Gigantic Blaze and Goku uses the Kamehameha to glide over the beam, allowing him to land a direct hit, destroying the Potara, ending the fusion, and eliminating Caulifla and Kale. Whis then states that Goku needs to learn to attack subconsciously to master Ultra Instinct.

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Goku faces Team Universe 2

Exhausted, Goku is cornered by the remaining warriors of Team Universe 2, Zirloin, Zarbuto, and Rabanra. He holds his own until the three transform and gain the Kamikaze Fireballs' powers. At that point, 17 and 18 join Goku, and Goku is left to fight Zirloin one on one. The three remaining Universe 2 fighters are pushed to the edge and attempt to use the Pretty Black Hole on Goku, 17, and 18. This, however, does not work as Goku utilizes Super Saiyan Blue and fires a Kamehameha which overpowers the attack and finishes off Team Universe 2 as Gohan and Piccolo simultaneously finish off Team Universe 6.

Team Universe 7 come under assault from Team Universe 4. Goku watches as Gohan and Piccolo eliminate invisible warrior Gamisalas before being caught in Xiangca's Ultrasonic Exchange. Piccolo eliminates Xiangca, putting an end to the illusions but is then eliminated by bug-sized warrior Damom. Goku manages to save Android 17 from a similar fate and Goku and 17 work together to defeat him, with Goku creating shockwaves in the ground to disrupt Damom's movements while 17 deals the finishing blow and finishes Universe 4 off.

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Goku teams up With Frieza

Goku, Vegeta, and Gohan are next attacked by Borareta, Koitsukai, and Pancéa, who ultimately merge into Koicéareta. Goku and Vegeta are content to let Gohan deal with this threat but are forced to step in when Koicéareta gains the upper hand. Goku and Vegeta combine attacks to stall Koicéareta long enough for Gohan to prepare a Kamehameha. However, Paparoni fuses with Koicéareta to create the enormous Agnilasa who immediately gains the advantage, nearly knocking Goku out if not for timely help from Frieza. Goku, Vegeta, Android 17, Gohan, and Frieza attempt to combine their attacks to defeat Agnilasa, but it proves not to be enough to defeat him, and only Android 17's idea to attack Agnilasa's energy reactor leads to its defeat and Universe 3's erasure.

In the manga, Goku's fight with Jiren resumes, taking to his Perfected Super Saiyan Blue form. Meanwhile, the rest of Team Universe 7 come under assault from a variety of fighters. As 17 takes care of Damom, Goku comments on how much of an asset he has been. Goku briefly joins Gohan and Roshi in a fight against three Pride Troopers, until Gohan points out that Frieza is in trouble against Super Saiyan Kale. Goku teleports to Frieza and powers up to Perfected Super Saiyan Blue. Despite Frieza's protests, he challenges Kale, gaining an early advantage but noting that Kale's power is increasing steadily. Frieza angrily kicks Goku out of the way, claiming that he can handle Kale himself. The two bicker until Kale powers up to a berserk state and goes on a rampage until she is fused with Caulifla to become Kefla. Gohan intercepts Kefla's attack on Goku and Jiren and says he'll deal with her while Goku resumes his battle against Jiren.

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Goku battles Jiren

In the anime, Jiren, Top, and Dyspo confront Team Universe 7. Goku and Jiren begin their second round of fighting and exchange their motivations. Vegeta interrupts the fight, intending to challenge Jiren himself. Goku and Vegeta take turns attacking Jiren, but neither can hold their own at first. Vegeta, however, soon finds a way to strike Jiren, and Goku is then left to watch Vegeta fight. He is amazed at Vegeta's strength when he prepares to use a Final Flash but is left shocked and worried when Jiren survives and severely wounds Vegeta. Goku jumps back into the fight afterwards. Despite various tactics and coming close to victory, Jiren recovers from Goku's onslaught and increases his battle power, which makes him strong enough that the shockwave of a single punch can knock Goku out of Super Saiyan Blue. However, Goku states that he cannot afford a loss. He activates Super Saiyan Blue in combination with the Kaio-ken, and watches as Vegeta powers up to Super Saiyan God SS Evolved.

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Goku and Vegeta working together against Jiren

The two begin fighting Jiren and are able to put him on the defensive due to their pressure. Despite their effectiveness Jiren turns things around for himself and regains control. Soon afterwards Vegeta splits off to fight Top while Goku continues to take on Jiren. After Vegeta defeats Top, Goku is slapped aside by Jiren who commends Vegeta on his victory and powers up to full power. The trio of Goku, Vegeta and 17 are not able to make any progress but 17 sneaks up on Jiren and hurts him which allows Goku to see Jiren's weakness, which ironically is Goku's own flaw of dropping his guard.

The trio try to recreate an opening for 17 to damage Jiren but to no avail and they are blasted and heavily injured before being rescued by Frieza though he is quickly taken down too. As 17 goes on to battle Jiren alone, Goku and Android 18 frantically tell 17 to run, with Goku believing 17 can actually win but 17 says he is giving up his wish and wraps both Goku and Vegeta in a barrier, telling them he hopes he bought them enough time as he blows himself up to stop Jiren's attack. Goku thanks 17 for his sacrifice before collapsing exhausted.

Goku UI Sign

Goku uses Ultra Instinct Sign for the first time

In the manga, Goku goes for a combination attack on Jiren, which Jiren easily blocked and countered with a devastating gut punch, chastising the Saiyan for his repetitive offence. Knowing he still has a wall to overcome, Goku stresses his body to its limits, drawing from his reserves and uses the Kaio-ken. He lands some heavier blows on Jiren, but the boost proves negligible as Jiren points out that Goku made the same mistake Kale did, trying to wield power gained by destroying the body. Seeing his old student on the ropes, Master Roshi tells Goku that he needs to conquer his own spirit rather than continuing to work on strength.

Goku thinks back to the words of all of his past masters, who taught him not to waste movement, to be tranquil and quick, to train his spirit, and to allow his body to act on its own. Roshi teaches Goku a final lesson on "how to move well" as he charges Jiren and manages to dodge a flurry of his strikes with graceful movements which Whis say resemble Ultra Instinct. Roshi is swiftly eliminated by Jiren and Goku praises his old master's teaching ability, declaring himself Son Goku of the Turtle School as he enters the Ultra Instinct Sign state for the first time and dodges the incoming Jiren's attack. He prepares to fight Jiren in the new form but snaps out of it before the fight begins and takes a heavy punch to the face.

Vegeta, having reached the Super Saiyan God SS Evolved state battles against Jiren but he makes short work of him. After Goku teleports Vegeta to a safe hiding spot, Frieza and Android 17 buy time for Goku and Vegeta to recover, with 17 seemingly blowing himself up in a vain attempt to defeat Jiren. Jiren approaches the battered Saiyans and Goku taps into Ultra Instinct Sign once again. Jiren powers up, casting an aura for the first time in the tournament.


Goku and Jiren begin their final round.

In the anime, after Vegeta finally falls to Jiren, he gives all of his remaining energy to Goku with hope that he can win. Goku is able to hop up to his feet and goes Super Saiyan Blue as Jiren wonders why they trust Goku so much. Goku, annoyed and angry at Jiren for his view of the world says he wouldn't understand and attacks Jiren. Despite momentary success, Goku is beat back into base form where he tries again and to Jiren's astonishment is still able to keep up with him, but Goku is beaten back to the edge of the ring.


Goku landing a heavy blow on Jiren after reawakening Ultra Instinct

Goku struggles to stand as Vegeta screams out to him along with everyone else. Before Jiren's strike lands, Goku vanishes into thin air. A bewildered Jiren looks around and finds Goku having reawakened into Ultra Instinct. Jiren attacks as Goku casually dodges his blows and responds with a body strike that heavily injures Jiren. The bout continues until Jiren raises his energy to a level that blows Goku away. After Vegeta's words of encouragement, Goku stops Jiren's assault and closes his eyes, concentrating on focusing his heart and soul into the fight and suddenly begins to overwhelm Jiren. Jiren powers up more and blasts Goku to the boundary of being eliminated, unleashing thousands of punches with Goku only being able to block.

Dragon Ball Super PiC of Episode 129

Goku completes Ultra Instinct

Top notices Goku is actually fighting back as he begins to overpower Jiren's assault, landing another devastating punch that has Jiren reeling heavily as Goku unleashes more power. Jiren throws his Power Impact, however before the attack lands it vanishes along with Goku, much to everyone's shock. Goku reappears behind Jiren now glowing white having caught Jiren's attack, dispelling it with ease. Jiren attempts to strike Goku but fails, unable to see Goku's movements, Goku's shirt dissipates, and his aura softens to reveal his mastery of Ultra Instinct, as Whis and Beerus smile, both confirming Goku has mastered Ultra Instinct. Goku instantly engages Jiren, calmly dominating his opponent in battle.


Ultra Instinct Goku engages Jiren

Jiren breaks through his own limits, managing to fight on par with the Saiyan and Goku is repeatedly knocked down. Goku charges a Kamehameha, which Jiren returns with a powerful Power Impact. Goku is overwhelmed in the beam struggle and is knocked to the ground with Jiren believing him to be unconscious. However, Goku rises and knees the Pride Trooper in the stomach but is blasted to the ground by a ki blast. Goku rises once more and explains that he can't back down since 17 and the others have left things up to him. Goku collides with Jiren in a mighty exchange of blows, gradually overpowering him and knocking him down, before telling Jiren that through his friends and family, he is able to push himself far beyond his limits to further increase his own power

Ultra Instinct Goku clashes with Jiren (DBS episode 131)

An enraged Goku lands a solid blow on Jiren

Livid, Jiren angrily fires a Power Impact towards Team Universe 7 in the spectators' stand, which forces Goku to deflect the blast. Angry beyond composure, Goku's fury explodes as he flys towards Jiren and delivers an extremely powerful punch. Jiren once again attempts to fight Ultra Instinct Goku, but even having broken past his limits, he is no match for the angry Saiyan. Goku manages to completely overwhelm Jiren, managing to dodge all of Jiren's attacks while simultaneously pummeling him, before uppercutting Jiren and firing a full-power Kamehameha that blasts Jiren into a large chunk of rock, severely wounding him.

Dark ki

Goku engulfed in dark ki after reverting to base form

Accepting defeat, Jiren asks Goku to finish it. However, before he can knock Jiren off, he is suddenly struck in the back by agonizing pain, causing him to collapse on the ground as dark bolts of ki engulf him while he screams in agony. Whis notes that the limit-breaking power of the gods has been too much for Goku's body to sustain. Jiren, emboldened by Belmod's words, blasts Goku out of the arena. However, before Goku is eliminated, a kiai hits his back, sending him onto a floating rock. Frieza stands there, revealing that he saved Goku while Android 17 also crawls out of a crack having survived.

Frieza Goku Finale Attack

Goku and Frieza team-up and knock Jiren out of the ring.

Although drained from using Ultra Instinct, Goku continues the battle alongside his two remaining teammates, boosting Frieza into the air to help him tackle Jiren with his Nova Strike, although Jiren breaks free. Eventually, with a surprising team effort, Goku and Frieza tackle Jiren offstage, with Goku going Super Saiyan and Frieza using his full power to ensure they bring him down with them. Goku later watches as Android 17 wishes the erased universes back, and heads down onto the ruined stage to meet him there.

Goku UI gut punch Jiren

Ultra Instinct Goku lands a massive blow on Jiren

In the manga, Jiren pours on the offense against Goku, who is able to avoid substantial damage. The remarkably calm Goku tells Jiren that he's gotten rid of unnecessary emotions and that his heart is calm. Closing his eyes, he awakens the true state of Ultra Instinct, landing a powerful punch to Jiren's body. Goku gets the better of Jiren, dodging an enormous ki wave and connecting with a point-blank Kamehameha that pushes Jiren through the arena floor, with him just managing to pull himself up. Enraged, Jiren triggers his full power before attacking Goku, who is still able to control the fight. Jiren's increased power forces Goku to work harder, causing immense stamina drain. Ultimately, Jiren outlasts Goku's Ultra Instinct, and Vegeta narrowly saves Goku from elimination. Jiren vows to win and resurrect his master Gicchin. With less than three minutes left, Goku and Vegeta fight Jiren together in their base forms, utilizing expert teamwork.

Golden Nova Strike

Frieza eliminates himself, Jiren, and Goku

Jiren powers up again, forcing Goku and Vegeta to put all of their remaining power into a Kamehameha and Gamma Burst Flash. Jiren takes the combined blast and emerges with minor damage before knocking Vegeta off the stage. Goku is about to be pushed off next when Frieza appears behind Jiren holding a Death Ball. Goku grabs Jiren, but Jiren is able to overpower him and throw away the blast. Distracted, Golden Frieza hits Jiren with a Nova Strike that eliminates all three warriors. Android 17 then reveals himself, making Universe 7 the winners of the Tournament of Power before using his wish to bring back all of the erased universes.

Goku and Vegeta Battle Once More

Goku and Vegeta have a friendly re-match

At Beerus' request, Whis restores Frieza's life permanently as reward for his assistance. Frieza claims he will not change his evil ways, but Goku vows that he will defeat him if he causes trouble again. After Goku and the others return to Earth, they have a big celebration at Capsule Corp. Vegeta eventually challenges Goku to another sparring match and their clash brought them to the same wasteland where they had their first fight many years ago. When Vegeta asks why Goku wasn't using his Ultra Instinct, Goku replied that he doesn't know how to use it at will. The two Saiyans then vow to continue surpassing their limits.

Broly Saga

Main article: Broly Saga Goku and Vegeta battle Super Saiyan Broly using their Perfected Super Saiyan Blue states in an icy environment.

Galactic Patrol Prisoner Saga

Main article: Galactic Patrol Prisoner Saga


Goku and Vegeta sparring

After their encounter with Broly, Goku appears at the Capsule Corporation in order to train with Vegeta in the Gravity Training Room. While they spar, Vegeta asks Goku about Ultra Instinct, and he replies that he hasn't been able to pull it off since the Tournament of Power. Vegeta says the technique is useless if he can use it at will. Undeterred, Goku says that he will just have to keep grinding out his training if he is going to be able to use it again. Suddenly, Bulma contacts them to say she has received an urgent call from Mr. Satan regarding a mysterious gang that showed up at his house and is now trying to kidnap Buu. Goku teleports over there and confronts them until he is knocked out by Merus' Stun Gun. He awakens aboard the Galactic Patrol Headquarters where he is informed of a dangerous criminal named Moro who has escaped from the Galactic Prison and they require the Grand Supreme Kai who slumbers inside of Buu in order to stop him. Talking with Merus and Jaco prior to joining the Galactic Patrol, Goku reveals how not long before the Moro situation, he and Vegeta had encountered a Saiyan named Broly and had been forced to fuse into Gogeta to defeat him.

Goku and Vegeta Patrol

Goku and Vegeta join the Galactic Patrol

Goku offers to help catch the criminal and along with Vegeta the two are inducted into the Galactic Patrol as temporary special members. They join Merus on their venture to the Planet Jung to capture the Macareni gang who are attempting to steal some Blue Aurum. After Goku helps to catch the gang, he attempts to search for Moro's energy signal but is shocked when it appears that Moro has noticed. Explaining that his power wasn't particularly huge but terrifying in a way he had never felt before, Goku and the others soon come to the conclusion that Moro is heading to New Namek in order to gather the Dragon Balls.


Goku and Vegeta arrive

Taking Vegeta with him, Goku uses Instant Transmission to teleport to New Namek to get a head start on Moro just as his ship appears above. Goku watches as Vegeta is the first to take on Moro and realises throughout that Moro has the ability to absorb life energy. Moro eventually drains both Vegeta and Goku of all their energy and defeats them, leaving them for dead. However still on the verge of life, they are rescued by Moori and a young Namekian named Esca and are taken to a nearby house where they are looked after for the next three days.


Goku and Vegeta face Moro

After sensing Moro heading in their direction, Goku and Vegeta head out to confront him once again but Merus arrives first on top of a Galactic Patrol spaceship and takes him on instead, capturing him with a device. When Buu is kicked off the ship and spots Moro he becomes enrages and Goku watches as he overwhelms Moro in battle, noticing that Buu appears stronger than he did before. Unfortunately, Moro's magic is returned to him thanks to Cranberry using Porunga and Moro flees the area. Buu restores Goku and Vegeta's energy and when they turn around, see that the Grand Supreme Kai has manifested his way through Buu.


Goku, Vegeta and the Grand Supreme Kai

Goku teleports himself, Vegeta and Grand Supreme Kai to Moro's location on the verge of New Namek's atmosphere but is unable to continue the fight when Moro heads out further into space. After Merus assists Grand Supreme Kai and gives him the opportunity to grab hold of him, Moro is teleported back to New Namek where Goku and Vegeta await him. Moro informs the two of his third wish, to have all the prisoners from the Galactic Prison go free and they soon appear by his side having used a spaceship to get there. Moro shares his power with the prisoners, putting them into an empowered state before they gang up on Goku, Vegeta and Grand Supreme Kai but they get overpowered. However, when Moro begins to absorb up their energy once again, the Saiyans and Kai begin to struggle. With the planet on the verge of destruction, Goku uses his Instant Transmission to teleport all of his allies but Vegeta, who chooses to go his separate way, back to Galactic Patrol Headquarters.


Super Saiyan Goku vs. Merus

After a few more days, Goku hears from Merus that Moro has grown even stronger and now stand virtually no chance of victory against him. Goku asks if this were to be true even if Merus were to be fighting seriously and he decides to give Merus a little test. He throws a punch at Merus which he effortlessly dodges even though Goku had meant for it to connect. Wanting to get a true feel for Merus' power, the two move to a training room for a sparring session but even after progressing through Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan 3, Goku is still unable to land a hit on Merus. He asks Merus to train him believing that by doing so he could potentially master the Ultra Instinct that may be needed to defeat Moro. Merus agrees but suggests they can go elsewhere to train as the room cannot withstand their power.


Goku and Merus training

A few days after Vegeta and Irico land on Yardrat, Goku travels with Merus on another planet to train. During their training session, Goku proceeds to punch and kick Merus but Merus effortlessly dodges Goku's punches and kicks, not taking any hits from him, and counters his punches and kicks by hitting him with a staff to his back. Finding that Ultra Instinct will be a difficult technique to learn due to his emotions being all over the place when fighting, Goku tells Merus that in order to achieve Ultra Instinct he needs to empty his heart and mind. Merus then proceeds to charge toward Goku with his staff, and while Goku dodges Merus attacks with the staff, Merus reminds Goku that emotions can also translate into prodigious power such as Super Saiyan, which is mainly triggered by rage, though Merus also points out that what he is after is the exact opposite.


Goku enters a room resembling the Hyperbolic Time Chamber

The training now in a halt, Merus reveals to Goku that he knew about Ultra Instinct all along and had a reason for keeping quiet about it much to Goku's surprise. Knowing that Merus is a good guy and has the same goal to defeating Moro, Goku doesn't mind Merus keeping his knowledge about Ultra Instinct quiet and proceeds to resume their training to learn this ability. However, Merus tells Goku to follow him inside a pyramid where he leads him to a room that resembles the Hyperbolic Time Chamber much to Goku's recognition. Merus tells Goku that 1 day that passes outside of the room is equivalent to 3 days inside of the room. Goku is disappointed that they will only have 3 days to train but considers the time they have still valuable than not having the time to train. Merus reveals to Goku that the main reason why he brought him to the room is so that he can unleash his full power without anyone finding out about it.


Goku struggling during his training

Ready to resume their training, Merus goes into a fighting stance and is now serious. Goku assumes that Merus is not going to hold anything back against him. Merus confirms this by replying that he will impart all of his strength in their training and won't go easy on Goku. Merus asks Goku if he is prepared to continue their training and Goku, with a smile on his face, goes into a fighting stance and happily obliges to resume their training, replying he was born ready. After continuing for a while, Goku begins to doubt that he even used Ultra Instinct after all. After Merus asks if it was first activated during an extreme crisis, he tells Goku the quickest way to achieve it again is to replicate those conditions and that Goku must be prepared to die during the process. During a break in the training to eat, Merus informs Goku of the news of Moro's men visiting Earth. Merus tells Goku that he has two months (six months in the room) before Moro himself heads to the planet and then continue their training.

DBS 56-5

Goku asks for directions to Earth

Two months later, with time almost up, Goku and Merus decide to have one last spar at full strength, but they are interrupted by Whis who teleports them outside and reveals Merus as his younger brother and Angel. Before Whis takes Merus back to his realm, he tells Goku that he faith that he will defeat Moro. After they leave, Goku realizes he has been left alone with just a Galactic Patrol ship that he would have to pilot himself and shouts for the Angels to come back. At some point, he gets lost on the way back to Earth and stops off of at a nearby planetoid to ask some locals for directions.

Goku attempts Instant Transmission

Goku trying to teleport to Earth

As he gets closer to Earth, he begins to sense the battles taking place and his friends in trouble. He tries to use his Instant Transmission to teleport to them but is unable to get a hold of them until he senses Krillin's spiking chi. Arriving on Earth, just as the fusion of Miza, Kikaza and Iwaza are going in to finish off Krillin and Master Roshi, Goku knocks her out cold with a single attack before turning to Krillin and apologising for showing up late. When Krillin asks Goku if he thinks he can beat Moro, he says yes even though he could still be hiding some of his power. Goku teleports to Tien, Yamcha and Chiaotzu - who are losing their battle with Zauyogi - and proceeds to take down their foe in an instant. Yamcha informs Goku that Gohan and the others need him, and so Goku teleports away once more.


Goku transforms into Super Saiyan Blue

As Saganbo continues to overwhelm Gohan and Piccolo in battle, Saganbo is suddenly attacked by Goku - moving too fast for anyone but Jaco and Moro to see. At Moro's request, Goku reveals himself and Moro notes that he has grown much stronger than he was before. Moro powers up Saganbo further and Goku engages him as a Super Saiyan Blue and proves to be the stronger. Believing the fight to be over, he prepares to battle Moro, only for Saganbo to stand up again, stronger still after receiving another power-up from Moro. Goku demands that Moro stop powering up Saganbo, who is clearly on his last legs, but Moro refuses, saying that he wants to see the ability Goku was using when he first arrived on the battlefield. As Goku attacks Moro to try and stop him, Saganbo suddenly collapses and dies.

DBS 59 02

Goku makes a beeline for Moro

Angered by Saganbo's needless death, Goku vows that he will kill Moro for what he's done and unveils his new ability - Ultra Instinct Sign - which a shocked Moro recognizes as a technique of the gods. As the two get into battle positions, Goku throws a multitude of punches from a standstill position that act as air blasts which Moro has to block. Darting in close, Goku's heightened agility allows him to pressure Moro who in return attempts to immobilize him. Goku soon breaks free and charges forward, powering up a Kamehameha but turns away from Moro at the last second, realizing that it is an illusion and fires the wave at the real Moro before continuing into an aerial battle. Goku begins to gain more of an edge until Moro uses his magic to draw him in close and the two land a hard simultaneous blow.

DBS 59 09

Goku kicks Moro

Moro attempts to use his energy absorption technique on Goku but with a quick burst of speed he is able to dodge it and continues to hold an advantage over Moro while at close range. Moro stops fighting briefly to tell Goku that he is a fool for thinking that he is only capable of so much and powers up further still. In a near instant, Moro is able to grab Goku from behind and causes him to fall out of his Sign state. Moro points out that Goku was trying to rush the battle due to not having the stamina to keep the Sign level up for long and was why he didn't use it against Saganbo throughout their battle. Goku acknowledges his weakness but deduces that if Moro were stalling for time, then it must mean he cannot beat him at full power. Goku powers back up into Ultra Instinct Sign, apologizing to Merus for not continuing his stamina balancing act any longer, deciding to fight at full strength.

Blue Sign Goku

Goku pushes his power to its limits

As both Goku and Moro begin to use their full strength, their auras begin to collide. Goku's wins out and he is able to push Moro back and the two fight an evenly matched battle until Goku knocks Moro down. After standing back up, Moro admits that he had been too cautious earlier and will not lose to Goku if that is the true extent of his power. As Goku begins to slow down after having reached his limit, Moro gains a clear edge in battle. Goku attempts one last desperate push to increase his power beyond his limits, but Moro soundly begins to beat Goku down until he drops out of his Ultra Instinct Sign form.

When he attempts to absorb Goku's energy, Android 17 and Android 18 intervene but fail to leave much of a mark on Moro. Vegeta finally returns to Earth using Instant Transmission with Goku surprised to see him pull the technique off then begins to watch as Vegeta is next to take Moro on. It soon becomes apparent that Moro is getting weaker as the battle progresses and Vegeta gains the upper hand.

Goku realizes what Vegeta has achieved and tells Gohan and Piccolo that Vegeta is using Forced Spirit Fission, something Goku was unable to learn previously. This allows Vegeta to liberate the stolen energy from Moro where he proceeds to release it to its point of origin. As Vegeta battles on, Piccolo notes his growth as a person which he believes is thanks to Goku. Goku is naturally oblivious to this, simply vowing to surpass him once again.

DBS 62 05

Moro drives his arm through Goku's chest

Unfortunately, Moro's disadvantage is short lived. Absorbing Seven-Three, Moro achieves greater power and quickly takes Vegeta down. Goku gets to his feet and along with Gohan and Piccolo, despite being exhausted prepare to take him on. Though Vegeta returns almost immediately afterwards, Moro takes him down once again but not before stealing all of his abilities for himself. Gohan and Piccolo head in to engage Moro, with Gohan able to ensnare Moro using Gotenks' Galactic Donut technique and Goku, back in his Super Saiyan Blue form, uses the Instant Kamehameha to blast Moro at point blank range. This destroys Moro's arm but much to Goku's shock and horror, Moro quickly regenerates the arm and drives it straight through Goku's chest where he proceeds to collapse in a near death state.

DBS Chapter 63 06

Goku unable to land a hit

Thanks to the arrival of Whis and Merus on Earth, Goku and his fallen allies are transported outside of the barrier that Moro had erected. Due to being in the worst condition, Dende heals Goku first and then informs him that an Angel is currently in battle with Moro. Goku recalls being told of how Angels will disappear if they were to fight outside of training and concerned for Merus' well-being he rushes back to the battlefield. Goku transforms into Ultra Instinct Sign once again and quickly takes over the battle but is unable to land a single blow before Moro sends him hurtling away. He tells Merus that despite all their training, he still hasn't gotten the hang of it. However, Merus tells him that his training did work, and he is only a step away from achieving its true state. Merus re-enters the battle, using his true powers as an Angel to destroy the orbs on Moro's body to seal away his copy ability.

As Merus begins to fade away, Goku looks on feeling distraught and helpless. Merus tells Goku that should he achieve Ultra Instinct again at his current level of strength, the form will be more stable and Moro, nor anyone else will be able to defeat him. He asks Goku to protect the galaxy that he has grown to love and disappears into the wind.

DBS 64 08

Goku lands a powerful punch on Moro

Goku then begins to build up a newfound level of strength but tries to calm himself down. Understanding that he isn't fighting alone and that Merus's sacrifice was for the universe as a whole, Goku accepts his position as a current member of the Galactic Patrol, acknowledging that it is now his job to protect the universe. Goku re-enters into the perfected Ultra Instinct state for the first time since the Tournament of Power and quickly establishes his superiority over Moro, blocking and dodging all of his attacks with ease before landing a mighty blow on Moro that shakes the entire planet.

After Moro tries different yet futile strategies, Goku kicks him into a nearby rock, with the impact causing a large portion to fall onto Moro which traps him underneath. As Moro begs for his life, Goku confirms from Jaco that Moro had been sentenced to death leading him to remove his Gi with the Galactic Patrol insignia, stating that from now on he will fight Moro as an Earthling. Goku destroy the boulders pinning Moro then teleports over to the newly Krillin and takes the bag of Senzu from him.

He offers to spare Moro's life if he promises to return to the Galactic Prison and stays there. Moro accepts and Goku tosses him a Senzu which he eats but unsurprisingly Moro breaks his promise and attacks Goku. However, Moro instead breaks his wrist on Goku's body. Goku calls him a coward that could never defeat him and reverts to his normal state asking Moro if he has ever trained before. When Moro says no, Goku calls it a pity as he could have grown stronger through training than he ever did by eating planets and would have loved the opportunity to fight with him again.

DBS 65 06

Goku about to fight Moro

Jaco urges Goku to finish off Moro and once more Goku asks if he will return to prison. Moro spots his previously severed arm behind Goku and vows to continue his ways causing Goku to tap back into Perfected Ultra Instinct to finish him. Moro summons his arm back towards him and attaches it, gaining Merus' power and ability and takes on a further evolved form. The two battle once more and fearful of the damage they could do to the Earth, Goku takes the skirmish into the sky with Moro amazed at what his body is now capable of. Racing across the planet, Moro kicks Goku into a mountain and as they continue, Moro's body begins to swell to several times its normal size with Whis explaining that his body is attempting to contain the Angel power coursing throughout him.

As Goku gains the advantage he reminds Moro that he is now experiencing the same thing that Saganbo did before and urges Moro to give up the power before it destroys him. As Moro realizes that he must attain a body strong enough to endure the power, Whis tells Goku that if he intends to kill Moro then he should do so now. Goku goes to finish the job only for Moro to merge himself with Earth. Whis tells everyone that Moro's fate is now tied to Earths and in addition, his body now risks detonating which will eradicate the galaxy along with it.

While Goku continues to try and fight off Moro, Beerus was about to join Goku in the fight, citing the situation calls for his interference. However, before he can actually help Whis and Beerus are summoned by the Grand Minister to speak about Merus vanishing. Before taking off, Whis casually halt's Moro's attacks while telling Goku in order to save everything and fix his mistake he must destroy the crystal as Merus did. Goku questions if he can actually do that and Whis reminds him with Ultra Instinct he has godly power and is more than enough to do it.

DBS 66 07

Goku charges towards Moro in order to destroy the crystal on his forehead

Before Goku gets a chance Moro sucks the crystal inside the Earth. Vegeta flies in and starts to use his Spirit Fission to revert Moro's body back a bit and draw the crystal out, giving Goku the opening to end it. Before Goku can through he gets caught by Moro who drain's his energy. Piccolo along with Gohan and the rest of the team arrive and Piccolo believes Vegeta's Spirit Fission can work in reverse and wants Vegeta to take all of their Energy and give it to Goku. Their families along with Dende and Mr. Popo also contribute causing Goku to power back up to Super Saiyan Blue, but it still isn't enough to break free of Moro's grasp. Gohan asks how come Goku isn't using Ultra Instinct and Vegeta tells him he can't as he only got Godly Ki from Dende and it isn't enough to make him go Ultra Instinct again.

Giant Goku

Goku's giant manifestation

Considering defeat, Vegeta along with most of the Z-Fighter's give up seeing as Moro is literally moment's away from exploding, Gohan and Krillin opt to go directly to Goku to break him free in a attempt to save him. Suddenly Vegeta and Piccolo notice a gigantic ball of Godly Ki appearing above them. Dende realizes that it is coming from Uub, with assistance from the Grand Supreme Kai. Dende figures out that when Kid Buu was reincarnated as Uub, Uub received all of the Godly Ki he took from Grand Supreme Kai. Vegeta, not knowing where it is coming from thanks the individual and quickly uses his Spirit Fission and gives it to Goku. Fully restored Goku powers up to Ultra Instinct and manifests a giant energy avatar to overpower Moro. Once overpowering Moro, Goku flies out of his gigantic aura and smashes the crystal, killing Moro once and for all.

GPPsaga photograph

Goku takes a celebratory photo

As Goku's friends rush over to congratulate him, Vegeta asks where the final burst of power came from. Goku deduces that it must be from someone else amazing on Earth and that they'll find out some day. Goku joins his friends and family at a feast at Satan House before taking Esca back home. A few days later, Goku, Vegeta, Buu and Jaco head back to Galactic Patrol Headquarters where they are awarded with medals for their efforts in defeating Moro. Much to his shock, he is reunited with Merus who had been revived by the Grand Minister but now as a mortal. Elated to see him again, Goku and the others take a celebratory photo and with that his time with the Galactic Patrol comes to an end.

Granolah the Survivor Saga

Main article: Granolah the Survivor Saga

DBS Chapter 68 03

Goku transforms into Perfected Ultra Instinct before battling Whis

Sometime later, Goku and Vegeta return to Beerus' Planet to continue their training. Goku catches the Oracle Fish for Whis so that he can inject him with some vitamins to help him sleep due to him currently having insomnia. Following this, Goku has a sparring session with Whis, transforming into Perfected Ultra Instinct at will. Despite the power up, he is still not able to land a blow on the Angel and is told that obtaining Ultra Instinct is merely the first step and now he must learn greater control over it. The thought of being able to grow stronger still excites Goku as he continues sparring.

As he and Vegeta continue their separate training, Goku ponders which of them will be the strongest in the universe, even asking Whis if he knows of anyone stronger than them. When the Oracle Fish wakes up, she repeats her prophecy that soon the strongest warrior in the universe will rise up. Goku and Vegeta then pester the fish for answers as to who it is though she refuses to answer and Goku continues his training.

Whis asks Goku what the fundamental difference is between himself and the Angels. After a quick demonstration where Goku finds himself whacked on the head by Whis' staff, Whis explains that they are always in the Ultra Instinct state whereas Goku transforms in order to access it, believing that he equates Ultra Instinct to his transformation. Goku then realizes that he must learn to use Ultra Instinct in his normal form to which Whis tells him that doing so will free him of his stamina drain and that the transformation should be used as a last resort when he requires to surpass his limits.

Over the next few weeks Goku makes significant progress with his training. When both he and Vegeta decide to head back to Earth to meet up with the Heeters members, Oil and Macki, who have requested their assistance in defeating a powerful villain, Whis marks his Gi once again with his signature. They board the Heeter's Spaceship and with 18 days until they reach their destination, Goku decides to take advantage of the ship's chef and the gourmet cooking.

They eventually arrive on Cereal with Goku alongside Vegeta flying to the villain unaware of them being tricked by the Heeters. While they are flying past a ruined city a bunch of random Ki blasts appear in front of them with the two barely able to dodge them. Goku using his refined Ultra Instinct is able to have an easier time dodging the blasts before landing on the ground before being surprised that the blasts didn't appear from there. Goku sees another barrage of blasts and proceeds to dodge them but is eventually caught by one with it striking one of his vital points. Goku recovers with a Senzu Bean and is called out by Vegeta for relying on his Ultra Instinct too much to which Goku agrees.

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Granolah appears behind Goku

Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan, spotting Granolah and firing an Energy Wave at him but the latter dodges and instantly teleports behind him, much to the former's surprise. The Cerealian unknowingly reveals he's the "villain" and knows the Saiyan race much to Goku's shock with Goku telling Vegeta if he knows of the Cerealians which Vegeta does not. Goku is then caught off guard when Granolah uses a similar technique to Hakai and asks Vegeta if he wants to work together which gets declined. Goku is told by Vegeta that he should go first as payback which Goku agrees and descends to the ground declaring he's the first to fight.

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Goku dodges Granolah's attacks

Goku is asked by Granolah if he can turn into a Great Ape but Goku declines stating he can't pull off that transformation anymore. Goku transforms into Super Saiyan God then they engage in combat with Goku struggling to fight before using Ultra Instinct in conjunction with his form to dodge Granolah's attacks. Goku is eventually struck in one of his weak points and reverts back to base form. Goku is now aware of how Granolah is able to spot his weaknesses and listens as to why Granolah wants revenge on Frieza. With the knowledge of his intentions Goku questions the former if he's really an enemy. Goku sees Granolah powering up then says that he cannot be called the strongest that easily and turns into Super Saiyan Blue, fighting equally with the latter.

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Goku dodges Granolah's blasts

Goku battles against Granolah in and around a forested area, dodging blast and blow alike before Granolah swings around a tree by his scarf to deliver a flying kick on Goku. Goku recovers and stands his ground against the Cerealian's heavy blows, letting out a raging inferno of Ki that obliterates the surrounding area. Granolah notes with his evolved right eye that the flow of blood and movement of cells within Goku's body have altered; Goku has combined Ultra Instinct with the Perfected Super Saiyan Blue form. Goku begins to move around Granolah at incredible speed, evading his attacks before firing off a powerful Kamehameha at point-blank range. Granolah, however, is still able to land his Pressure Point Attack at a vital point in Goku's neck as he is hit by the wave.

As the dust clears, Granolah is mildly damaged, but Goku is much worse for wear; having dropped down to his base form. Goku sticks to his belief that a true practitioner of Ultra Instinct should have no weak points, and that his training must be lacking. Granolah causes the ground beneath Goku's feet to swell and explode upwards with a fearsome energy that Goku struggles to counter. Goku desperately escapes with Instant Transmission and lands by Vegeta, noting that Granolah's technique is similar to Moro's. Vegeta informs Goku about his discoveries: the Cerealians were a race that were wiped out by the Saiyans under Frieza's command long ago. The Saiyan pair realize that Granolah is the last surviving Cerealian out for revenge, and that the Heeters lied to them about his villainy. Reasoning that nothing less than beating him will allow them to convince Granolah that the Saiyans are no longer his enemies, Goku claims to still have hope of victory and transforms once more into Perfected Ultra Instinct, as Granolah reels with shock; he cannot detect any pressure points.

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Goku kicks Granolah

Goku attacks again, only this time, Granolah is unable to perceive his movements as the Saiyan launches a lightning-fast assault that tears off his sniping goggles and knocks him around the forest. Goku tries to reason with the vengeful warrior, but Granolah is unmoved and attacks Goku viciously. He is unable to penetrate the Saiyan's autonomous defence, and finds his blow halted by Goku's telekinesis, before being lifted into the air and punched by a series of ki blasts to the stomach. Vegeta believes the battle is won, but notices that Granolah's energy has not dropped as much as it should. He then detects Granolah's power coming from elsewhere.

Granolah Vital Point

Granolah defeats Goku

Granolah expresses surprise at the strength of the Saiyans. However, Granolah may have underestimated Goku, but he has not lost yet. He explains to a confused Goku that the Granolah he is facing is not his true self; he split his power apart at the start of the battle, taking some of the power of his true body and creating an illusion clone to fight. Vegeta finds the true Granolah, sitting in his spaceship, and alerts Goku as the clone vanishes into thin air. But as Vegeta turns back to the ship, the true Granolah teleports to Goku's location and strikes a pressure point directly over his heart that briefly stops it, causing him to drop out of Perfected Ultra Instinct. A final, devastating blow sends Goku crashing through the forest.

Granolah says that he wanted to save his true strength for Frieza, but having Goku fight a clone first worked to his advantage as the accuracy of his Perfected Ultra Instinct only drops over time. He then mocks Goku for falling for his trick and prepares to kill him with a ki blast, only to be interrupted by Vegeta.

Shortly afterwards, Goku wakes up and immediately suffers intense pain from the pressure point attack Granolah inflicted on him earlier and begins to observe Vegeta's fight with Granolah. He begins to selfheal his wounds so that he can get back into the action.

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Vegeta kicks Goku

Goku leaps back into the fight in the nick of time to save Vegeta from a killing blow, however, Vegeta gets to his feet and unexpectedly roundhouse-kicks Goku into a nearby rock, angered at the thought of having the fight taken away from him. Vegeta then tells Goku that they had only ever fought together in the past when something needed protecting. Goku asks about his life which needs saving, though Vegeta scoffs at this and says he would rather die than team up with him. Unaware, Granolah charges in to strike a pressure point over Vegeta's heart, though Goku is able to save him in time by pushing him away using a Kiai.

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Goku battles Granolah once more

Granolah asks how he was able to react in time, with Goku saying that he now has a read on his vital targeting strategy, and it will not work anymore. The two begin to battle with Granolah seemingly ending the fight fast with a pressure point attack to the back of Goku's neck. However, Goku attacks Granolah from behind, claiming that the same move will not work on him again. Granolah attempts another attack, but Goku is able to move his pressure points and counters with a punch. Goku says that he cannot dodge the attack completely but is able to shift his pressure points enough to avoid fatal damage. Granolah praises his defensive ability but claims that he will not surpass him as his attacking force is not up to par. Vegeta stirs and once more gets to his feet, watching as Goku is sent crashing to the ground and drops out of Perfect Super Saiyan Blue.

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Goku knocks Granolah off balance

Vegeta decides to take over, still not wanting to team. He asks Goku to leave the fight to him, and Goku agrees. However, Granolah overpowers Vegeta and attempts to finish him off in one final sacrificial act. Goku tries to intervene, but the power of the attack stops him from getting closer. Monaito, who appears on the scene, calls out to Granolah to stop, and the sudden distraction gives Goku the chance to knock Granolah to the ground, calling both him and Vegeta stupid. Monito tells Granolah that he had lied to him as there was one Saiyan who did not earn his vengeance. Forty years ago, the man who had saved both Granolah and himself was none other than a Saiyan named Bardock.

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Goku caught by Gas

When Monaito questioned Goku if there was any relation because of their resemblance, Goku was unsure because he was raised by Gohan on Earth. However, Vegeta soon reveals that Bardock was Goku's father, to the latter's shock. Goku soon remarks he wish he knew more about his father while Vegeta comments that the kindness really is genetic in Goku's family. Shortly afterwards, Gas emerges, having now become the strongest in the universe thanks to Elec's summoning the dragon and making the wish. Both Goku and Vegeta were shocked to hear that Cereal had Dragon balls and that is where Granolah got his strength.

After taking down Goku, Gas focuses his efforts on Granolah, proceeding to take him down with ease. As Monaito heals Goku of his wounds, the recovering Saiyan asks Vegeta to go get the Senzu Bean that was stored away in his armor and tells him to eat it. Goku attempts to buy him some time and heads back into battle as Super Saiyan Blue but finds himself far outmatched.

Granolah soon returns to take over the battle in Goku's stead who then watches events unfold with Vegeta. Granolah appears to defeat Gas using his superior skill set however when Elec shows up and removes Gas's necklace, his instincts are unleashed, giving him access to far greater power than before though he is initially in a wild and frenzied state. During his rampage, he quickly takes down Granolah before savagely kicking Vegeta and taking him down. Goku rushes in with a punch and though it is blocked, Gas is reminded of his battle with Bardock long ago and backs off. Gas soon snaps out of his madness as his body undergoes a new form.

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Goku battles against Gas once again

After Gas breaks Granolah's arms and Elec fatally shoots him in the back, Vegeta gives his remaining ki to Goku. Goku takes a deep breath then goes Perfected Super Saiyan Blue. Gas attacks Goku with a multitude of special weapon-based energy techniques, followed by using Telekinesis to throw buildings at the Saiyan before striking him with a moving train. Goku flips up on to the top of the train and Gas joins him. Asking Goku to show his true strength, he notices that he does not seem to have the same fierce resolve that his father once had and questions if he really is his son. Goku is sent into the lake below and begins to suffocate underwater, however not satisfied by such a simple death, he returns Goku's counterattack right back at him. As Goku wonders how he is going to be able to defeat his opponent, Gas spots Monaito using his Healing powers to partially restore Granolah. Gas makes a beeline for Monaito but before he is able to reach him, Goku grabs a hold of him and uses Instant Transmission to teleport them off of Cereal.

After crash landing on another planet and greeting Jaco, Goku confidently states that Gas has an inferior version of teleportation than his own and baits Gas to teleport into embarrassing positions. Next, Goku and Gas are teleported into the Galactic Prison where Gas is mocked by villains from the past.

On a volcanic planet, Goku appears nearby Whis and the Oracle Fish, followed shortly by a confused Gas. Goku reveals his ploy: he leaves using Instant Transmission back to the Galactic Patrol ship he just left. From there, he quickly chains together a sequence of Instant Transmissions before finally landing back on Cereal. Gas realizes that Goku has stranded him and is too far away to directly return to Cereal with Instant Transmission. Unable to follow Goku back along their route, Gas furiously asks Whis for the direction to Cereal, which he provides. Gas takes off into space at incredible speed.

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Goku remembers his parents

Goku regroups with the others, having bought them some time. Oatmeel is also present, having activated a mobile android mode to help out. In a hovercar on the way to Monaito's house, Goku is contacted by Whis who warns Goku that Gas is approaching and will return in 20 minutes. At the house, Monaito tells Goku that he has something to show him; Bardock's Scouter. Oatmeel begins to play the Scouter's stored audio, and Monaito recognizes Bardock's voice, warning him to escape with Granolah from the battle with Gas 40 years ago. He tells them to "Stay alive", awakening a deep, repressed memory within Goku of Bardock and Gine telling him the same thing as they sent him away from Planet Vegeta before its destruction. As Goku recalls more memories of his parents, Goku comes to a solemn realization. He feels that he finally understands what the pride of the Saiyans is about, and that he has lost faith in his own strength.

When Gas returns to Cereal, the Saiyans emerge and choose to fight together. They transform into their Ultra Instinct and Ultra Ego forms and attack Gas. Vegeta launches a Sphere of Destruction at Gas, but he begins to push it back. Goku tries to help Vegeta but realizing the futility of the struggle, Vegeta leaves Goku to barely hold it back himself as Vegeta attacks Gas directly. Goku is able to deflect the blast upwards, saving the city behind him from being destroyed and attempts to join Vegeta but he hastily orders him to back off and tells him that his Ultra Instinct is no different than it was before and that he needs to figure it out quickly.

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Goku begins to meditate

Goku heads to a nearby plateau where he begins to meditate. Dropping back down to his base form, a barrier erects itself around Goku. Meanwhile Gas defeats Vegeta but just as he prepares to finish him, Goku saves him using the same barrier. He moves Vegeta to his side and Goku makes his way down to Gas and begins to power up. Gas wonders if he will use one of the transformations he has already used or something new. Goku however, says the answer is neither and that he has merely figured out the best transformation for pulling out his power.

Goku transforms into True Ultra Instinct, confusing Gas who believed that his silver hair form was his maximum strength. Goku explains that he requires a tranquil and calm heart for his perfected Ultra Instinct state but in his Sign state he can put his current emotions to better use stating that his heart is no longer calm. Gas flies at Goku in a fit of rage and exchanges blows with the Heeter coming off the worst. Goku follows up on his advantage, not letting Gas have a chance to regroup and following a relentless attack, finishes with a heavy kick that sends Gas flying.

After Elec chastises Gas on his performance Goku tells Elec that he does not have to force Gas to fight as he is up for a tussle anytime, but Elec tells him that there will not be a next time. A burst of energy erupts from Gas who gets to his feet, now with a severely aged appearance and yet more powerful than ever. He soon overwhelms Goku with his power, but he is saved by the timely appearance of Granolah.

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Goku grabs a hold of Gas

Asking Goku if he is willing to bet everything on his strength, Goku attempts to hold off Gas long enough for Granolah to power up a finishing attack. His attempts do not last long however, but fortunately Vegeta too, shows up to help. When Granolah finishes powering up his attack, Goku conjures up his giant spectral form and grabs hold of Gas before throwing him to the edge of the planet's atmosphere. Granolah finally unleashes his attack and with assistance from Oatmeel, hits Gas head-on. Gas falls to the ground seemingly defeated but not dead and Granolah tells his siblings to take him away and never return to Planet Cereal again before apologizing to Goku and Vegeta for all that he has done.

Black Frieza defeats Goku & Vegeta

Black Frieza takes down Goku and Vegeta

However, after Monaito heals Goku, Vegeta and Granolah to full strength, the Namekian is blasted through the chest by Gas who refuses to give up. Goku and Vegeta transform and enter the battle yet again. Though the two are easily overpowered, Gas' body begins to decay as he takes damage. Soon afterwards Frieza arrives and kills Gas and Elec with ease before turning his attention to Goku and Vegeta. The pair demand to know how he was able to defeat Gas, despite his status as the strongest in the universe. Frieza remarks it may be due to him being in another dimension, confusing the Saiyans. Goku and Vegeta are speechless at this news, as Frieza transforms into a new form. He deems it Black Frieza and unveils the power by easily defeating his foes in their full powered forms. Satisfied by their defeated state, he decides to spare them and takes his leave.

Whis then appears and restores Monaito as a one-time special favor for Goku. Whis asks Goku and Vegeta to leave with him straight away as Beerus is unable to figure out how to make instant yakisoba. Goku asks Granolah if he would like to join them for training though he refuses, instead wanting to find the Dragon Balls to fix the damage on Cereal that he had caused. Monaito gives Goku his father's scouter just before they take their leave. Goku asks Whis if the strongest being in the universe that the Oracle Fish was talking about was actually Frieza to which Whis responds that it could have been or it could be someone else who has emerged in the universe instead.

High School Saga

Main article: High School Saga Following the battles on Planet Cereal and the startling revelation of "Black Frieza", Vegeta and Goku, aware of having fallen behind to the galactic tyrant, continue their training on Beerus' Planet.

Super Hero Saga

Main article: Super Hero Saga

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Goku spars with Broly

Sometime later, Goku and Broly who are engaged in a training match. The two fight in base form with Broly being the aggressor. Goku compliments Broly on his improvements and says that soon he will be able to fight with a level head without snapping into a rage. He suggests they kick things up a notch which Broly readily agrees to. When Broly begins to lose control, Goku puts an end to the spar and turns his attention to Vegeta, questioning him for his unbecoming meditation.

Vegeta finally defeats Goku (manga)

Goku admits defeat

After Vegeta has a revelation about his training, Whis appears to applaud him and suggests a sparring match between the three Saiyans though they soon rule out Broly. After a feast, Goku and Vegeta begin their sparring match. The battle goes on for hours and in the end with both running on fumes, the two attempt to finish things with one last clash. Vegeta manages to get a tap in on Goku's chest first, knocking him down and Goku declares that he has lost just before Vegeta collapses from exhaustion.

Some time later, Goku is eating a bowl of ramen when Gohan transforms into his Beast state back on Earth. Goku uses his Instant Transmission to teleport to his sons location where he greets them after not having seen them for a while. Having not seen Gohan's new form, Goku suggests heading back to Beerus' Planet so that he can show it to him.

Goku takes along Gohan, Goten, Trunks as well as the unwilling Carmine and Soldier 15 to the planet and asks Gohan to spar with him. However before he has the chance to, Goten and Trunks spar with Gohan first after Vegeta interjects. After Gohan wins the battle, next up is Goku's turn. Deciding to just show off their best from the start, Goku uses his Ultra Instinct form while Gohan shows off his latest Beast form. The two begin their match with each seemingly being on par with the other.

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Goku lands a kick on his son

Goku applauds Gohan but reveals he had been holding back and using his skill and experience he evades Gohan's assault and pressures him in return. Gohan however, treads his energy on the edge of going berserk to maximize his power and speed, enough to streak past that of Goku's Ultra Instinct and land a clean stomach strike, shocking his father enough to knock him out of his form. Goku is impressed by Gohan's strategy and re-enters into Ultra Instinct to continue their fight. Spectating, Broly is equally impressed by Gohan's power and so Goku decides to let Broly take his place. However when Vegeta decides to tag in to face Gohan, Goten and Trunks rush in to face Broly. Not wanting to be left out, Goku joins their battle royal as well.

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Goku blocks Pan's kick

Following the session, Goku and Vegeta decide to finally return home. Goku pinpoints Piccolo and teleports the group to his home where he is intrigued by Piccolo's newfound strength. Goku asks him for a battle but he declines as he needs to pick Pan up from kindergarten. When Goku wonders who that is, Piccolo makes Goku come along with him to pick her up. At the kindergarten, Pan asks her father who the man behind him is. After being told it is her grandfather Pan tests him by trying to land a kick against him though it is easily blocked. The two share a smile before flying off home.

Peaceful World Saga

Main article: Peaceful World Saga


Goku takes Uub in as his student

Ten years after the defeat of the evil, pure Majin Buu, Goku kept training despite the fact that Earth was at peace. He is training with his youngest son, Goten. When the tournament comes around, Goku forces Goten to cancel his date to enter and Goten shows disdain toward Goku's ruling. During the 28th World Martial Arts Tournament, Goku battles Majin Buu's reincarnation, Uub, who was born after King Yemma heard his request made ten years ago. However, Uub was experiencing an extreme bout of stage fright, so Goku was forced to make several insults towards his family and obscene gestures to try and get him angry enough to fight and overcome his fear.

Goku and uub final

Goku and Uub begin their journey together

After a short, yet intense battle, Goku apologizes and explains to Uub that his insults were simply meant to coax him into using his true power. Goku then takes Uub to train him to one day help in being the protector of the planet, although he later tells Uub that after the training, he desires to fight him again not only to discover the strongest out of the two, but the strongest in the entire universe. Then they fly off in the distance (in Kanzenban, Goku gives Uub, his Nimbus Cloud).

Dragon Ball GT

Black Star Dragon Ball Saga

Main article: Black Star Dragon Ball Saga

"So, does this mean I have to go back to school now?"
— Goku after being turned into a child in "A Devastating Wish"

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Goku and Uub finishing their training.

Five years after leaving the 28th World Martial Arts Tournament with Majin Buu's reincarnation, Uub, Goku finishes training Uub, and they have just finished testing their abilities against one another in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Soon after Uub leaves the Lookout and Goku finds out what is going on, an accidental wish by Emperor Pilaf transforms Goku back into a child. This wish was made on the Black Star Dragon Balls. As a result, Goku must travel the galaxy and return them to Earth to prevent the planet from exploding from the negative energy created by the wish.


Goku is accidentally turned back into a child

After leaving Earth in the spaceship designed by Bulma, a piece of the ship falls off and Goku, Trunks, and Pan are forced to crash land on the planet Imecka to get the parts needed to repair the ship. A Group of merchants swarm Goku and the others and they have to go to the gold star hotel to hide from the swarms of sellers. They then realize they are being charged every second for everything in the hotel including the lights. They escape without paying and stumble upon the house of an old couple and their children. They talk about Don Kee, the ruler of the planet, and how he mistreats his people. Just then, Don Kee's men come and repossess the old couple's house saying they were behind on payment. Goku suggests that they go and fight Don Kee, but the couple says that is impossible because of his grand army. On their way back to the ship Trunks drops the Dragon Radar and it is swallowed by a small robot named T-2006, nicknamed Giru, who says that he cannot give the radar back to them because it is already integrated into his system.

Meanwhile, Goku notices the ship being dragged away by Don Kee's men. He tries to use Instant Transmission to teleport them to the ship, but after two failed attempts, he realizes that he cannot use it with his small body. They are forced to travel to Don Kee's palace on foot to recover their ship. Pan decides that they will use a stealth operation to recover the ship and would only result to fighting as a last resort. After briefly sneaking around, a large rock falls on Trunks' head and Giru starts making noises that alarm the guards. The guards open fire on Goku, and the others and Pan says that they must fight now, so Goku agrees. Pan jumps in the carrying car while Goku moves the ship onto the car and Pan drives the ship out of the palace with Goku and Trunks. While escaping, Don Kee's henchmen Gale and Sheela fire a Combined Energy Wave at Goku, but Goku deflects it back with ease towards Ledgic, Don Kee's right-hand man who recognizes them as Saiyans. Goku and the others escape, but Trunks says they have to go back into town for more parts due to Pan's "reckless driving".


Goku battling Ledgic

Once they reach the town, everyone hides and Trunks finds the three of them on Imecka's most wanted list. While running from Don Kee's soldiers, they fall into the house of a nice old couple who offer them food after realizing Goku and company mean no harm. They say that Don Kee made it a law that no one is allowed to own a ship so that no one would escape the planet including the old couple. Pan gets fed up and convinces Goku and Trunks to go face Don Kee head on. They turn themselves into the police and get brought to the palace. Once there, Goku, Trunks, and Pan incapacitate Gale, Sheela, and all of Don Kee's guards. Then Goku blasts his way into Don Kee's throne-room. Don Kee sicks Ledgic on the fighters after capturing Pan in an energy chamber. Ledgic says that he will fight Goku, but for his own satisfaction. After a short fight, Goku defeats Ledgic as a Super Saiyan and they take down Don Kee and make him give everyone free rent and give them back their ships free of charge. Plus, Don Kee gives them the parts they need for free, and they leave Imecka. They then land on an unnamed planet where everything is larger than life. Goku finds the Four-Star Ball in the tooth of a giant and they go to the next planet.


Goku takes his clothes off

On planet Gelbo, they find the Six-Star Dragon Ball in the hair of the princess of the village, Leena. Trunks asks for the ball, but her fiancé Doma said that they were in a large problem already. The amphibian creature Zoonama was threatening the village with his power to create earthquakes and volcano eruptions by shaking his whiskers if they did not give him a wife. Goku decides that he would help them out in exchange for the Dragon Ball and they agree. Pan comes up with the idea to disguise Goku as Leena, but it does not work out, so Trunks poses as Leena instead. Zoonama comes and starts getting impatient waiting for Leena and threatens to shake his whiskers. Then Trunks arrives dressed as Leena and Zoonama takes him to his layer. Trunks gets Zoonama tipsy and Goku arrives with Pan and Doma. Doma slices off Zoonama's left whisker with a huge pair of scissors and as he cuts off the left one, Zoonama awakens in a drunken rage. He begins to wiggle his whiskers and an earthquake begins to come but stops soon after while Zoonama continues to wiggle his whisker. Pan realizes that he can not cause earthquakes, he can only predict them. But now he is so tipsy that he did not realize that the quake was over. Suddenly a really big earthquake erupts and Goku and the others leave the cavern with Zoonama. Goku then stops the huge volcano with a Kamehameha, saving the city and winning the Dragon Ball. Just as they are leaving the planet, Bon Para, one of the mysterious Para Brothers, arrives and takes the ball from Pan's hands using his telekinesis. In shock, the three Z Fighters just watch as he leaves.


Goku faces Mutchy

Goku then jumps in the ship with Pan and Trunks, and they chase after the Para Brothers' spaceship. The brothers trick them onto the asteroid, Beehay, inhabited by huge bloodthirsty worm-like creatures called Mouma. The Para Brothers escape and fly to the planet Luud. They go to Cardinal Mutchy Mutchy, who tells them that they have failed and that Goku has another Dragon Ball on his ship that they failed to get, and they must go retrieve it. They travel back to find Goku, and the others and they get hypnotized by the Para Para Boogie until they are saved by the hungry Mouma after they wake up. Pan goes aboard the Para Brothers' ship to find the Dragon Ball that they stole. She accidentally activates the autopilot and is brought to Luud. There she is captured and turned into a doll for the evil lord, Dolltaki. Goku shows up with Trunks and kills Cardinal Mutchy Mutchy, who reveals that he is actually two parts the body and the whip transforms into Mutchie and fights Goku.

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Goku and Pan defeat Luud

Trunks finishes Mutchie off with the Brave Cannon and saves Goku from his whip arms. Then Dolltaki turns everyone except for Goku, himself, Trunks, and Pan into dolls and feeds them to the machine deity, Luud. Dolltaki then awakens Luud who takes him and Pan inside of his body to gain their energy. While Luud fights Goku and Trunks, Pan forces Dolltaki to tell her the weakness of the seemingly invincible Luud. Dolltaki reveals that Goku must strike the outside of Luud's mechanical heart while Pan strikes the inside at exactly the same time. After multiple tries, Goku finally succeeds and destroys Luud freeing all of the people including Pan who is turned back to normal. Goku then takes back his Dragon Ball, and they leave the planet.

Baby Saga

Main article: Baby Saga

"Then that's what I'll do. I know where Baby's hiding right now, and if everything goes smoothly, Earth and all her people will be back to normal by the end of the day. Mr. Satan, you'll take care of Pan."
Super Saiyan 4 Goku before fighting Baby Vegeta in "Goku's Ascension"


Goku vs. General Rilldo

As our heroes arrive on the supposedly deserted planet M-2, they continue on their quest for the Black Star Dragon Balls. They find themselves caught in a trap by the planet's inhabitants, mutant robots, and that Giru was deceiving them all along. Pan manages to escape and later rescues Goku who does battle with the robotic group of commandos known as the Sigma Force and their leader General Rilldo. However, both he and Pan are captured again and taken to Dr. Myuu for studying. Giru has a change of heart though and manages to rescue the trio thanks to a clever plan by Trunks.


Goku vs. Baby Vegeta

It is then that we see Myuu's true creation, Baby, who breaks free from his containment after being revived, but stopped by Goku and the others. However, as a defeated and injured Dr. Myuu escapes, a piece of Baby's scattered remains jumps onto his skin, later busting out of Dr. Myuu and reforming into his original state. Baby, is in fact the last surviving Tuffle, the original inhabitants of Planet Vegeta (Planet Plant). Baby is a machine mutant who was created by Dr. Myuu; however, Baby states that he is Dr. Myuu's master, and that Dr. Myuu was designed to revive him.

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Goku is overpowered

Goku, Trunks, and Pan arrive on Earth to return the Black Star Dragon Balls, but soon discover that Baby has infected the population with mind-controlling eggs and chosen Vegeta as his new host. After a short fight with Baby, Goku discovers that he can not sustain Super Saiyan 3 while still being a child. After being pummeled by Baby Vegeta, Goku is weak and defenseless. During this fight, however, Goku learns of Baby's one weakness; he is sensitive to taunts, and easily angered. Meanwhile, Baby uses the Revenge Death Ball to finish off Goku, but Kibito Kai arrives just as the bomb strikes to save Goku and bring him to the Sacred World of the Kais.

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Goku vs. Super Baby Vegeta

There, Old Kai hatches a plan to "solve Goku's energy problem" by re-growing Goku's tail. Progress is slow at first, but Goku has an idea about how to accelerate the process. After a very painful procedure where the tail is pulled out by a pair of pliers, Goku returns to the Tuffle planet (where most of Earth's residents had migrated to) to confront Baby. During the long and hard battle with Baby Vegeta, Goku is able to sustain his Super Saiyan 3 form but is still unable to win. As he lies on the ground, defenseless, he gazes at Earth and realizes he has failed it. But instead of dying, looking at the Earth causes Goku to transform into the form of a Golden Great Ape. With Pan's help, Goku regains control of himself and become a Super Saiyan 4.

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Goku destroys Baby with a 10x Kamehameha

Baby Vegeta is no match against a Super Saiyan 4. In desperation, Bulma (who's under Baby's control) uses a Blutz Wave Generator that causes Baby Vegeta to transform into a Golden Great Ape. Although Goku outclasses Baby in terms of speed, he is slowly worn down by Baby's power. Just as Old Kai loses all hope of Goku succeeding, Kibito Kai removes Gohan, Goten, and Trunks from Baby's control using the Sacred Water from Kami's Lookout. After realizing that they cannot help by fighting the ape, they channel some of their energy to Goku. Goku eventually succeeds in defeating Baby Vegeta and leaves him defenseless. In desperation, Baby leaves Vegeta's body and tries to escape from Planet Tuffle, but Goku uses his Kamehameha attack to destroy Baby and blast his remains into the sun.

Super 17 Saga

Main article: Super 17 Saga A year after the defeat of Baby Goku fights in the 31st World Martial Arts Tournament, having to fight in the Junior Division with Mr. Satan saying there is a height requirement. In the finals, his opponent wins by tickling Goku while he is talking to Vegeta, resulting in Goku falling out of the ring.


Goku faces Cell and Frieza in Hell

Sometime afterwards, Goku and his family and friends are at home eating, until a badly beaten-up Trunks arrives, saying he encountered Android 17, who told him to tell Goku to go to Hell to set things straight. Goku leaves for Hell, where he meets Dr. Myuu and Dr. Gero, who leave, making Goku very frustrated with no way out, until two of his most fierce enemies of the past drop by, Cell and Frieza. Goku manages to deal with both of them in his normal state. Realizing Goku's power, Cell forces out his tail and absorbs Goku. This only lasts for about ten seconds, since Goku finds his way out of Cell's body. After a fight between Goku, Cell, and Frieza, they show Goku a new technique that they learned in Hell, the Hell's Buster: they create a tornado type spin that throws Goku down to the deepest part of Hell. While there, a strange, old lady demonstrates various tortures, which evidently ends by freezing Goku in a block of ice.

Meanwhile, Cell and Frieza wait to use a finishing move on Goku. Goku's end seems to have arrived until everyone realizes that the finishing move does not work on the living. Despite being frozen, Goku manages to hear their conversation. In his retaliation, he breaks free, attempts the freezing technique on Cell and Frieza, and successfully freezes them, but accidentally shatters them.

"Well, you've made quite a mess, 17. What do you say you show your face so I can start cleaning up, now?!"
Super Saiyan Goku before fighting Super 17 in "Raising the Stakes"

Still trapped in Hell, Goku tries to find a way to get out. He asks King Yemma to aid him, with King Yemma responding that he does not know how to get Goku out. Piccolo contacts King Yemma and asks him to transport him to Goku. Believing the plan is ludicrous, King Yemma refuses, leaving Piccolo to destroy significant portions of Heaven as a means to convince him. King Yemma eventually follows through with Piccolo's idea and transports him directly to Goku where he, with Dende's help, open a gate between Hell and Earth to allow Goku to escape Hell. Successfully escaping, Goku immediately leaves for the battlefield.

Super Dragon Fist

Goku destroying Super 17 with a Dragon Fist

Goku fights the newly fused Super 17 after reaching the battlefield. He eventually transforms into a Super Saiyan 4 but Super 17's ability to absorb his energy and grow stronger causes difficulties for Goku. With the help of Android 18, vengeful towards Android 17 for Krillin's death, Goku defeats Super 17 with the use of the Super Dragon Fist through the android's stomach and chest. This attack presumably destroys Android 17's Energy Absorption devices. Goku then finishes off the android with a Kamehameha through the wounded Super 17's stomach, causing him to explode.

Shadow Dragon Saga

Main article: Shadow Dragon Saga


Goku encountering the Black Smoke Dragon

When the dragon, Shenron, is summoned to revive those killed by Super 17, the Dragon Balls crack and a different, cigar-smoking dragon appears in his place. This Black Smoke Shenron promptly splits into seven Shadow Dragons, each with a cracked Dragon Ball in its body. Goku and his companions fight valiantly to defeat these new dragons. However, after six of the seven are defeated (Naturon, Rage, Haze, Oceanus, Eis, and Nuova) in a series of many struggles, the One-Star Dragon, Syn Shenron appears.

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Goku vs. Syn Shenron

Proving to be more than a match for the Super Saiyan 4 Goku, Goku is severely beaten by the most powerful of all the Shadow Dragons, losing his Super Saiyan 4 transformation and falling unconscious. Goku's friends provide him with their own power, which makes Goku transform to Super Full Power Saiyan 4 and finally become superior to Syn. Unfortunately, the Evil Dragon absorbs the other Dragon Balls into himself, becoming Omega Shenron. Even as a Ultra-full-power Saiyan 4, Goku can't defeat the powered-up dragon. He even combines 2 of his strongest attacks in the form of Dragon Hammer but Omega still survives this. After Vegeta (now a Super Saiyan 4) joins the fight, they still can't beat him so Vegeta suggests that they fuse to which Goku agrees, even mentioning that this will be "special". Due to fusing Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta is born. However, the fused warrior does not finish off the evil Shadow Dragon before the fusion wears off due to wasting too much time. Later Goku's power runs out and he reverts to his base child form. After being presumably killed by Omega's Negative Karma Ball, Goku asks the people of the planet Earth to send him their energy. The collected energy is not enough to defeat Omega Shenron, so Goku asks King Kai to help him by gathering energy from all over the universe, creating the Super Ultra Spirit Bomb. The Spirit Bomb is successful in destroying Omega Shenron.

"You know Shenron, I've never been this tired."
— Goku before he merges with Shenron in "Until We Meet Again".

Goku leaves with Shenron

Goku leaves with Shenron

The people of Earth witness this and finally realize Goku is a hero. Afterward, the real Shenron appears once again, saying that no more wishes will be granted for a long time. After convincing Shenron to grant one last wish and asking that all the people who were killed by Super 17 and the Shadow Dragons be revived, Goku decides to accompany the dragon. Before leaving, Goku tells Vegeta that the lives of everyone are now in his hands, passing the role of protector of the Earth and anyone in need of help, to Vegeta. Goku also visits Krillin, who has recently been revived by the last wish, and the two of them have one last fight before Goku flies off with Shenron. He then visits Hell to apologize to Piccolo for "putting him through nothing but trouble", vowing to remember him for as long as lives. With all loose ends tied up, Goku disappears along with Shenron.

"Til we meet again, guys!"
— "Until We Meet Again"

Last scene

Goku, a hundred years after battling the Shadow Dragons

A century later, as an aged Pan watches the World Martial Arts Tournament, she catches a glimpse of a familiar face in the stands: her grandfather, Goku (now grown up once again, and without his tail). When she tries to follow him, however, he disappears. Goku leaves since the earth is at peace, but the narrator says he will always return when the earth is in danger. Goku is then seen flying into the air, grabbing onto his Power Pole, calling for the Flying Nimbus and finally flies off into the distance while yelling, "Til we meet again, guys!"

Super Dragon Ball Heroes

Dark Empire Saga

Main article: Dark Empire Saga In the manga, one of the Dark Dragon Balls travels back to the Battle of Namek and fuses with Frieza, with its power, the now Xeno Frieza is able to easily take down Super Saiyan Goku

Xeno Goku and Xeno Trunks arrive to correct the timeline and help Goku fight Xeno Frieza. Xeno Frieza goes into his 100% Full Power state to block two Super Kamehamehas fired by Xeno Goku and Super Saiyan Goku, but the attacks give Xeno Trunks enough time to get behind Xeno Frieza and cleave him in half - in the same manner that Xeno Frieza's Death Saucer did in the proper time - knocking the Dark Dragon Ball away from Xeno Frieza.

The fight then continues as it is meant to, with the injured Frieza begging Goku for mercy and afterwards the timeline restores to normal.

Prison Planet Saga

Main article: Prison Planet Saga At some point after the Tournament of Power, Goku and Vegeta are back to training with Whis on Beerus' planet. Future Trunks and Future Mai travel back in time and Future Trunks trains with Goku and Vegeta. Future Trunks is kidnapped and taken to the Prison Planet, so Goku, Vegeta and Future Mai head there to rescue him.

Goku Vs Xeno Goku

Goku vs. Xeno Goku

On the Prison Planet, Goku encounters another Goku, both Goku's see that the other possess a form that the other does not have (Goku with Super Saiyan Blue and Xeno Goku with Super Saiyan 4) and so they wish to see who is stronger, the two seem evenly matched but in the end Goku defeats Xeno Goku, who notes that Goku is a step above him. Goku questions Xeno Goku, but finds they are on the same side. Fu arrives and explains the situation and how to escape the Prison Planet - by obtaining the seven special Dragon Balls held by the prisoners.

Super Saiyan Berserk DBH

Super Saiyan: Berserk Goku

In the anime, shortly afterwards they are confronted by the evil Saiyan Cumber. After Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan 2 and attacks Cumber, he loses all reason having come into contact with such evil ki and mutates into a Super Saiyan: Berserk where he then then begins to attack Vegeta instead. After Future Trunks arrives with Cooler, Cooler transforms to become Golden Cooler and with his newfound strength defeats Goku with a single punch causing him to regain his senses. After Mai tosses him and Vegeta a pair of Potara, the two fuse to become Vegito in order to fight against Cumber.

SSG Goku vs Cunber

Super Saiyan God Goku vs. Cumber

After using up all their power in the fusion, they return to their individual selves only to see a Golden Great Ape Cumber standing in front of them. Goku attempts to battle it as a Super Saiyan but is quickly beaten and stepped on. In order to escape from being crushed, Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan Blue and proceeds to use the Kaio-ken X20, but the battle is interrupted by Fu who reverts Cumber to his normal state, so he does not destroy the seal surrounding the Prison Planet. Cumber continues to attack Goku who now uses the form of Super Saiyan God but is still beaten beaten and almost killed before being saved by Xeno Goku now with Xeno Vegeta.

Saiyan God of light

Ultra Instinct returns

Vegeta tries to wake up Goku to get all of them out of here when Suddenly Goku reawakens into Ultra Instinct. With his counterpart in a stunned silence, Goku very quickly overwhelms and dominates Cumber. Goku looks at his counterpart before going back in to finish Cumber. Xeno Goku, knowing himself, asks everyone to grab onto him and uses Instant Transmission to teleport off the planet. Ultra Instinct Goku then defeats Cumber with a Kamehamaha. Before he can finish him, Fused Zamasu arrives and steals Cumber's body away, leaving Goku alone on the blowing up planet.

Universal Conflict Saga

Main article: Universal Conflict Saga

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Goku takes down Oren

Goku was saved by the Grand Minister, who brought Goku to Zeno's planet and gave him new attire that resembled his own. The Grand Minister takes him to Universe 11 where both his allies and his enemies are surprised to see him.

In the anime, without saying as much as a word, he enters into his Ultra Instinct Sign state and swats Oren, who is in possession of Vegeta's body, off of Future Trunks to save him. As Zamasu and Hearts make a remark on Goku's Godly power, an agitated Oren attempts to attack Goku but he is easily overpowered and unable to land a single attack. With a single punch, Goku is able to separate Oren from Vegeta and then blasts away an incoming Kamin. He then stares up at Hearts, prepared to face him next.

Goku Super Saiyan against Hearts

Goku turns into a Super Saiyan

Goku hovers up to Hearts, confirming that he is the person he'd been told of when Kamin and Oren attack him in unison. Goku easily overwhelms them with his strength and reflexes and knocks them down again. After Kamin and Oren merge together to become Kamioren, Goku briefly battles the merged warrior until Hearts summons Lagss who appears within a large, pointed glass shard that Hearts sends towards Goku. Goku exerts all his strength in destroying the shard and reverts back to his normal state in the process. Lagss then uses the broken smaller pieces to attack Goku and severely injures him to the point he falls down. Trunks saves him just in time from being hit by a vital attack but then manages to get to his fight to in turn save Trunks though receives even more damage.

When Hearts sends Lagss onward to Universe 3, Hearts vows to draw out Goku's true Ultra Instinct power. Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan and charges at Hearts but is immediately brought down by his Gravity Burst technique. Just then Shin teleports into the area and he and Goku teleport themselves, Trunks and Vegeta away.


The Dragon Team in Universe 7

They arrive in Universe 7 where Piccolo and Android 17 join up with them in order to battle the Core Area Warriors that appear. Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan and heads directly for Hearts but is once again repeatedly slammed to the ground via his Gravity Burst technique. After Hearts powers up, Goku gets to his feet ready for another round. Goku and Hearts begin fighting though he is forced backwards by a barrage of punches. With little other choice, Goku powers up further into his Super Saiyan Blue state.


Goku fights Hearts

Now able to compete with Hearts on equal grounds but is pushed back as Hearts comments that Goku's desire to fight can only be satisfied by him, which Goku rebuffs. The two acknowledge that neither is still using their full power. When the fight commences again, Goku turns the tides on him and overwhelms Hearts with a Kamehameha. However, Hearts gets back on his feet and taunts Goku before using his Gravity powers on him. When Hearts uses his Gravity Fist technique, Goku is shown to be at a disadvantage as Hearts begins to power up even further. Hearts draws his energy cubes towards him and charges at Goku hard enough to send him to the ground and out of his Super Saiyan Blue form.


Goku reactivates Ultra Instinct Sign

After Kamioren undergoes a transformation after merging with the power of the Universe Seed, Goku intervenes and stops one of Kamioren's punches aimed for Vegeta but is far overpowered and caught in his grip. After struggling to break free, he enters into his Ultra Instinct Sign state once more and instinctively dodges Kamioren's punches and energy blasts. Kamioren fires a Mouth Energy Wave at Goku which he stops in its tracks and sends back at his enemy. As he brings his opponent down to his knees, Kamioren fires another energy wave, but this time around is able to catch him.

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Goku preparing a Kamehameha

Goku withstands the energy blast and emerges in his mastered Ultra Instinct state where he then proceeds to dominate the battle. When the other members of the Dragon Team launch an energy barrage at Kamioren, Goku fires off a powerful Kamehameha which causes the red bio-gem on Kamioren's chest to begin to crack. Goku charges forward and follows up with a strike to the gem which causes Kamioren to shatter into pieces. Exhausted, Goku reverts back to his normal state.


Goku, Jiren and Hit together

When Hearts is merging with the Universe Seed, Fused Zamasu appears to defend him. He takes down the entire Dragon Team with a single blow each, but Goku manages to regroup himself and fights on, but unable to transform due to being exhausted of energy from recently using Ultra Instinct, he is at a disadvantage and Zamasu soon twists his arm around his back. He is saved by the appearance of Jiren and soon after Hit. The three attempt to take on Zamasu but are pushed back by a pulse from the newly completed Universe Seed.


Super Saiyan Blue Goku charges at Hearts

Goku and the rest of the group prepare to face Hearts when he uses a collection of green orbs to attack and enclose the group in a tight space. Hearts takes Goku down with a single blow along with the others but as they get to their feet, Goku is the first to attack, transforming into a Super Saiyan Blue. However, his momentum is halted as Hearts tells him that he can see his movements and his heart before sending him flying backwards. After suffering through another onslaught, Goku suggests to Vegeta that they should fuse, not knowing when his Ultra Instinct may be available to him again. While his friends buy him time, Goku and Vegeta complete the process to fuse into Gogeta.

Gogeta eventually defeats Hearts and returns peace to the Earth. Jiren asks why they didn't fuse together during the Tournament of Power. Before Gogeta can respond, he defuses back into Goku and Vegeta individually. Vegeta finishes the explanation that it's because he never wants to fuse with Goku. Goku laughs off the comment, saying that next time he will deal with the enemy all by himself.

Universe Creation Saga

Main article: Universe Creation Saga

Big Bang Mission Ep 1 03

Goku holding the divine bird Tokitoki

In the anime, at Capsule Corporation, Goku examines a strange bird he's found named Tokitoki, until it unexpectedly bites him on the nose after saying it has a stupid looking face. Gohan, Piccolo, Krillin and Android 17 join Goku's side in figuring out what the bird is when Xeno Trunks and Xeno Pan appear from another dimension in search of Tokitoki and explain how important he is. Suddenly the twelve Gods of Destruction appear and threaten them, surprised Goku asks what Beerus is doing, and he explains to Goku his prediction of a strange bird appearing in Universe 7 and destroying all universes. The Gods of Destruction prepare to destroy everyone when Beerus halts them, wanting to take responsibility for his own universe. Goku and Vegeta head up to face Beerus and transform into Super Saiyan Blue.

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Super Saiyan Blue Goku during his fight with Beerus

Goku charges at Beerus and throws a string of attacks at Beerus that are unable to land before being kicked away with ease. The fight is put to a halt with the arrival of Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta who point out the roots belonging to the Universe Tree. Fu shows up shortly afterwards and explains his plans to create a new universe using the tree which will come at the cost of other planets and lifeforms. After disappearing, Beerus unleashes his own power to counter the tree, halting it from being able to absorb energy for the time being, but unable to keep it up for long, Goku, Vegeta and Xeno Trunks head off in order to search for Fu and put a stop to his plans.

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Goku vs. Turles

They are joined by Xeno Pan and Tokitoki who manage to track down an area where they believe Fu will appear. Before he does however, Turles and Bojack who are sided with Fu arrive with intentions of revenge from having been defeated years prior. As the two quickly become hostile, Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan Blue to confront Turles and his new Evil Saiyan power. As they battle, Fu appears and Goku and Vegeta attempt to face him but are struck in the back by energy blasts as Turles and Bojack refuse to let them leave. The two continue to battle until Dogidogi, under the command of Fu, flaps his wings to freeze Goku and the others in place allowing Fu to take the opportunity to capture Tokitoki and escape through a space-time distortion.

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Goku and Xeno Goku fight side by side

Shortly afterwards, Goku and the rest of his group unexpectedly fall through a time distortion where they meet up with Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta once again along with a very hostile and empowered Janemba. Believing Janemba to be another one of Fu's companions, Goku and Vegeta transform into Super Saiyan Blue and attack head on but find themselves unable to land a blow due to Janemba being given analysis on their alternate counterparts' abilities. Goku continues to battle. now alongside Xeno Goku and the two finally land a punch just before Salsa and Putine intervene.

Goku and the others are drawn into battle once more with Janemba and still at a disadvantage and with few options, Goku, Vegeta, Xeno Trunks and Xeno Pan pool their Saiyan Power into Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta, allowing them to enter into the Super Full Power Saiyan 4 Limit Breaker state where they go on to finish off Janemba. Then he and the others are teleported to the location of the Universe Tree thanks to Putine's magic.

SSGSS Berserk Goku

Goku becomes Berserk

Shortly after arriving, Fu appears, followed by Towa who teleports everyone away, leaving only Vegeta, Goku and Fu left at the Time Rift. When Vegeta attempts to take on Fu, he is overtaken when Fu uses Cumbers energy, that he has obtained for his own use, to turn Vegeta Berserk. Goku transforms into Super Saiyan Blue and tries to aid Vegeta, but he too is taken over. The two enraged Saiyans flail wildly at Fu who easily fends them off before purifying them of their Evil Aura. With time running short and the Universe Tree close to destroying their universe, Goku removes a Potara from his pocket that he retrieved from Salsa and tosses it to Vegeta where they fuse once more into Vegito.

New Space-Time War Saga

Main article: New Space-Time War Saga

SDBH 32 07

Goku awakens in Fu's universe

In the anime, after Fu creates his new universe, Goku awakens alone in a strange and eerie alternate version of West City on Earth, wondering what is going on. He is attacked by the Frieza Force including Frieza and Meta-Cooler while trying to escape from Fu's Universe. He teams up with Hearts to fight the Golden Brothers, using Ultra Instinct Sign to fight and quickly overwhelm Frieza before returning to his base form. However, the galactic tyrants are given a burst of power when they unexpectedly find themselves merged with a Dark Dragon Ball. The two brothers are able to pressure Goku and Hearts until Broly arrives on the scene and takes down everyone with ease.

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Goku thanks Hearts for the Senzu Bean

After Broly takes off after the Warrior in Black and the Crimson-Masked Saiyan leaves. An exhausted Goku sits on the ground and Hearts tosses him a Senzu Bean. Goku recovers and thanks Hearts as he brings out the Four-Star Dragon Ball and tells Goku that if the Senzu Bean still had the same effect in the Space-Time then the same should be true for the Dragon Balls. The two decide to collect all the Dragon Balls and use them to escape. They head to Capsule Corporation where Goku collects the Dragon Radar. Turning it on, he picks up two signals, one of which belongs to Hearts and the other up above them.

Goku teleports himself and Hearts to Planet Vegeta. There, the Crimson-Masked Saiyan arrives and informs Goku that he is his opponent before transforming into a Super Saiyan Rosé. Goku realizes that this is indeed Goku Black, revived through unknown means. Black proclaims that he will defeat his original counterpart and prove himself to be superior. Goku goes Super Saiyan Blue and the two fight, with Hearts following them after transforming into Super Hearts. However, Goku Black defeats the two, holding the former by the neck and swiftly tosses him aside.

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Goku appears behind the Crimson-Masked Saiyan

However, Goku unexpectedly returns and appears behind the Crimson-Masked Saiyan in his Ultra Instinct Sign state. The Crimson-Masked Saiyan blasts Goku at point-blank range, though it causes no damage to him. Goku proceeds to avoid every one of his opponent's attacks and appears to have the advantage in battle. The Crimson-Masked Saiyan takes to the skies and fires a couple of energy blasts to leave Planet Vegeta on the verge of destruction.

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Goku unable to sense Ki elsewhere

Goku attempts to use Instant Transmission to escape but is unable to as he cannot sense any other ki signatures. However, much to everyone's surprise Cell appears and teleports everyone away just in nick of time. Goku asks Cell how he was able to come back though Cell simply says it is just the same as how Hearts was able to. Vegeta asks why he decided to save them, but Cell tells them to be patient and hear what he has to say. Two other figures then appear behind the group with Goku and Vegeta surprised at their identity.


Goku and Vegeta about to take on the Crimson-Masked Saiyan

Goku and the others join Gohan and his group in a nearby cavern and shortly afterwards Shroom appears along with Salsa and Putine and explains that Cell is lending a hand in taking the Crimson-Masked Saiyan. With a powerful enemy to face and Goku not having yet mastered Ultra Instinct, Shroom and the other demons open up a doorway to a room similar to that of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Goku and Vegeta go inside where they face phantoms in the guise of enemies from the past and seemingly complete their training in time, leaving the room and making their way to West City to face the powered up Super Saiyan Rosé 3 Crimson-Masked Saiyan.

Together with Vegeta, they overpower their foe with Goku landing a mighty foe that sends his opponent hurtling into a building, shortly afterwards Goku's Ultra Instinct state runs out. However, the Crimson-Masked Saiyan enters into his Super Saiyan Rosé Full Power state and Goku and Vegeta are left with no choice but to fuse into Gogeta once again. Gogeta successfully defeats the powerful adversary and defuses. The Warrior in Black re-appears carrying the full set of Dragon Balls which he uses to send everyone out of the Pseudo Universe.

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Goku and Xeno Goku merge their powers

Goku finds himself back in the Crack of Time where he encounters a younger looking Fu who has absorbed Dogidogi. When Vegeta appears, Goku fuses him with again to become Gogeta and fights along Xeno Gogeta but the two are quickly overpowered and defuse. Fu then throws the Vegeta's into a dark vortex to prevent further fusion, but the Goku's receive some unexpected backup in the form of Chronoa. Chronoa heals the pairs injuries and asks that the two power up to their limit. She then performs a technique that allows the two Saiyans to merge their Ki together. They attack with a combined Kamehameha, which breaks through all of Fu's barriers, forcing him to block it himself. Despite Fu stating the attack was dangerous, Xeno Goku notes that, even with this immense power, he and his alternate self are still unable to beat the Dark King.

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Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan (Universe Tree Power) Goku

Fu begins absorbing power from the Universe Tree, and to an extent, all of the universe itself. When Fu attacks tries to attack Chronoa, Goku grabs one of Fu's tendrils and rips it off. The energy given off by the tendril at first begins to overwhelm him, but Goku manages to harness it for his own by also harnessing the Universe Tree's power to gain Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan (Universe Tree Power). Goku and Fu two engage in an epic battle, climaxing with a powerful beam struggle that ends with Goku managing to finish him with a Kamehameha. Fu finds it impossible that the universe has so much potential, and with those seemingly being his last words, he is defeated with a smile on his face.

After the battle, Goku is sent back to where he came from after Toktoki uses his power to restore Universe 7.

Supreme Kai of Time Saga

Main article: Supreme Kai of Time Saga Meanwhile on Earth, Goku enjoys a nap during his farm work. Coming around, he is approached by a Mysterious Guide. After introducing himself, he tells Goku that he has been invited to the "Super Space-Time Tournament", a tournament to determine the strongest fighter from every space-time. Obviously excited by the prospect, Goku quickly accepts and is teleported away to the tournament's location. Once there, Goku reunites with Gohan, Piccolo, Vegeta, Hit, Jiren and Yamcha.

SDBH 41 08

Goku and Xeno Goku

The Mysterious Guide re-appears and explains the rules of the tournament before the participates are teleported to the battlefield. On the battlefield Goku quickly crosses paths with his timeline counter-part Xeno Goku who are each elated at the prospect of fighting each other once again. However, Xeno Goku states his intention with the host of the tournament Aeos. Before he can explain his reasons as to why, the two Goku are ambushed by another team.

They quickly take them down before setting sights on each other as the prospect of facing another Goku is too exciting to pass up. Goku transforms into Super Saiyan Blue while Xeno Goku transforms into Super Saiyan 4 begin their rematch until it is halted due to members of their team finding Time Fairies which return them to the main hall having progressed through the initial round.

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Goku vs. the Warrior in Black

For the second round, Goku is sent to a stylized version of Planet Vegeta along with Jiren where they face off against the Super Saiyan 3 Warrior in Black and transforms into Ultra Instinct Sign ready for battle. Goku requests that he be allowed to fight him alone due to his opponent being a fellow Saiyan and asks his opponent who he is after he appears to know his true Saiyan name though he does not give a clear answer. The two engage in combat and Goku is able to prevail after overpowering him in a beam struggle.

Goku then heads to the Time Nest where he sees Chronoa having been defeated by Aeos in her Time Power Unleashed state. Goku turns to Aeos and thanks her hosting the tournament but asks that she not erase any timelines as there are still living beings in them.

SDBH 45 01

Goku blocks Aeos' attack

Aeos declines his request and attempts to use her powers to freeze him but Goku teleports behind her and transforms into his Ultra Instinct Sign state. The two battle until Goku uses his Instant Transmission to appear in front of Aeos before letting off a Kamehameha at point blank range. Aeos acknowledges the danger that Goku possesses and vows to eliminate him. Before she can attempt to do so, Demigra invades, and she forms a temporary alliance with Goku to take on the greater threat.

Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan Blue and lets off a Kamehameha against Demigra who uses his magic to reflect the attack while simultaneously empowering it with darkness. In response Goku uses Kaio-ken in an attempt to match it but is still overpowered. He fights on valiantly as he tries to protect Chronoa but is beaten for his efforts. Thankfully, Vegeta arrives and the two soon use Fusion to form Vegito to confront Demigra.

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Space-Time Family Kamehameha

The fusion however does not last long and the two soon separate with Vegeta being blasted away by Demigra shortly afterwards. After Demigra powers up and throws a large ball of energy, intending to wipe out enemy and ally alike, Goku attempts to stop it using his Kamehameha whilst in Super Saiyan Blue. He is overwhelmed as he begins to lose ground but thankfully, he is joined by the Future Warrior in Black and soon thereafter the Warrior in Black. Following some encouraging words, the three use their full power with Goku using his Perfected Ultra Instinct state as they begin to overwhelm Demigra's attack and ultimately kill him.

Following his defeat, the Time Nest is restored and Goku's wounds are healed. Still not done, Goku requests that the tournament continue under a single match as he wishes to continue his fight with Xeno Goku, the two having promised to complete their unfinished match earlier. On a separate battlefield, Goku and Xeno Goku prepare to continue their unfinished fight from earlier as they had promised to.

SDBH 50 06

Goku defeats Xeno Goku

Deciding to go all out from the start, Xeno Goku transforms into Super Full Power Saiyan 4 Limit Breaker and Goku into Ultra Instinct Sign as they begin their epic clash. The two are shown to be evenly matched and finally on the verge of exhaustion Xeno Goku uses the last bit of his energy to charge in readying a mighty punch. However at the last second Goku transforms into Perfected Ultra Instinct, narrowly avoiding the blow and landing a solid punch in return to Xeno Goku's face that causes him to fall and admit defeat. Goku claims victory just before collapsing himself from exhaustion.

Demon Invader Saga

Main article: Demon Invader Saga

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Goku worn out from his battle

With the Super Space-Time Tournament over, Goku and the others attempt to head home, however when Chronoa unravels her Time Scroll she finds that the Earth has vanished. The group travel to King Kai's Planet where they find Majin Ozotto who is revealed to have eaten Earth along with King Kai, Bubbles and Gregory. Goku transforms into Super Saiyan Blue and along with Vegeta and Xeno Trunks they battle Ozotto but still low on power they prove to be no match for him. As Ozotto increases his strength further, Chronoa uses the Time Scrolls to force a temporary retreat.

After recovering, Goku and the others track Ozotto to Namek but are too late as he has already eaten all of the Namekians. Ozotto leaves the group an invitation to his palace where he offers to fight them at his full strength.

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Goku and company at Ozotto's Palace

Goku and the others head to the palace where Chronoa hands him something before they head inside. There, they are greeted by Ozotto who tells them all that in order to save those that he has absorbed, Goku and the rest must each step into one of the five rooms laying before them and defeat one of his clones. Stepping into the room Goku comes face to face with one of the clones and turns into Ultra Instinct Sign ready to face him. Ozotto attacks him but is unable to land a blow even after transforming into Turles and Bojack but is able to cut his cheek upon becoming Meta-Cooler.

Film Appearances

Bardock - The Father of Goku

Main article: Dragon Ball Z: Bardock - The Father of Goku

"Only an average power level... and I thought you were special."
Bardock after reading his son's power level


Infant Goku being sent to Earth

Kakarot was born sometime in Age 737 on Planet Vegeta, during a time of great turmoil.[56] Following a Saiyan custom, Kakarot was sent as a baby to planet Earth, in order to destroy its inhabitants and clear the planet for its future sale.[1] As Earth's inhabitants were thought to be weak, a baby Saiyan was considered enough for the task, especially after transforming into a Great Ape by Earth's full moon. Kakarot's father, a low-class Saiyan warrior named Bardock, disappeared in his home planet's destruction at the hands of Frieza shortly after Goku's departure to Earth.[148]

Curse of the Blood Rubies

Main article: Dragon Ball: Curse of the Blood Rubies


Goku in Curse of the Blood Rubies

This movie is a retelling of Goku's first journey, and his battle against King Gurumes. He meets Bulma who tells him of the seven magic Dragon Balls. Soon, he encounters the Gurumes Army after they steal his Four-Star Dragon Ball. During their journey, Goku and Bulma rescue a girl named Pansy from Oolong. While pursuing Oolong, Goku is attacked by Yamcha and Puar. After the battle against Yamcha, Pansy tells the gang about King Gurumes and the Blood Rubies. They meet Master Roshi and Turtle as Pansy thinks the Turtle Hermit can help her village against Gurumes' forces. On Roshi's island, they are attacked by King Gurumes' army and Goku witnesses Master Roshi performing a MAX Power Kamehameha to defeat Gurumes' men. Afterwards Goku successfully pulls off of a Kamehameha of his own. Master Roshi turns down Pansy's offer to help, suggesting that Goku is more than enough to get the job done.

Soon afterwards, Goku and his friends heads to the Land of Gurumes and fight head on against Gurumes' forces. Goku battles against Bongo in a mid-air battle and after using his Power Pole to shatter the Flying Disc that he was standing on, he fights him again inside the castle. There he encounters King Gurumes himself. When he eats the Dragon Balls, Bulma summons Shenron and the wish is used to remove the Blood Rubies from the land. Peace is restored and Goku heads out on the Flying Nimbus, bidding farewell to his friends.

Sleeping Princess in Devil's Castle

Main article: Dragon Ball: Sleeping Princess in Devil's Castle


Goku in Sleeping Princess in Devil's Castle

After Goku arrives at Kame House in order to begin training under Master Roshi, he meets Krillin and wishes to undergo his training. In order to do so, he and Krillin must first travel to Devil's Hand in search of the Sleeping Princess. While at Devil's Hand, they fight against Lucifer and his demons. It is revealed that the Sleeping Princess is a large diamond and Lucifer want to use its power to destroy the Sun. After being captured by Lucifer's men and encased in a wall, Goku looks at the full moons and soon undergoes a transformation into a Great Ape. His tail is once again removed after Puar transforms into a pair of scissors and cuts it off, causing him to revert to normal state. Goku and Krillin then fight against Lucifer, manage to defeat him, and he is killed by his Devil Castle Cannon in the process after Goku fires a Kamehameha that moves the cannon towards him. Goku and Krillin then bring Launch to Master Roshi, allowing them to begin their training under the Turtle Hermit and takes a celebratory photo with his friends.

Mystical Adventure

Main article: Dragon Ball: Mystical Adventure


Goku in Mystical Adventure

As they completed their training earlier, Master Roshi takes his students Goku and Krillin to a Martial Arts Tournament held by the Mifan Emperor Chiaotzu. In a bar the night before, the gang helps Bora and Upa against the Mifan Army and Goku has a brief fight against Major Metallitron. The next day, Goku witnesses Yamcha's defeat at the hands of Bora and Bora's death at the hands of General Tao. Furious, Goku enters the ring and fights against Tao, but is defeated and blasted by a Dodon Ray from Mifan to the top of Korin Tower where he meets Korin. Korin gives Goku some advice, saying that the reason he lost against Tao was due to being angry during the fight and wasn't seeing things clearly which causes Goku to see the error of his ways. At the bottom of the tower, Goku meets Arale and the Gatchans. They take on General Tao and manage to defeat him by kicking missiles back at him. Goku returns to Mifan and rescues Upa from Major Metallitron by flying straight through his midsection. After the defeat of Minister Shen, the gang uses the Dragon Balls to resurrect Upa's father back to life.

The Path to Power

Main article: Dragon Ball: The Path to Power

Goku in Path to Power

Goku in The Path to Power

This movie is a retelling of Goku's first journey and his battles against the Red Ribbon Army. He meets Bulma for the first time and also meets Oolong, Yamcha, and Puar while they are in the desert. After a battle with Yamcha, Goku and his friends accidentally run into Muscle Tower, but Goku is able to defend them. While inside the tower, he defeats Major Metallitron and meets Android 8 and befriends him, giving him the nickname Eighter. After taking the Dragon Ball from Muscle Tower, they meet Turtle on the road. After returning him to the sea and meeting Master Roshi, who gives him the Nimbus Cloud, they are attacked by General Blue and his forces from the sea.


Goku during the final battle

fter seeing Master Roshi perform one, Goku releases a Kamehameha that nearly destroys all of the enemy forces. Goku is knocked out by a missile and after Goku's friends are kidnapped by the army, he attacks the main headquarters. He attacks Staff Officer Black while in his giant Battle Jacket after he ruthlessly murders Eighter in front of him. Goku snaps, and releases a Kamehameha that destroys Black, putting an end to the Red Ribbon Army. Goku then uses the Dragon Balls to revive Eighter, delighted to his friend.

Dead Zone

Main article: Dragon Ball Z: Dead Zone

"Those fancy moves won't work on me!"
— Goku while fighting Ginger, Nikki, and Sansho.

Goku with the power pole

Goku with the Power Pole

Four years after the defeat of Piccolo Jr. in the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament, Garlic Jr.'s henchmen show up at Goku's House in in order to get the Four-Star Dragon Ball that Gohan wears on his hat, subsequently injuring Chi-Chi and Ox-King as well as kidnapping Gohan. Goku visits Bulma at Kame House so that he can use the Dragon Radar to track down Gohan's location and heads off towards Garlic Castle in the red sea.

Soon after arriving, Kami appears and while he fights Garlic Jr., who has recently used Shenron to ask for immortality, Goku heads into the castle where he confronts the three henchmen. When Piccolo appears in order to get his own revenge against Garlic Jr and his minions, Goku takes his battle with Nicky and Ginger outside where he promptly kills the two after firing a Kamehameha at them.

Goku kicks Garlic Jr

Goku kicks Garlic Jr.

Goku and Piccolo team up to battle Super Garlic Jr and after removing their weighted clothing, they are able to stop him. Thinking Garlic defeated, they start to fight with each other due to Piccolo wanting to settle the score. In the middle of their duel, Garlic Jr. comes back and opens a portal to the Dead Zone, trying to suck everybody in. Gohan gets angry at seeing Goku in danger, and, unconsciously releasing his power, he pushes Garlic Jr. into the Dead Zone, sealing him inside. Surprised to see Gohan's power and then later that he didn't even realise that he had done so, Gohan decides not to tell Chi-Chi about what happened.

The World's Strongest

Main article: Dragon Ball Z: The World's Strongest

"You're going down, no matter how long it takes me!"
— Goku toward Dr. Wheelo.

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Goku heads to Dr. Wheelo's Fortress

After Master Roshi and Bulma are kidnapped by Dr. Kochin and the Bio-Men, Oolong visits Goku at his home and tells him what happened. Goku goes to Dr. Wheelo's Fortress using the Flying Nimbus to save them. Goku overcomes several of the fortress defenses and battles against Misokatsun though his rubbery body gives him trouble. Goku charges straight at his stomach and uses the Kaio-ken in order to fly through him. After defeating Misokatsun, Goku next encounters Ebifurya and Kishime and ends up encased in ice. He is saved from a finishing blow due to the arrival of Gohan and Krillin but after they end up in trouble, Goku frees himself from the ice using the Kaio-ken and swiftly defeats the two Bio-Warriors.


Goku launches the Spirit Bomb

Heading further into the fortress where they find Bulma, Goku is approached by a a brainwashed Piccolo, the two battle until the device shatters and Piccolo gains control of himself. When Dr. Wheelo enters the battle, Goku fires a Kamehameha alongside Gohan, Krillin and Master Roshi though it has no effect. After seeing his son get taken down, Goku uses the Kaio-ken x3 and briefly gains an edge, he attempts to finish off Dr. Wheelo with a Kamehameha but gets overpowered until he uses the Kaio-ken x4 and sends Dr. Wheelo upwards into the air though he survives. Just as Dr. Wheelo is planning to fire a blast that will destroy the Earth, Goku forms a Spirit Bomb that he uses to destroy him and save the planet.

The Tree of Might

Main article: Dragon Ball Z: The Tree of Might

"Keep on dreaming! Cause that'll never happen with me around!"
— Goku toward Turles.

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Goku in The Tree of Might

Goku is bathing in a barrel outside of his house with his son when a dragon that Gohan had befriended named Icarus shows up at their home. Chi-Chi says that he can't keep it and demands he take it back up to the mountains. Goku however shows Gohan a small cave nearby where Icarus can reside. At his home with the rest of the Dragon Team present, King Kai contacts them and informs them of the Tree of Might and the danger it possesses to the planet.

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Turles steps on Goku

The group head out to the tree and try to destroy it with a combined blast to no avail. The Dragon Team are confronted by the Turles Crusher Corps. but when Turles appears and forcibly transforms Gohan into a Great Ape, Goku tries to get him to see reason while also avoiding his mighty blows. Gohan appears to calm down when Icarus appears and an annoyed Turles goes to kill him though Goku saves him by firing a blast that removes Gohan's tail and returns him too normal.

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Goku throws the Spirit Bomb at Turles

Though most of the Z Fighters are defeated, Goku is able to best all of them using the Kaio-ken technique. Turles is far stronger, but Goku gives a fair fight using the Kaio-ken. However, after Turles eats the fruit from the Tree of Might, Goku starts to lose his ground. Goku attempts a Spirit Bomb while the Z Fighters divert Turles' attention, but it is too weak due to the tree having absorbed up too much of the planet's energy. Goku tries once again this time taking the energy from the Tree of Might itself and Goku is finally able to destroy both Turles and the Tree of Might. Afterwards he goes on a camping trip with his friends.

Lord Slug

Main article: Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug

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Goku and Krillin head out to slow down the asteroid

When news reaches that an asteroid is heading for Earth, Goku and Krillin head out to slow it down, not wanting to destroy it knowing that it is inhabited. The two fire Kamehameha Waves at it but fail as they are blown away by the fierce winds produced by the near clash of the planet with Earth. The asteroid in reality is home to Lord Slug, a very old Namekian that travels from planet to planet with his army. Lord Slug starts terraforming Earth to his liking and learns and gathers the Dragon Balls in order to recover his youth. Soon after this, Yajirobe finds Goku and Krillin and give him a Senzu Bean where they then head to the location of Lord Slug. Goku appears to save Gohan from Medamatcha and Angila who he kills with ease.


Goku as a Pseudo Super Saiyan ready to attack Lord Slug

The final battle against Lord Slug is left in the hands of Goku, and Slug starts taking the upper hand using the Power of Darkness. However, an angry Goku transforms into a Pseudo Super Saiyan, allowing him to thrash Slug around but the form only lasts for a brief period. Slug transforms into a giant version of himself to outclass Goku and chases him around the city, but thanks to Piccolo's help, Slug is subdued by his weakness: his extremely sensitive hearing. While Slug is distracted, Piccolo gives what little strength remained in him to Goku.

Thanks to Piccolo, Goku is able to use the Kaio-ken x100 and charges straight through Slug's mid-section to seemingly defeat him. Goku begins to head upwards to destroy the terraforming generator but Slug, still alive, latches on to him. Goku now above the clouds, charges up a Spirit Bomb which he launches at Slug, sending him backwards into the generator, destroying them both. Having saved the world once again, Goku joins his friends.

Cooler's Revenge

Main article: Dragon Ball Z: Cooler's Revenge

"You're as twisted inside as your brother! Full of hatred. Well, no more! You've dug your own grave."
— Goku toward Cooler after the former was unaffected by a punch from Salza.

Cooler's Revenge - Goku about to battle Cooler's Armored Squadron

Goku in Cooler's Revenge

Goku, Gohan, Icarus, Krillin and Oolong go on a camping trip in the woods when Cooler, Frieza's brother, comes to earth with his troops in order to avenge his brother by defeating Goku. Goku battles against Cooler's Armored Squadron by himself, even gaining an advantage against them until he sees Cooler who he mistakes for being Frieza. When Cooler attempts to blast Gohan who has shown up to back up his father, Goku tries to protect him and as a result is blasted in the back causing him to be seriously injured. Gohan takes him to hide in a cave and goes to get Senzu Beans to help him recover, while Cooler's troops try to find them. On his way back, he is attacked by Cooler's henchmen, but Piccolo stalls them long enough to let Gohan get a bean to Goku. Salza ultimately caught up with Gohan and destroyed the bean container, which caused Goku to express disbelief before passing out in despair, although he managed to get another bean (due to Yajirobe supplying Gohan with a free bean earlier) from Gohan.


Super Saiyan Goku grasping Cooler's wrist

After healing, he steps out to confront Cooler. Salza who was also nearby, punches Goku in the jaw to no effect. Goku powers up, with the force sending Salza flying and charges straight at Cooler. Goku then fights Cooler, first in the air and then underwater, seemingly evenly matched or with Goku having a slight edge. Cooler explains to Goku that he had found a way to surpass his brother and transforms into his fifth form where he greatly gains the upper hand even with Goku using the Kaio-ken. On the verge of defeat, Goku remembers his fallen friends and turns into a Super Saiyan where he becomes so strong that Cooler can hardly faze him with a punch. An angered Cooler power up a Supernova Cooler which pressures Goku and pushes him backwards but Goku retaliates with a Kamehameha which pushes the Supernova back into Cooler, sending him out into space and into the sun where he is killed.

After the battle, a heavily drained Goku is surprised and helpless when Salza emerges from the rubble, but he is soon killed by Piccolo's Special Beam Cannon.

Super Android 13!

Main article: Dragon Ball Z: Super Android 13!

"I don't care what you're called, taking other people's lives is wrong. And I won't stand for it!"
— Goku to Android 13


Goku in Super Android 13!

Goku goes with Chi-Chi and Gohan on a shopping trip in the city and later stop at a penthouse restaurant to eat where they meet up with Krillin, Future Trunks, Master Roshi and Oolong. They are suddenly attacked by two androids, Android 14 and Android 15, who were created by Dr. Gero's Supercomputer with their only goal being to destroy Goku. Goku confronts the two in the skies above the city but fighting two against one, he is at a disadvantage. When Trunks arrives to assist him the two decide to move away from the city lest it be destroyed and head to the artic.

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Even in his Super Saiyan state, Goku cannot inflict any damage to Super Android 13

The fighting begins once again and Goku is pummelled upon until Android 13 appears. While Future Trunks takes on Android 14 and 15, Goku battles against Android 13 with Gohan and Krillin arriving at the area to aid them. Goku is able to hold his own well but is continually at a disadvantage all the same. Soon after Vegeta shows up and takes on Android 15, the three Saiyans transform into a Super Saiyan. Vegeta and Future Trunks manage to destroy their respective Androids, but the more powerful Android 13 remains standing and absorbs their computer chips and power cells causing him to transform into Super Android 13. Goku is completely overwhelmed by the powered-up Android and is blasted into the ocean. There he begins to gather energy to create a Spirit Bomb while the others are able to buy him some time. Wanting to get more energy, he turns Super Saiyan, which makes him accidentally absorb the Spirit Bomb. However, he is able to punch Super Android 13 and channel his energy into the attack, making the android explode. Afterwards Goku and his friends go to the hospital to tend to their wounds.

The Return of Cooler

Main article: Dragon Ball Z: The Return of Cooler

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Goku in The Revenge of Cooler

Sensing that New Namek is in danger, Goku and his friends travel there in a spaceship in order to help their Namekian friends. After getting there, they discover that Cooler was saved by the Big Gete Star from his destruction, and is now back as a machine, leading an army of robots that have enslaved the Namekians. While the Cyclopian Guards manage to defeat and capture Goku's friends, Goku tries to fight Meta-Cooler but he is no match for Cooler's new powers; he attempts to use the Kaio-ken but still proves to be at a disadvantage and his Instant Transmission is revealed to also be a technique used by Cooler.

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Goku attacks Meta-Cooler

Even after turning into a Super Saiyan, Goku fails to gain the upper hand due to Cooler's Rebirth ability. When Goku is caught up in a choke hold, he is saved by Vegeta who also turns into a Super Saiyan. Eventually the two are able to combine their powers and are able to stop Meta-Cooler. Unfortunately for the two, thousands of copies of Cooler appear, who proceed to knock down and capture the two Saiyans. They awaken to find themselves tangled up, in front of the Meta-Cooler Core. Cooler tries to steal the Saiyan's energy to give more power to the Big Gete Star, but Goku and Vegeta are able to overload it by sending all of their energy at once. They thus destroy the Big Gete Star and the robot army, and Goku and Vegeta manage to blast the last remains of Cooler.

Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan

Main article: Dragon Ball Z: Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan

"Heh, Broly, you surprise me. So, I'd say you won the first round. But, now it's time for round two."
— Goku toward Broly.

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Goku in Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan

Goku is in a suit in order to help Chi-Chi with getting Gohan in a school, repeatedly being told what to say to the interviewers so they can leave a good impression. During the interview, he is contacted by King Kai who warns him about the appearance of the Legendary Super Saiyan and the damage he has already dealt to the South Galaxy. Apologizing to Chi-Chi for having to leave, Goku teleports to King Kai's Planet. There, after being fed a ten-course meal, he is told about that this new Saiyan is even stronger than Goku and he becomes excited by it.

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Goku defends himself against Broly

After King Kai points him in the right direction, Goku teleports around the galaxy trying to focus on the Legendary Super Saiyan's ki, eventually arriving on New Planet Vegeta, with him accidentally being punched mid-Instant Transmission by Krillin as the latter was showing off. There Goku met several of his friends, including Vegeta, who had been brought there by a Saiyan called Paragus. He also meets his son Broly who begins to lose control upon seeing him due to deep-down hatred of him stemming from traumatic events relating to his birth. During the night, Broly attacks Goku who is forced to defend himself but before Broly can get too out of control, Paragus appears and uses a device to calm him down.

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Goku blasts Broly from up close

They eventually discover that Paragus' son, Broly, is in fact the Legendary Super Saiyan. Broly breaks free of his father's control and attacks Goku and the Z Fighters, who are no match for him. Goku is the last one still standing, and all the beaten fighters give their energy to Goku, including Vegeta after some convincing. Goku then uses all the power that the Z-Fighters gave him to power one punch, defeating Broly. Goku escapes with his friends using Instant Transmission, just before the asteroid destroys the planet. Upon returning home, he tells Chi-Chi that his favorite hobbies are reading and sports, the same phrase that Chi-Chi wanted Goku to say at the school interview. Chi-Chi then faints out of exasperation.

Bojack Unbound

Main article: Dragon Ball Z: Bojack Unbound

"Gohan, the world is depending on you, Gohan. I believe in you, son. Unleash your true power. It's the only way."
— Goku coming to Gohan's aid against Bojack.


Goku coming back to help Gohan

While a dead Goku is hanging around with King Kai in the Other World, the Z Fighters enter a tournament on Earth, which was hijacked by the alien mercenary Bojack. He had been freed from his imprisonment when Cell made King Kai's planet explode, thanks to Goku. The Z Fighters are unable to defeat Bojack and his band, and when Bojack starts to bear-hug Gohan to death, Goku teleports to Earth using Instant Transmission (something somehow against the rules of the dead), which allows him to appear briefly and punch Bojack away. Goku also tells Gohan to protect the Earth and unleash all the anger and power he had in him. Goku then vanishes back to the Other World. Not sure if he really saw his father, Gohan is nevertheless encouraged enough to release his power and defeat Bojack.

Broly - Second Coming

Main article: Dragon Ball Z: Broly - Second Coming


Goku, Gohan, and Goten use the Family Kamehameha

Due to being long dead, Goku doesn't appear until he is brought back in spirit form after Goten thinks to himself "I wish dad was here" and Shenron grants the wish. Goku aids Gohan and Goten in their Kamehameha clash against Broly and his Omega Blaster. After helping his sons defeat Broly, he vanishes and returns to the Other World.


Main article: Dragon Ball Z: Bio-Broly


Goku eating while receiving a message

Goku makes a brief appearance, shown eating while being given a message by Bubbles saying that he and Pikkon have to go to Hell and calm Broly down because he is on a rampage but decides to finish his meal first.

Fusion Reborn

Main article: Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn

"You act innocent, but you're deadly. It's over, Janemba."
— Goku after transforming into Super Saiyan 3.


Super Saiyan 3 Goku in Fusion Reborn

Goku is fighting with Pikkon in the Other World tournament ring when Janemba appeared and the barriers between dimensions were disrupted. Because Other World was no longer isolated from the physical plane, those who had died were able to walk amongst the living. Goku used Instant Transmission to go to King Yemma's check-in station with Pikkon and saw the first form of Janemba sitting on the station's roof. Eager to engage Janemba in battle, Goku gleefully left Pikkon behind to free Yemma (much to Pikkon's dismay). Goku was soon forced to use his Super Saiyan 3 form to combat Janemba's unique arsenal of techniques.

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Goku using the fusion dance with Vegeta

At Super Saiyan 3, Goku made quick work of Janemba, only to be outclassed when Janemba transformed into a smaller, fiercer demon. Vegeta soon arrived on the scene (no longer being confined to Hell due to the disruption in the dimensional barriers) and was persuaded by Goku to attempt the Fusion Dance. Their first attempt failed and produced a fat Veku. Due to sheer luck, they were able to survive against Janemba until the fusion expired. After regrouping, Goku and Vegeta were able to fuse properly while Pikkon distracted Janemba. Gogeta appeared as a Super Saiyan and destroyed Janemba with ease. Later, Goku and Vegeta are seen standing at the Blood Pond where Vegeta vanishes and goes back to Hell. Goku hopes that they can see each other again, but like in the series, Vegeta only tells him "we're never fusing again."

Wrath of the Dragon

Main article: Dragon Ball Z: Wrath of the Dragon

"Look, I don't care what you are, this ends NOW!"
— Goku before engaging Hirudegarn with the Z Fighters


Goku failing to open the music box

Goku tries to open a magic Music Box that Gohan had gotten from Hoi but he cannot open it, so they go and find the Dragon Balls to summon Shenron. Goku finds his Dragon Ball at a Zoo where he jumps into a lion's den in order to retrieve it where he has attacked by them but is entirely unharmed. When Shenron opened the box, Tapion came out but because Tapion was freed, the upper half of Hirudegarn was also freed. At night, Goku attends a barbecue with his friends at Capsule Corporation. The next day Tapion went to Trunks' home and Bulma made him a house with the same material as the music box, so Tapion could sleep without worrying about Hirudegarn, but when Tapion went to sleep, Hirudegarn escaped and found his lower half, thus making him one monster again.

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Goku defeating Hirudegarn with the Dragon Fist

When Goku, Gohan and Goten try to attack him, it is ineffective because Hirudegarn is too fast. Later, Gotenks is formed, and he gets Hirudegarn down, but it only made him transform and Hirudegarn knocks Gotenks out. When there was almost no hope left, Goku transformed into Super Saiyan 3 and started to fight Hirudegarn. When Trunks wanted to help Goku, he said that he wanted to handle Hirudegarn alone. Goku notices Hirudegarn's weakness, that its intense emotions drain its energy, leaving it open to attack. He taunts Hirudegarn which causes it to become angered, dodging one last punch, Goku strikes with his Dragon Fist that defeats the monster for good. Goku then joins the others as they bid farewell to Tapion.

Battle of Gods

Main article: Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods

"I will not let you destroy my world!"
— Goku before he becomes a Super Saiyan while fighting Beerus


Goku greets Beerus and Whis

Approximately four years after the Kid Buu Saga, Goku is training on King Kai's Planet, as he realizes he is missing Bulma's birthday party. King Kai immediately begins to sense the arrival of the God of Destruction Beerus, and grows worried about Goku acting nonchalant towards him, telling him to hide in his house while he greets the God. When Beerus and Whis arrive, they tell King Kai they have business with Goku, who is called out to formally meet Beerus. Beerus asks if Goku knows anything about the Super Saiyan God, and Goku says that he hasn't even though he knows about normal Super Saiyans. Beerus wonders how Goku was able to defeat Frieza as he is but realizes he could upon becoming a Super Saiyan. Beerus and Whis prepare to head to Earth to ask the other Saiyans, who can also transform into a Super Saiyan.

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Goku is no match for Beerus

Goku asks Beerus for a sparring match, wanting to see for himself how strong he is, and Beerus accepts the challenge. Goku shows Beerus the Super Saiyan forms, revealing Super Saiyan 3 at the end. Goku asks Beerus if he wants Goku to power back down to Super Saiyan 2, and the unimpressed Beerus says to stay as he is and just attack him. Goku does so, and despite Goku's efforts (including punching straight through King Kai's planet) Beerus easily defeats him with a chop to the neck. While Goku is knocked out, Beerus and Whis head to Earth. Goku wakes up and continues his training, trying to attain the level of Super Saiyan God Beerus mentioned.

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Goku's first attempt at becoming Super Saiyan God

Before Beerus can destroy the Earth after winning a rock-paper-scissors match with Oolong, he is interrupted by Goku's arrival. Goku asks Beerus if he can spare some time so Goku can use the Dragon Balls to ask Shenron about the Super Saiyan God. Shenron, flustered at Beerus' presence, explains the origin of the Super Saiyan God and how to create one. Goku begins to absorb the energies of Gohan, Goten, Trunks and Vegeta, and while he has powered up greatly, Beerus explains to him that he still has not become a Super Saiyan God despite absorbing everyone's energy. Whis reminds them of what Shenron said: they need 5 Saiyans to instill their energy into another, so the group realize they are short one Saiyan. Videl, revealing to the group that she is pregnant with Gohan's child, partakes in the ritual, and Goku successfully becomes a Super Saiyan God.

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Goku delivers his first punch at Beerus

Goku then engages in a fierce battle with Beerus, which takes place at several different parts of the world due to their immense speed and power. The two fight an equal battle until Goku and Beerus both point out that they're holding back. Beerus begins to take the fight more seriously as Goku then loses his Super Saiyan God form. However, despite of this, he continues to fight an equal battle with Beerus, who explained to Goku that he absorbed the power of Super Saiyan God and in turn caused his body to grow stronger. While blocking Beerus' Sphere of Destruction, Goku briefly becomes a Super Saiyan God again and absorbs the blast, but this causes Goku to become extremely exhausted and power down. Beerus says he had fun with his match with Goku and calls him his second strongest opponent. As Goku falls to the ground, Beerus prepares to blow up the Earth but due to using most of his energy, only destroys a small rock formation. Beerus and Whis befriend the Z-Fighters, promising to come back for more delicious food, and they leave. Afterwards, Bulma's birthday party is continued, and Goku tells Vegeta he saw Vegeta's power-up upon Beerus hitting Bulma and begins to make fun of him for it. Bulma hits Goku when she realizes he was there watching as Beerus was easily defeating the Z-Fighters.

Resurrection ‘F’

Main article: Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection ‘F’

"You're a lot stronger now than the last time I saw you, Frieza, there's no question about that. But it's been a really long time, and in case you didn't notice, I've gotten stronger, too."
— Goku to Frieza before fighting

Whis Trains Saiyans

Goku and Vegeta train with Whis

Four months after Frieza's revival, Goku and Vegeta face off against Whis on Beerus' Planet as part of their training to gain control over their godly energy and more power. The two are unable to land a single blow on Whis and are soon taught their flaws by the godly attendant. Beerus wakes up and asks what they are doing on his planet, realizing Whis is training them with Earth's food as an incentive. Goku says he has no interest in taking over Beerus' job as God of Destruction, as all he wants is to get stronger. Eventually, the group is notified by Bulma about Frieza's return and that his power has grown immensely. The Z-Fighters on Earth power up so Goku can sense their energy, and he (with Vegeta) teleports to Earth using Instant Transmission.


Goku and Golden Frieza clash

Upon arriving, they meet Frieza face-to-face, realizing he has gotten stronger, but Goku says he has gotten stronger, as well. Frieza immediately takes his Final Form, and Goku prepares to fight him using the power of Super Saiyan God. Goku has the upper hand in the battle - managing to avoid even taking a single scratch, and he pushes back Frieza's Golden Death Ball with his own God Kamehameha. Frieza then decides to get serious in the fight and prepares to use his true power. Goku agrees to do the same, showing Frieza his newly acquired Super Saiyan Blue form, which surprises Frieza.


Super Saiyan Blue Goku vs. Golden Frieza

Frieza then becomes Golden Frieza, and Goku is shocked to see that Frieza's power skyrocketed to the point that it has surpassed his own. As Goku fights Frieza, he realizes Frieza is too strong for him to fight on par with, but he and Vegeta soon realize that Frieza's power is decreasing due not being able to handle his new form's strain. During the fight, Goku slowly gains the upper hand as Frieza's power eventually drops to a level below his. Goku offers Frieza a chance to leave and train with his new power, but Frieza grows frustrated and continues to fight. When Goku has Frieza cornered, he is shot from behind by Sorbet, Frieza's underling. Whis had explained to Goku that he lets his guard down which makes him easy to take down with an unexpected attack, and due to the attack from behind, Goku is mortally wounded and left at Frieza's mercy.


Goku powers up a God Kamehameha

Vegeta prepares to take his turn for the fight, ordering Krillin to feed Goku a Senzu Bean. He does so, and Vegeta becomes a Super Saiyan Blue and pummels around the weakened Frieza. Frieza reveals his trump card: blowing up the Earth, and he succeeds in doing so, killing everyone on Earth. Whis created a shield before the destruction and the remaining Z-Fighters were left unharmed but are shocked to see the Earth being destroyed. Goku regrets not killing Frieza when he had the chance, and Whis gives him another chance to do so, performing a Temporal Do-Over to rewind time, restoring everyone's deaths and the destruction of Earth. Before Frieza destroys the Earth, Goku immediately kills him. Vegeta is angry at Goku for butting in like that, but Goku explains to Vegeta what happened. He also offers Vegeta the chance to learn to fight together in case they need to, but Vegeta declines and Goku agrees with him.


Main article: Dragon Ball Super: Broly

"My name's Goku. But Broly, call me...Kakarot."
— Goku introducing himself to Broly, Cheelai, and Lemo


Kakarot being sent off to Earth

Moments before Planet Vegeta would be destroyed by Frieza, Bardock arrives at his house and checks up on his son in his nursing capsule while meeting up with his wife, Gine. Suspicious about Frieza's orders for all Saiyans to return to Planet Vegeta, Bardock and Gine send Goku away to the distant planet Earth with a native population weak enough to not pose a threat.

In the present, Goku spars with Vegeta near Bulma's summer home, on an island far to the south of West City. They take a break to join the others for food. Whis asks Goku why he seeks greater strength and Goku explains that it's because he met incredible fighters during the Tournament of Power which motivated him to become stronger. Vegeta meanwhile says it's because of the threat of Frieza though Goku doubts he'd still hold a grudge after they revived him. When Trunks calls them to say that some burglars wearing Battle Armor have stolen the Dragon Balls, Vegeta reveals that they are indeed Frieza's soldiers. Believing that whatever Frieza could want to wish for must be bad news they decide to depart for the Ice Continent as that's where the last ball is.

Dragon Ball Super movie Broly Vegeta and Goku jackets

Goku and Vegeta on the Ice Continent

As they arrive on the Ice Continent, the burglars spot Goku and Vegeta and realising they are no match, they decide to flee only for Goku and Vegeta to stop them. Vegeta and Goku both notice Frieza approaching but someone else with an enormous power level also. Frieza arrives, along with the two Saiyans, Broly and Paragus. Frieza introduces Goku and Vegeta to Broly and Paragus and explains that they are Saiyans and hold a vendetta toward Vegeta because of his father's actions. With Broly's anger noticeably bubbling out and Paragus and Frieza decide it's time to begin the fight and unleash Broly.

Paragus orders Broly to attack and Broly charges straight toward Vegeta and they both fight as Goku watches the fight between them. As the fight plays out, both Goku and Vegeta express their surprise at the sudden and dramatic increase in Broly's power and realize that the battle is going to be more challenging than they thought. While Broly puts further strain and pressure on Vegeta as the fight continues, Goku takes off his coat and decides it's time for him to fight Broly.


Super Saiyan Goku

Goku's goes into a fighting stance, and both begin to charge toward each other. They trade some blows and Goku proceeds to fire a Kamehameha Blaster and multiple energy blasts at Broly but it doesn't faze him. Broly blasts and continuously punches him through a mountain. Goku turns Super Saiyan and the two continuously trade blows. He's still outmatched, but he teleports behind him and catches him by surprise. This advantage doesn't last long, as Broly quickly reasserts the upper hand, knocking Goku into a mountain once again.


Super Saiyan God Goku using God Bind on Broly

Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan God and paralyzes Broly long enough to talk some sense into him. Goku's attempt at resolving the conflict peacefully appears to be having an effect, and Broly seems to calm down. However, the effect is short lived until Broly suddenly loses his composure and gets angry enough to finally break Goku's hold on him. He manages to reverse the God Bind, but Goku manages to absorb the energy and escape the Aura Trap to continue on with the battle. As the fighting progresses, Broly is steadily increasing in power and before long the battle becomes completely one sided in Broly's favor.

Galick Kamehameha

Goku and Vegeta fire the Galick Kamehameha at Broly

Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan Blue. With dramatically greater power than before, Goku starts to steadily gain the advantage in the fight. Frieza kills Paragus in order to cause Broly to become a Super Saiyan and informs Broly about Paragus' lifeless body and lies that he was killed by a stray energy blast. In a fury, Broly finally reaches his Super Saiyan form. Although Goku tries to fight back, he is far outmatched even when Vegeta re-joins the battle to assist him, leaving them no choice but to retreat, after they fired a Galick Kamehameha that failed to kill Broly. They fly past Frieza and Goku grabs Vegeta by the hand and uses his Instant Transmission to teleport them to Piccolo.

Base gogeta

Gogeta is born

Goku asks Vegeta if he knows the Fusion Technique. Vegeta initially refuses to perform the dance but Goku manages to persuade him after asking if he would really be okay with letting Bulma and Bulla die. After a few failed fusions they successfully fuse into Gogeta, who confronts Broly with his Instant Transmission and battles Broly. During the climax of the battle, Gogeta almost defeats Broly before Cheelai asks Shenron to send him back to Vampa.

Sometime later, Goku uses his Instant Transmission to reach Broly. As he arrives in the cave where Broly, Cheelai, and Lemo are at, he is met with hostility but Goku gives them an assortment of items for shelter that will help them survive the harsh conditions of Vampa. Goku hypothesises that Broly could be stronger than Beerus and offers to train him to properly use his power. As he prepares for his departure, Cheelai asks for his name and in response, Goku, pronounces his name to them as "Son Goku" but he tells Broly to call him "Kakarot".

Super Hero

Main article: Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero


Goku spars with Vegeta

On Beerus' Planet, Goku and Broly engage in a training match. When Broly starts to get carried away Goku asks him to back down lest he run rampant. Meanwhile, Vegeta is shown meditating and explains to Goku that this is a form of training. Whis proposes a training match between the three Saiyans but Vegeta refuses if the destructive Broly were to join. While the others eat ice cream, Broly watches Goku and Vegeta spar. Many hours later, the two are exhausted from their fight to the point that they can hardly move. Vegeta throws a weak punch at Goku, who finally topples over, followed by Vegeta. Vegeta happily remarks that he finally won.

A Hero's Legacy

Main article: Dragon Ball GT: A Hero's Legacy


Goku meets his descendant, Goku Jr.

Nearly a century after Goku leaves with Shenron, Goku's descendant Goku Jr. wants to cure his great-great grandmother Pan with the Four-Star Dragon Ball. When he finds the Dragon Ball, nothing happens, and he gets angry and upset. Goku appears and explains how to use the Dragon Balls, that all seven are needed to grant a wish. Then, a helicopter with Pan and Puck appears and Goku disappears. When Goku disappears, he tells Goku Jr. that it was his courage and bravery that caused his grandmother Pan and his friend Puck to be alive and safe. After that, Goku tells Goku Jr. to keep and treasure the Four-Star Dragon Ball as a memory of him and tells him that he is proud of him and wishes him good luck for his future and a farewell to his descendant.

Other Dragon Ball Stories

Shenron no Nazo

Main article: Dragon Ball: Shenron no Nazo After the events of the Emperor Pilaf Saga, Goku enters a Kung-Fu Tournament and battles several powerful foes. Goku borrows the Dragon Radar from Bulma and heads out in search of his Grandpa Gohan's keepsake, the Four-Star Dragon Ball. He detects a ball in space and heads there, finding that Monster Carrot has set up an operation there, Goku defeats Kurilien, whom had been hired by Monster Carrot, and then Monster Carrot himself, Goku obtains a Dragon Ball, but it is not the Four-Star and so Goku continues searching. Goku returns to Earth to obtain the Dragon Balls, adventuring through Seven Island, a jungle ruled by Bimbo and then finally goes to Konpei Tower and fights the MB Army to obtain the Four-Star Dragon Ball, after defeating the MB Army General - who Goku an co. assumed had the Dragon Ball - they find that he did not have it, they head to the next room in the tower and encounter a robot, Goku defeats it and obtains the Four-Star Dragon Ball, then makes a wish.

Dragon Ball SD

Main article: Dragon Ball SD At the time when Goku, Krillin and 18 were children. Gero tried to kidnap the young Lazuli to turn her into an android, however upon seeing Goku in the vicinity, Gero sends Android 9 after him - but Goku defeats him in a single blow.

Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans

Main article: Dragon Ball: Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans


Goku surrounded by monsters in Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans

In this special, Goku and his friends go to investigate a gas called Destron which has been accumulating on Earth, and is slowly killing living beings. The gas is coming from four different points, but before splitting up to cover them all, Goku and the Z Fighters are attacked by some weird monsters. Goku discovers that the Destron gas is also preventing them from using Energy attacks. Goku goes to the Grand Apron, and destroys the generator there after defeating its guardians, and after rejoining with his friends, they destroy the last remaining generator in the Land of Ice. However, another one appears in the Western Capital, so the Z Fighters travel there to destroy it too. While there, they have to fight Ghost Warriors of Frieza, Cooler, Turles and Lord Slug, and eventually defeat them.

RB2 OVA new animation 1

Goku and Vegeta in Plan to Eradicate the Super Saiyans

However, in order to destroy the generator, they have to travel to the Dark Planet and defeat Dr. Lychee. After several troubles, they reach the Dark Planet, and discover that everything was a ploy from Dr. Raichi to avenge the Tuffles that were destroyed by the Saiyans years ago. Dr. Raichi releases his ultimate creation, Hatchiyack, and after a long fight, Goku and his friends defeat them. This destroys the last remaining generator on Earth.

The Real 4-D

Main article: Dragon Ball Z: The Real 4-D

Goku 4d

Goku prepares the Spirit Bomb

Goku is called to West City by Bulma because somebody is destroying the city, finding his foe to be none other than the revived Frieza, Goku engages him in combat. After being easily overwhelmed and knocked into a building Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan and battles Frieza, after a long fight Goku attempts to attack with a Kamehameha, but Frieza counters with a Death Ball, leaving Goku unable to even stand while Frieza does not have a scratch on him. However, Goku is saved from death by the arrival of Vegeta, Piccolo and Krillin, who manage to stall Frieza long enough for Goku to create a massive Spirit Bomb, and destroy Frieza.

The Return of Son Goku and Friends!

Main article: Dragon Ball: The Return of Son Goku and Friends!


Goku as a farmer

Two years after Kid Buu's extinction, Goku becomes a farmer. Goku questions why he is working when his family is supported by Mr. Satan, but Chi-Chi says that he must do hard work like a "normal" human. Goku and his family are invited by Mr. Satan to come to the opening of his hotel. When he gets to the hotel, he first has a little food competition with Vegeta, when they feel the ki of two beings heading for earth. They appear to be Gure and Tarble, the little brother of Vegeta, Tarble tells them two strong enemies and former servant's of Frieza are coming to Earth. Goku wants to fight them, but then the other fighters want to fight too. They agree to pick radishes; a game that declares the one with the longest radish as the winner, which is Trunks.


Goku hungry after battle

When they go back to the hotel, Abo and Kado arrive. Goku tells Goten that he may help Trunks with his fight. Goten and Trunks defeat Abo and Kado, so Abo and Kado merge into Aka with Goten and Trunks becoming Gotenks to even the match. Goku and Vegeta intervene after Aka launches a Super Wahaha no Ha. Goku tricks Vegeta, so he can fight alone and then goes Super Saiyan to do a Kamehameha that dissipates Aka's attack. After that, Goku punches Aka in the gut, thus making Aka split up. Afterward, they resume the banquet, this time with the addition of Abo and Kado. As they eat, Goku and Vegeta begin to argue and turn Super Saiyan. It ends with everyone happily watching the argument except for Chi-Chi and Bulma.


Main article: Nekomajin


Goku in Nekomajin

Goku makes an appearance in the last chapter of Nekomajin, searching for his student, Neko Majin Z, to help him fight an enemy that neither him, Ox-King, Chi-Chi, Goten, Pan or Uub can beat.

Goku flies out to find Z but has a hard time sensing his power, eventually he accidentally stumbles upon Z's friend, who attempts to trick him into getting his photo taken with a "koala" (in actuality just Z in a costume) for money. Z immediately recognizes Goku as his martial arts teacher and puts his gi back on. Goku then requests to see how strong Z has become and engages him in a battle, the two are fairly equal in their base forms, so Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan. Z immediately takes on his Super Neko Majin form as a counter. However Goku pulls out a cat toy, which Z cannot resist. Goku reveals that the fight was a farce, and that he actually just wanted to test how cat-like Z was. He then reveals that there is a foe that he and his family could not deal with.

The three head to Goku's house with Instant Transmission, where they are greeted by Goku's family. They all head to the storage shed, where Goku reveals the enemy is a rodent. Unimpressed, Z deals with this "foe" and then he and his friend leave.

30th Anniversary Special Manga

Main article: Dragon Ball 30th Anniversary Special Manga Akira Toriyama (depicted as Robotoriyama) meets Goku and Vegeta on Planet Namek and tells them it is the 30th anniversary of Dragon Ball, Goku is not very impressed since they were not actually running for 30 years straight, annoying Toriyama who tells them he should be thankful he made them famous.

Super Tenkaichi Budokai

Main article: Dragon Ball Z: The Real 4-D at Super Tenkaichi Budokai


Goku about to fuse with the audience

Goku competes in the World Martial Arts Tournament and reaches the finale alongside Vegeta, Krillin, Piccolo, and the Great Saiyaman. As Goku dukes it out with Vegeta they are interrupted by the sudden appearance of Broly God. Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan Blue to fight but is outmatched. Broly grabs Goku in a hold and releases a huge explosive wave - sending him flying into the ground along with the Capsule Corp. ship the audience are in. Shenron is summoned and grants a wish. Thanks to Shenron, Goku performs God Fusion with the audience inside the ship. After Goku fused with the audience, Broly attacks him but Goku easily repels him and sends him flying, teleporting after him and smashing him even further away. Broly prepares a gigantic energy sphere as his final attempt to win, but Goku fires a Kamehameha at him, finishing him off. Goku then unfuses with the audience, returning to normal.

Society Survival Saga

Main article: Society Survival Saga The country-born Goku decides to get a job, and becomes a new recruit at the DB Commercial Affairs. On his first day he finds that Vegeta, who joined the company on the same day as he did, is super competitive - the two have a showdown of Rock-Paper-Scissors, and Vegeta is victorious, thus Goku has to pay for lunch.

Victory Mission

Main article: Dragon Ball Heroes: Victory Mission


Super Saiyan 4 Goku in chapter 3

As Beat is training with the other Dragon Ball Heroes at Heroes Laboratory, Tsubasa has Beat go into an extra-hard mission against five different incarnations of Goku. The five versions of Goku are easily defeating Beat until a mysterious voice (that of the real Goku) speaks to him and helps him to regain his ground in the fight, eventually allowing him to win. Afterwards,Beat learns that no one else heard Goku's voice, but Beat thanks Goku for helping him.[149]

Dragon Ball Online

Main article: Dragon Ball Online In Age 801, realizing his death is imminent, Goku, who wanted to settle their rivalry, left the Earth with Vegeta. Years later, a supernova explosion was detected; perhaps caused by Goku and Vegeta's battle.


Main article: Dragon Ball Xenoverse Due to the arrival of the Time Breakers and their tampering with time, many of Goku's major battles were altered to give an advantage to his opponent, causing a change in history. However with help from the Future Warrior these changes were corrected, allowing history to play out as was intended.

Demon God Demigra Saga

Main article: Demon God Demigra Saga After Demigra's escape from the Crack of Time, the Future Warrior is forced to fight the revived Buu, Cell, and Frieza. Chronoa then calls for Goku's help, in which he helps the Future Warrior defeat Buu, Cell, and Frieza, and the brainwashed Gotenks, Gohan, and Vegeta. After the Future Warrior returns to the Time Nest, he finds that Demigra has taken over Tokitoki City, and has brainwashed Trunks into doing his dirty work. Once Trunks was reverted to normal, Goku finds his way to the Time Nest. Due to his earlier transformation into a Super Saiyan God, he was immune to Demigra's magic. After Demigra's defeat, he escapes to the Time Next, and Goku uses Instant Transmission and brings everyone back to his location, the Time Vault. Demigra is angered and tries to destroy the Time Vault, despite Chronoa's warning. The Future Warrior and Super Saiyan 3 Goku charge at him, but Demigra fires spears at them both. One impales and kills the Future Warrior, while four of them trap Goku in an electrified force field. Then the Future Warrior (apparently from a different timeline) appears and destroys Goku's electrified gate. After the Future Warrior enters the portal that Demigra escaped to, Goku struggles to stop the gigantic energy ball from destroying Tokitoki.

Goku stops the giant ball from destroying Tokitoki, and uses Instant Transmission to catch up to Demigra and the Future Warrior in the Crack of Time. They fight Demigra in his final form, and finish him off with a combined Kamehameha. Once Demigra is defeated, Goku and the Future Warrior return to the Time Nest, where Trunks and Chronoa are relieved to see them. Goku then challenges the Future Warrior to a fight, where he/she gladly accepted. The Supreme Kai then stops them and tells them that fighting there would cause a disaster.

In the aftermath, Chronoa thanks Goku for everything. Goku then replies that he should be thanking her instead, for giving him something to be excited for. Goku then leaves, but not before being welcome to return in the future.

Xenoverse 2

Main article: Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Once again, due to the changes in history made by the Time Breakers, Goku's previous battles were changed for the worse. These changes were corrected thanks to the new Future Warrior being sent back in time to correct history.

Infinite History

Main article: Infinite History Saga Goku and Vegeta appear fighting Fu who they think is Whis. They later fight the Future Warrior and his teacher. If the teacher is Goku then the two Goku's will battle. Fu will turn one of the Goku's and Vegeta into Super Saiyan 4's with Blutz Waves and your Goku will respond by turning Super Saiyan Blue and the Goku's will battle each other, with Vegeta becoming increasingly annoyed and flustered of having to deal with two Goku's. Later if the right choices are made, Old Kai will manipulate Goku into wanting to fight Fu, as Old Kai believes Fu is responsible for everything. This will cause the Future Warrior to step in and fight in Fu's place. After the fight begins Fu will reappear and give all the energy he absorbed to the Future Warrior, which allows him to fight on par with and beat Super Saiyan Blue Goku, forcing Goku to push himself into Ultra Instinct, to which the fight was unfinished.

Dragon Ball Fusions

Main article: Dragon Ball Fusions In the Timespace Rift after Tekka teams up with Goten and Kid Trunks for the Timespace Tournament, Ziku detects Goku's ki signature and got to find him to ask him to join their team. However, they learn that the signature is coming from another dimension and Tekka uses Burst Ki to open a hole in timespace. However instead of Adult Goku, Kid Goku appears to the shock of Tekka, Goten, and Trunks. They discover that he is Goku's younger self from the time period he was training under Kami. After introducing themselves and explaining about the Timespace Rift and tournament, Kid Goku agrees to join their team. As part of Tekka's team, Kid Goku meets various people from different timelines and eras such as older version of his friends (Bulma, Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, and Chiaotzu), his older brother Raditz, granddaughter Pan, the Ginyu Force, Frieza, his future rival Vegeta, his eldest son Gohan as a Teen and Adult, Piccolo Junior, Future Trunks, Cell, Broly, Mira, Towa, and many others as well as his adult self.

During the main story, he meets his future adult self. Kid Goku is amazed by his older self's power and wants to become as strong as him, while Adult Goku envies his younger self due to the many battles and tough opponents he will encounter. Additionally, Kid Goku also encounters Broly in Area 4F and at one-point Goku humorously asks why so many people know him.

In addition to meeting his older brother, sons, and granddaughter, Kid Goku also meets both of his parents in two separate Sub-Events. In Sub-Event: "Father's Fist", Goku and Tekka's Team meet Bardock in Area F4 of the Timespace Rift. At first Bardock does not realize Goku is Kakarot until Goku asks if he had met him somewhere before, though Bardock decides to keep his true identity as his father from Goku, who is implied to have subconsciously remembered his father's scent though due to his amnesia, Goku only remembers it is a familiar scent like his Grandpa Gohan's indicating that he remembers the scent is from when he was young. Bardock offers to spar with Tekka's Team which Goku excitedly accepts. Tekka's Team defeat Bardock by dealing a certain amount of damage in a certain amount of time. Afterwards Goku is amazed by Bardock's power and the two continue to spar a bit. Goku is amazed by Bardock's power and Bardock asks Goku to allow him to accompany Tekka's Team so he can train him. Thinking to himself, Bardock wishes for his son to grow stronger than even him.

In Sub-Event: "An Unlikely Pair", his mother Gine ends up traveling through a time hole Tekka opens up. She is at first confused by her new surroundings and Pan notices Gine is a Saiyan. When Goku points out she has a tail like him, Gine recognizes her son and calls him by his birth name. Goku asks if they have ever met before, causing Gine to almost reveal she is his mother, but decides to keep her identity a secret from him. Flustered by the encounter, Gine leaves abruptly and Pan notices her odd behavior. Later Goku and the team come to her defense and defeat the group attacking her. While Goku is checking on Gine to see if she is okay. Gine asks if she can accompany them and Tekka agrees. Goku is about to welcome her when he realizes he doesn't know her name and she reveals her name which Goku calls her by due to still being unaware she is his birth mother. It is the first time in a Dragon Ball game in which Goku meets and encounters both his parents and older brother, though he is only aware of his familial relationship with Raditz.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Dragon Ball Z episode 2, "Reunions"
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Dragon Ball chapter 2, "No Balls!"
  3. Dragon Ball chapter 41, "Kuririn vs. Jackie Chun"
  4. Dragon Ball chapter 1, "Bloomers and the Monkey King"
  5. Dragon Ball episode 2, "The Emperor's Quest"
  6. 6.0 6.1 Dragon Ball episode 3, "The Nimbus Cloud of Roshi"
  7. 7.0 7.1 Dragon Ball episode 4, "Oolong the Terrible"
  8. Dragon Ball episode 5, "Yamcha the Desert Bandit"
  9. 9.0 9.1 Dragon Ball episode 6, "Keep an Eye on the Dragon Balls"
  10. Dragon Ball episode 7, "The Ox King on Fire Mountain"
  11. Dragon Ball episode 8, "The Kamehameha Wave"
  12. Dragon Ball episode 9, "Boss Rabbit's Magic Touch"
  13. Dragon Ball episode 10, "The Dragon Balls are Stolen!"
  14. Dragon Ball episode 11, "The Penalty is Pinball"
  15. Dragon Ball episode 12, "A Wish to the Eternal Dragon"
  16. Dragon Ball chapter 23, "Separate Ways"
  17. Dragon Ball episode 14, "Goku's Rival"
  18. Dragon Ball episode 15, "Look Out for Launch"
  19. Dragon Ball episode 16, "Find That Stone!"
  20. Dragon Ball episode 18, "The Turtle Hermit Way"
  21. Dragon Ball episode 19, "The Tournament Begins"
  22. Dragon Ball episode 20, "Elimination Round"
  23. Dragon Ball episode 23, "Monster Beast Giran"
  24. Dragon Ball episode 25, "Danger From Above"
  25. Dragon Ball episode 26, "The Grand Finals"
  26. Dragon Ball episode 27, "Number One Under the Moon?"
  27. Dragon Ball episode 28, "The Final Blow"
  28. 28.0 28.1 Dragon Ball episode 29, "The Roaming Lake"
  29. Dragon Ball episode 30, "Pilaf and the Mystery Force"
  30. Dragon Ball episode 31, "Wedding Plans?"
  31. Dragon Ball episode 32, "The Flying Fortress – Vanished!"
  32. Dragon Ball episode 33, "The Legend of a Dragon"
  33. Dragon Ball episode 35, "Cold Reception"
  34. Dragon Ball episode 36, "Major Metallitron"
  35. Dragon Ball episode 39, "Mysterious Android No. 8"
  36. Dragon Ball episode 44, "Master Thief, Hasky"
  37. Dragon Ball episode 48, "Deep Blue Sea"
  38. Dragon Ball episode 55, "Penguin Village"
  39. Dragon Ball episode 56, "Strange Visitor"
  40. Dragon Ball episode 57, "Arale vs. Blue"
  41. Dragon Ball episode 58, "The Land of Korin"
  42. Dragon Ball episode 59, "The Notorious Mercenary"
  43. Dragon Ball episode 60, "Tao Attacks!"
  44. Dragon Ball episode 61, "Korin Tower"
  45. Dragon Ball episode 63, "The Return of Goku"
  46. Dragon Ball episode 64, "The Last of Mercenary Tao"
  47. Dragon Ball episode 65, "Confront the Red Ribbon Army"
  48. Dragon Ball episode 67, "The End of Commander Red"
  49. Dragon Ball episode 69, "Who is Fortuneteller Baba?"
  50. Dragon Ball episode 70, "We Are the Five Warriors"
  51. Dragon Ball episode 71, "Deadly Battle"
  52. Dragon Ball episode 72, "Goku's Turn"
  53. Dragon Ball episode 76, "True Colors of the Masked Man"
  54. Dragon Ball episode 77, "Pilaf's Tactics"
  55. Dragon Ball episode 78, "The Eternal Dragon Rises"
  56. 56.0 56.1 Daizenshuu 7, 1996
  57. Dragon Ball episode 86, "Then There Were Eight"
  58. Dragon Ball episode 86, "Then There Were Eight"
  59. Dragon Ball episode 95, "Goku vs. Krillin"
  60. Dragon Ball episode 97, "Final Match: Goku vs. Tien"
  61. Dragon Ball episode 101, "The Fallen"
  62. Dragon Ball episode 102, "Enter King Piccolo"
  63. Dragon Ball episode 103, "Tambourine Attacks!"
  64. Dragon Ball episode 105, "Here Comes Yajirobe"
  65. Dragon Ball episode 105, "Here Comes Yajirobe"
  66. Dragon Ball episode 108, "Goku's Revenge"
  67. Dragon Ball episode 109, "Goku vs. King Piccolo"
  68. Dragon Ball episode 111, "Roshi's Gambit"
  69. Dragon Ball episode 113, "Siege on Chow Castle"
  70. Dragon Ball episode 116, "A Taste of Destiny"
  71. Dragon Ball episode 119, "Battle Cry"
  72. Dragon Ball episode 120, "Goku Strikes Back"
  73. Dragon Ball episode 121, "The Biggest Crisis"
  74. Dragon Ball episode 123, "Lost and Found"
  75. Dragon Ball episode 125, "Earth's Guardian Emerges"
  76. Dragon Ball episode 126, "Eternal Dragon Resurrected"
  77. Dragon Ball episode 133, "Changes"
  78. Dragon Ball episode 134, "Preliminary Peril"
  79. Dragon Ball episode 137, "Anonymous Proposal"
  80. Dragon Ball episode 141, "The Four Faces of Tien"
  81. Dragon Ball episode 148, "The Victor"
  82. Dragon Ball episode 149, "Dress in Flames"
  83. Dragon Ball episode 150, "The Fire-Eater"
  84. Dragon Ball episode 153, "The End, The Beginning"
  85. Dragon Ball Z episode 1, "The New Threat"
  86. Dragon Ball Z episode 3, "Unlikely Alliance"
  87. Dragon Ball Z episode 5, "Gohan's Rage"
  88. Dragon Ball Z episode 6, "No Time Like the Present"
  89. Dragon Ball Z episode 14, "Princess Snake"
  90. Dragon Ball Z episode 18, "The End of Snake Way"
  91. Dragon Ball Z episode 19, "Defying Gravity"
  92. Dragon Ball Z episode 20, "Goku's Ancestors"
  93. Dragon Ball Z episode 21, "Counting Down"
  94. Dragon Ball Z episode 28, "Goku's Arrival"
  95. Dragon Ball Z episode 29, "Lesson Number One"
  96. Dragon Ball Z episode 34, "Krillin's Offensive"
  97. Dragon Ball Z episode 35, "Mercy"
  98. Dragon Ball Z episode 37, "Plans for Departure"
  99. Dragon Ball Z episode 46, "Defying Orders"
  100. Dragon Ball Z episdoe 54, "The Past and Future"
  101. Dragon Ball Z episode 64, "Let the Battle Begin"
  102. Dragon Ball Z episode 68, "Ginyu Assault"
  103. Dragon Ball Z episode 71, "Goku is Ginyu and Ginyu is Goku"
  104. Dragon Ball Z episode 74, "Captain Ginyu... The Frog
  105. Dragon Ball Z episode 85, "The Renewed Goku"
  106. Dragon Ball Z episode 86, "The End of Vegeta"
  107. 107.0 107.1 Dragon Ball Z episode 95, "Transformed at Last"
  108. Dragon Ball Z episode 105, "Mighty Blast of Rage"
  109. 109.0 109.1 109.2 109.3 Dragon Ball Z episode 121, "Welcome Back Goku"
  110. Dragon Ball Z episode 106, "Namek's Explosion... Goku's End?"
  111. Dragon Ball Z episode 107, "Goku's Alive!!"
  112. Dragon Ball Z episode 124, "Z Warriors Prepare"
  113. 113.0 113.1 Dragon Ball Z episode 131, "More Androids?!"
  114. Dragon Ball Z episode 126, "The Androids Appear"
  115. Dragon Ball Z episode 128, "Double Trouble for Goku
  116. Dragon Ball Z episode 129, "Upgrade to Super Saiyan"
  117. Dragon Ball Z episode 133, "Nightmare Comes True"
  118. Dragon Ball Z episode 143, "His Name is Cell"
  119. Dragon Ball Z episode 152, "Say Goodbye, 17"
  120. Dragon Ball Z episode 147, "Time Chamber"
  121. Dragon Ball Z episode 186, "The Unstoppable Gohan"
  122. Dragon Ball Z episode 160, "Cell is Complete"
  123. Dragon Ball Z episode 165, "The Cell Games"
  124. Dragon Ball Z episode 172, "A New Guardian"
  125. Dragon Ball Z episode 173, "Dende's Dragon"
  126. Dragon Ball Z episode 177, "Goku vs. Cell"
  127. Dragon Ball Z episode 179, "No More Rules"
  128. Dragon Ball Z episode 180, "The Fight is Over"
  129. Dragon Ball Z episode 181, "Faith in a Boy"
  130. Dragon Ball Z episode 185, "Awakening"
  131. Dragon Ball Z episode 187, "Cell's Break Down"
  132. Dragon Ball Z episode 188, "A Hero's Farewell"
  133. Dragon Ball Z episode 189, "Cell Returns!"
  134. Dragon Ball Z episode 191, "Save the World"
  135. Dragon Ball Z episode 192, "Goku's Decision"
  136. Dragon Ball Z episode 195, "Warriors of the Dead"
  137. Dragon Ball Z episode 196, "Tournament Begins"
  138. Dragon Ball Z episode 197, "Water Fight"
  139. Dragon Ball Z episode 198, "Final Round"
  140. Dragon Ball Z episode 199, "Goku vs. Pikkon"
  141. Dragon Ball Z episode 230, "The Long Awaited Fight"
  142. 142.0 142.1 Dragon Ball Z episode 245, "Super Saiyan 3?!"
  143. Dragon Ball Z episode 205, "I'll Fight Too!"
  144. Dragon Ball Z episode 208, "Gather for the Tournament"
  145. Dragon Ball Z episode 214, "Who Will Fight Who?"
  146. Kanzenshuu's article on Toriyama interview. kanzenshu.
  147. Dragon Ball Super volume 1, Warriors from Universe 6!
  148. Dragon Ball Z: Bardock - The Father of Goku, 1990
  149. Jump Victory Carnival 2014 Bonus Comic, 2014